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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Sixth Trumpet

The following are excerpts from the book The Prophesied End-Time Revealed - 2008 - God's Final Witness

It is used here without permission... If it is true and if we all are truly about to suffer and die together then I'm betting the author, Ronald Weinland, will not bother wasting time suing *me* over using excerpts from his book...

The Sixth Trumpet

Although Europe will step in to fill the power vacuum left by the
collapse of the United States, there will be other countries that
will immediately begin to prepare for world conquest. They
know Europe, and they will not have Europe exercise control
over their future:

Then the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from
the four horns of the golden altar, which is before God,
saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release
the four angels which are bound in the great river
Euphrates.” The four angels were released, who had been
prepared for the hour, and day, and month, and year, to
kill a third of mankind. The number of the army of the
horsemen was two hundred million, and I heard the
number of them. (Revelation 9:13-16)

China and other countries of Asia will form an alliance that
will create an army which will exceed two hundred million. They
will have fearsome power to destroy everything in their path, and
this is what they will set out to do. They will seek control—total
control of the earth.

Little needs to be said about this here. However, you need to
know that this great “woe” upon mankind will result in one-third
of all mankind being destroyed, as it will account for the death of
well over 2 billion people. This will indeed be a great woe on

Pride runs deep in human nature. Mankind will continue to
resist God, even after all the horrifying events of the previous six
trumpets have occurred. By the end of the period covering the
first six trumpets, several billion people will have died. Multiple
millions around the world, who have been conquered by these
two great powers, will have come to repentance. Yet, there are
many who will refuse to repent, including the vast populations of
these two great superpowers. They will insist on living life as
they please. This is what is being spoken of in the verses which
follow the description of the army that numbers two hundred

But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these
plagues, still would not repent of the works of their
hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols
of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood,
which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk. Neither
would they repent of their murders, nor of their
sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
(Revelation 9:20-21)

By this point in time, many will have repented. They will have
been humbled because they will have been conquered. Those still
ruling will continue to live as they please, and they will have no
intention of repenting and turning to God. This is a witness of the
haughty spirit in mankind.

Unless humbled, man will not listen to God.

So, that is exactly what God will do—He will humble both


The last great battle of mankind (described in Revelation and
prophetically known as Armageddon) is the account of these two
superpowers converging upon one another and the battle that
ensues. This confrontation is inevitable. This time coincides with
the very end of the three and one-half years of final end-time

The actual region of Megiddo is known anciently in Biblical
times as the place of several great military slaughters. Therefore,
the name has great significance in prophetic symbolism in
relation to this final confrontation of mankind and the end of
man’s rule on earth.

China and her allies will move against the United States of
Europe. These superpowers will pursue a head-on
confrontation of military might, since both will be reluctant to
use any more nuclear weapons because of the enormous
destruction already experienced. However, it should be noted
that if either began to lose the battle, such weapons would be
used, and this nuclear confrontation would indeed end in the
total annihilation of all life on the earth. God will not allow
this to happen. This is why supernatural intervention in the
timing of events is so critical.

Therefore, on this last day of the three and one-half years of
great tribulation, God will intervene in the affairs of all mankind,
thus, saving mankind from destroying himself. This day is called
the day of God’s great wrath. It will be the last day of man’s selfrule
over the past six millennia.

Man’s awesome technological developments over the past
century have been withheld from mankind for great reason. Man
would not have lasted for six millennia if God had allowed such
development before now. This is the precise reason God created a
language barrier at the tower of Babel, scattering man over the
earth (Genesis 11). A few thousand years ago, God actually
caused different groups of people to begin speaking in different
languages in order to withhold such technological advances.

God knew what the growth of technology would bring. He
also knew that nations would use it for personal power, military
advantage, and finally, war. Such is the nature of man. The arms
race has been just that—a race for the most powerful, the most
advanced and the most destructive weapons. The true witness of
man is that he will always use such weapons on one another, as a
result of man’s thirst for power and dominance.

Yes, if God did not intervene, mankind would destroy all life
on earth. This is why God will cut short man’s time by the rapid
development of end-time events which will be completed over
three and one-half years. God will do this in order to minimize an
otherwise prolonged and hideous suffering on earth.

Man’s Last Day

This last day of man’s self-rule will be the greatest single day of
destruction in all history, but it will also bring the greatest “good
news” to man that anyone could ever hope to imagine.
The day the Seventh Trumpet is blown will be the third and
final “woe” upon the earth. But three and one-half days prior to
this, God’s two witnesses will be killed in the streets of
Jerusalem. This event will lead to the first great event that will
begin on that last day:

And when they [the two witnesses] shall have finished
their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the
bottomless pit [Satan through his influence on men] shall
make war against them, and shall overcome them, and
kill them. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of
the great city [in Jerusalem], which spiritually is called
Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord [Jesus Christ]
was crucified. And they of the people and kindreds and
tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three and
one-half days [via modern technology], and their dead
bodies shall not be allowed to be put in graves. And those
who dwell on the earth [of the two superpowers] will
rejoice over them, being delighted, and shall send gifts to
one another because these two prophets tormented them
who dwell on the earth. (Revelation 11:7-10)

God’s two witnesses will be viewed by others (who will hate
their message about God) as being responsible for their suffering.
The two witnesses will be bringing plagues upon the nations of
these two superpowers in order to humble them, but they will not
be humbled. Instead, these superpowers will continue in their
own selfish pride. Satan will have been restrained from causing
God’s two witnesses any harm until it is God’s time to allow
them to be killed, but then:

After three and one-half days the Spirit of life from God
entered into them [the two witnesses] and they stood upon
their feet. Then great fear fell upon them which saw them.
And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto
them, “Come up here.” And they ascended up to heaven
in a cloud and their enemies saw this happening to them.
(Revelation 11:11-12)

In the actual order of events for this last day, this will be the
first event.

The day will begin by the appearance, in the highest
atmosphere of the earth, of a large area of dazzling light and a
powerfully colorful display, which man has never witnessed

It will be the physical appearance (manifestation) of the
coming of Jesus Christ and the resurrection that will take place at
this very time. All 144,000 people who have been trained
throughout six millennia to be in God’s government (the first
phase of the Kingdom of God) will be resurrected at the
beginning of this day.

It will be at the time of the resurrection of these two witnesses
(viewed by millions) that the 144,000 will be resurrected and
given eternal life in spirit bodies. The glory of this event will be
seen literally from earth. It will be an awesome, yet fearful sight
for many on earth. After the resurrection of God’s two witnesses
we read:

In that same hour there was a great earthquake [in
Jerusalem], and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the
earthquake there were seven thousand men killed, and
those remaining were made frightened, and they gave
glory to the God of heaven. (Revelation 11:13)


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