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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Excerpts from #God (pt8)


The following are excerpts from the book The Prophesied End-Time Revealed - 2008 - God's Final Witness

It is used here without permission... If it is true and if we all are truly about to suffer and die together then I'm betting the author, Ronald Weinland, will not bother wasting time suing *me* over using excerpts from his book...

The Seventh Thunder

The revelation of this last thunder will be covered in far greater
depth in the last chapter. This last thunder, as with the previous
two thunders, concerns the Church and the world.

#7 The Seventh Thunder is the accelerated revelation of
God to man.

This book has explained how man has never really known
God and that there is great confusion and contradiction in
religious beliefs concerning Him. It has also been shown that
through the entire time of man on earth that only a little more
than 144,000 people have truly known God.

God has not revealed Himself to most of mankind. Only a few
throughout the past six millennia have been able to come to know
God. Those few, who did come to know God, were rejected by
the rest of mankind. The prophets and apostles were rejected by
man, therefore, man was not able to know God. Yet, even these
servants of God did not address the entirety of mankind. God
taught His ways to only one nation in Moses’ time, but most of
that nation rejected His words.

The history of man (the true witness of man) is that man does
not want God’s ways. Man has not wanted God to govern his life.

So, in the past 6,000 years, God has called a very few into a
special relationship with Him in order to be taught and trained for
a future world ruling government—the Kingdom of God that will
be established over all the earth at the return of Jesus Christ.

Much of this has already been explained, but it needs to be
understood that God is getting ready to do what He has never
done before with mankind.

God is getting ready to reveal Himself
to the entirety of mankind.

This revelation is similar to thunder.

It has already begun to sound within His Church. It is about to
sound powerfully throughout the world as His two witnesses
grow in power, as all of God’s prophesied end-time events begin
to unfold in an ever increasing manner.

As this process progresses, God will continue to reveal Himself more fully.
God’s revelation to mankind will continue to accelerate as we
draw closer to the end of man’s rulership and the coming of Jesus
Christ to rule over all the earth. Man has not known God, but all
this is beginning to change. It has begun first and foremost within
His Church. His revelation will continue in greater power and
might as we draw closer to the time His Son returns to rule.

The Church of God, over the past twenty years, has prided
itself in the knowledge of God. This pride, with its presumptuous
attitude, is the reason the Church was scattered. Of all people,
one would think that God’s own Church would know Him fully;
but they have not. Over the last hundred years and before, God
did not give His people all knowledge about Himself and His
Son. Part of that knowledge was withheld from God’s end-time
apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. This knowledge was
reserved so that it could be revealed at the time that God revealed
His end-time spokesman, as a proof of His seal on His two endtime

Much of the Church will reject this revelation about God just
as they will reject the identity of His two witnesses.

Some are already mocking this knowledge.

However, some will begin to repent and turn to God again
once they see the Seven Thunders coming true. They will
be awakened from a spiritual sleep.

At first, this thunder is for God’s own Church. Then, as we
enter the time of the Seventh Seal, this knowledge will begin to
spread throughout the world until the day that everyone will be
able to know God.


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