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Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Trouble with Permanent #Extended #Unemployment

We all DO hate the current unemployment situation in the United States. Reported to be some 9.7% in reality it is much closer to 20% It adversely affects our friends and family members in many instances...

But the trouble with these continued extensions is that they are but part of the continuing economic bailout by Washington elites of the banks and insurance companies, not to mention the drug companies and many many more corporations and retailers that would be negatively impacted were the extensions to end...

By forcing those American taxpayers still fortunate enough to have a job to subsidize the 'workers without jobs', as the administration seems to prefer calling the unemployed lately, you are in reality forcing taxpayers to continue, seemingly endlessly, to make the mortgage payments, car payments, insurance payments and every other sort of economic purchase for people without jobs.

There is no doubt that ending unemployment extensions will/would have a negative effect on families across America but would it also have an even more devastating effect on banks, insurance companies corporations and retailers...

For when and if unemployment extensions end how many more Americans will face foreclosure, car payments that cannot be made, health insurance premiums and on and on... Including, for many, simple utilities and food...

So... My question is, is extended unemployment insurance truly an effort to assist unemployed American citizens? Or is it yet another way to make sure the obscene profits of banks, insurance companies and the like continue indefinitely?

And exactly when does 'extended unemployment' more closely resemble an 'expanded welfare state'?

It seems to me that the constant extension of unemployment benefits is a big part of the underlying, continuing, government bailout of the very same corporations who, through their own stupidity and greed, created the horrible situation we are in to begin with...

Maybe that's just me... Who knows...


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