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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Excerpts from #God (pt1)


The following are excerpts from the book The Prophesied End-Time Revealed - 2008 - God's Final Witness

It is used here without permission... If it is true and if we all are truly about to suffer and die together then I'm betting the author, Ronald Weinland, will not bother wasting time suing *me* over using excerpts from his book...


In the last chapter, it was shown that the Sixth Seal is a
transitional period. It concludes the spiritual phase of God’s plan
to finish His work of final training and sealing of those few, still
living, who will be added to complete the 144,000 and be in His
new government. This is an awesome thing! For six millennia
God has been molding and preparing a government to rule in
righteousness over all the earth for 1,000 years.

As we approach the end of this spiritual phase of God’s work,
a physical phase of destruction has begun in the world. It is
steadily increasing in frequency and magnitude. This escalating
destruction, throughout the world, is a forewarning of far greater
destruction to follow once the Seventh Seal is opened. Before the
horror of that final worldwide destruction strikes the earth, you
have a short time in which you can heed the warnings of this
book and respond to God in an appropriate manner (if the
Seventh Seal has not been opened by the time you read this).

The sooner people respond to God, the better prepared they
can be for what lies ahead; and most important of all, they will be
more likely to receive favor and help from God. However, it is
important to understand two vital points. God does not owe favor
or help to anyone, therefore it is wise to seek Him early, and
in a genuine spirit, so that He might have mercy upon you.

Secondly, everyone on earth will experience some suffering
through the destructive times that are just ahead. Those who do
not have God’s favor will experience great suffering and most
will die. Therefore, to survive the most difficult time in all
human history, it would be wise to seek God’s favor and help
early if you want to have opportunity to live into a new world of
wonderful prosperity and righteous government.

By contrast, the governments of man are filled with lies,
corruption, special interests, excessive taxation, bloated
bureaucracy, oppression, red tape, favoritism, injustice,
bickering, fighting, war mongering, selfishness, egotism, pride,
thirst for money and power, and on it goes! Can you imagine a
one-world government that is void of such oppressiveness and
pettiness—a government that is genuinely “for the people?”
The destructive escalation during this physical phase of the
Sixth Seal has been likened to a pregnant woman who is in labor
pain. God is going to show that there is more to this process,
written about in Revelation, that has never been revealed until

The Seven Thunders

Not only did God close up the meaning and timing for the events
of the Seven Seals of Revelation until they were to be revealed in
this prophetic end-time, but He also told John not to write about
what he heard concerning the Seven Thunders. God wanted the
Seven Thunders to remain sealed until this very time as well.

God did all this as part of a process through which He would
reveal who one of His end-time witnesses was, the one through
whom He would fully reveal all that John had written in the Book
of Revelation concerning this end-time. God gave specific end
time prophecies to John in a vision. John was to write about what
he saw, but most of what he wrote was to remain sealed. God
predetermined to reveal the meaning and timing of these major
prophetic events through His end-time prophet.

God has a twofold purpose for doing this. First, God is going
to make a clear distinction, in His scattered Church, between who
His true minister is, through whom He is working, and all other
ministers with whom He is not working. This will serve as one
final witness to the Church before the devastation of the great
tribulation strikes the whole world at the opening of the Seventh

Secondly, God’s other purpose, for revealing this prophecy in
this manner, is to make a clear distinction among all religious
leaders in this world. God is going to reveal who His true
minister is, through whom He is working to proclaim His truth to
the world as a final end-time witness, and He will begin to reveal
who all the false religious leaders are.

The timing for the Seven Thunders is during the period of the
Sixth Seal. Let’s notice what John wrote:

And I saw another mighty angel come down out of the
heaven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was on his
head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet as pillars
of fire. He had a little book open in his hand, and he set
his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, and
cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars. When he
had cried, the seven thunders uttered their sounds. And
when the seven thunders had uttered their sounds, I was
about to write, but I heard a voice from heaven saying to
me, “Seal up those things which the seven thunders
uttered, and do not write them.” The angel whom I saw
standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his hand to
heaven, and swore by Him who lives for ever and ever,
who created heaven and the things that are in it, the earth
and the things that are in it, and the sea and the things
that are in it, that there should be time no longer. But in
the days of the voice of the seventh angel [the angel of
the Seventh Trumpet of the Seventh Seal], when he
shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished,
as He has declared to his servants the prophets. Then the
voice which I heard from heaven spoke to me again and
said, “Go and take the little book which is open in the
hand of the angel who stands on the sea and on the
earth.” So I went to the angel and said to him, “Give me
the little book.” And he said to me, “Take it and eat it,
and it will make your belly bitter, but it will be sweet as
honey in your mouth.” Then I took the little book out of
the angel's hand and ate it, and it was like honey in my
mouth, and as soon as I ate it, my belly was made bitter.
And he said to me, “You must prophesy again before
many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.”
(Revelation 10:1-11)

What does all this mean? Simply reading this does not tell you
anything specific. It was not written so that just anyone reading it
could understand. For that matter, none of the Book of
Revelation was written so that just anyone reading it could
understand. It has to be revealed through God’s servants, and
most of it was reserved to be revealed at this end-time through
God’s end-time prophet—me.

Hopefully you will not make the error that so many do when
reading such a bold statement by simply dismissing it because of
the way it sounds. Such a statement can understandably sound
brazen (brash), but it is not. It is simply a reality, and it is my job
and responsibility to clearly speak in these terms. Before I tell
you what the Seven Thunders are, there is something that you
must be reminded of first.

Amidst all the horrifying events that will unfold from this
point forward, until the end-time tribulation is over and Jesus
Christ finally returns, God will tell the world what is happening
and why there is such devastation. God will even tell these things
in advance. How will He do this? He will do it through His endtime
prophets—His two witnesses, but He will do it primarily
through me, His end-time spokesman.

To be reminded of what these two witnesses will be doing
during the final three and one-half years of great worldwide
tribulation, a paragraph in the first chapter of this book needs to
be repeated here:

Later, in the Book of Revelation, God gives symbolism that
reflects the importance of His two witnesses. Notice what
God says, “And I will give power unto my two witnesses,
and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty
days, clothed in sackcloth [symbolic of humility]. These are
the two olive trees, and the two lamp stands standing
[Gk.—set, established] before [Gk.—in the presence of] the
God of the earth” (Revelation 11:3-4). A literal translation
of this verse is saying, “These are the two olive trees and
the two lamp stands which are established in the presence
of God unto the earth.” These two people are represented as
two lamp stands and two olive trees which God sets before
Him to reveal His will to the whole earth.

The verses that follow these have not yet been quoted. They
reveal more about the role of these two witnesses during that last
three and one-half years:

And if any man will hurt them, fire proceeds out of their
mouth and devours their enemies, and if any man will
hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. They have
power to shut heaven so that it does not rain in the days
of their prophecy, and they have power over waters to
turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all
plagues, as often as they will. (Revelation 11:5-6)

God is revealing that some will hate these two witnesses so
much that they will try to do them bodily harm, even trying to
kill them. But God makes it clear, as already explained, that these
two people will not die until God allows it. They will be killed in
Jerusalem just three and one-half days prior to the return of Jesus

The fire proceeding out of their mouth is symbolic of the
power to pronounce exacting judgments upon anyone who
would do them harm. Whatever the two witnesses pronounce
will come to pass. If people try to kill them (two witnesses), the
very manner in which they seek to accomplish this will be the
very manner in which they will die. God will give divine
protection to His two witnesses. He will give them great power
to not only pronounce how some will suffer for trying to do
them harm, but God will also give them power to perform
devastating destruction as often as they choose. They will be
given power beyond that which Moses was given when he led
the Israelites out of Egypt. They, too, will be able to turn the
waters to blood. They will be able to close up the heavens so
that it will not rain on any area they choose. They will have
power to call all manner of plagues upon any part of the earth
as often as they choose.

God will reveal who His two witnesses are regardless of
whether people choose to believe them or not! God will
increasingly give more proof of His spokesman as prophecies
unfold exactly as they are recorded in this book. When the
Seventh Seal is opened, the first four trumpets of that seal will
announce the final demise of the United States and her closest
allies. The opening of this seal will be the beginning of the final
three and one-half years of great worldwide tribulation. Before
we cover those events, which are the subject of another chapter,
we need to look more closely at the events that precede the last
seal, events which are pronounced by Seven Thunders during the
time of the Sixth Seal.

Thunder perfectly describes what is happening before the final
end-time storm of destruction strikes this earth. The final storm
will engulf the whole earth for three and one-half years, but as
that storm approaches, the rumbling of this thunder will be heard
with increasing intensity.

These Seven Thunders parallel another prophetic analogy
that describes this time of the Sixth Seal. This prophetic
period was described earlier as a pregnant woman in labor
pain. This analogy is magnified in the revelation of the Seven

The Seven Thunders will be declared in the remainder of this
chapter. Those thunders have never been announced before now.
Everything else that John wrote, concerning the Seven Seals,
Seven Trumpets and the Seven Last Plagues, was declared by an
angel. The Seven Thunders did not come from angels. John heard
the sound of Seven Thunders. It concerned a message about an
end-time prophet of God. The specifics of the Seven Thunders
were left for this end-time in order to be declared—to be
pronounced—by God’s end-time prophet, the spokesperson of
the two end-time witnesses. More about this will be explained in
the Sixth Thunder.

A worldwide storm is brewing, and the warning of that
approaching storm is contained in seven distinctive types of
thunder. Each thunder will be described, but you need to
understand that the thundering is like the pregnant woman in
labor pain. All Seven Thunders will increase in intensity as this
great end-time storm approaches, but one type of thunder will be
more pronounced than another from one great labor pain to
another. Each type of thunder will continue to rumble, but at
certain times one will be much louder than all the others. Each
time that one of the Seven Thunders is much louder (far more
pronounced) than all the others is a time that fulfills the prophetic
type of a woman in labor pain.

The Seven Thunders have much to do with how God will
reveal His two witnesses. These thunders serve as a prelude to the
final tribulation and the greater manifestation of the two witnesses.
The revelation of the Seven Thunders has everything to do
with the revelation of God’s end-time witness about man and
God’s revelation of His two witnesses to man! Sadly, most will
choose to ignore what they hear.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this reminder; US betrayal of Israel is explained by mention of US and its closest ally; not Israel; clearly Europe will be closest ally of US; destruction of Europe and US is pronounced and accelerating, despite the media's ignorance and propagandizing of intellectual feeble rationale; abortion and homosexuality promoted by US and Europe hasten the end of these two errant children
