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--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Comets Honda & Elenin fulfill Mayan, Hopi and Christian prophecies as the Mayan calendar approaches its end on October 28, 2011 Calleman


Many people have now heard about the upcoming entry to the inner solar system of the comet Elenin (http://elenin.org) and there is a whole range of ideas and speculations about what this might entail. Comets have always been seen as harbingers of auspicious or (more commonly) ominous tidings and this one certainly is no exception. Ideas have been suggested that it is in fact a brown dwarf star, a spaceship or causes earthquakes. Regardless, this upcoming fall two comets, Honda and Elenin, later to be followed by Levy, will arrive creating a sequence of celestial bodies in the skies (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swhme7X7tWI). The comet Elenin, which has received the greatest attention of these, is estimated to be at its shortest distance from Earth around October 16-20, 2011 close to the midpoint of the seventh day of the Ninth wave (or Universal Underworld). Especially since this is right before the true 13 Ahau culmination date of the Mayan calendar (October 28, 2011), this comet is, regardless of the specific nature and role that it may have, an end time phenomenon. These comets will then arrive against the background of deepening global political and economic chaos produced because the institutions of the world are not consistent with the incoming unity consciousness of the Ninth wave. This mandates a study of how this comet is related to end time prophecies from various sources.

In The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (2004) I wrote:

“At least some minor earth changes may thus result from the high frequency change in consciousness that we are now undergoing. But the reversal of cause and effect to generate a doomsday view where such earth changes are presented as the very purpose of creation is untenable. Any possible physical effects should be seen only as by-products of the consciousness field, and most climatic change will still probably be caused by carbon dioxide emissions rather than some purported insidious divine plan for the destruction of the earth through geophysical changes.”

This then referred to the Galactic Underworld and it is probably true to say that it is only with the Universal Underworld (see figure below) that the frequency has become so high that the Earth changes can no longer be classified as minor. What also comes forth from this quote is that I have sought to distinguish my view from many who merely focus on Earth changes as such without providing a meaningful context for them. I have emphasized that the Mayan calendar is fundamentally about the evolution of consciousness and Earth changes are either serving this evolution or are spin-off effects of it. I have thus made the point that the current Ninth wave of the Mayan calendar shows an irreversible direction towards the unity consciousness that will culminate later this year.

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