Just one of the lobbyists for the brand new #NDAA bill = SureFire from whom these videos come..
As you recall the newly passed NDAA bill authorizes the government of the United States of America to indefinitely detain, without due process, American citizens..
Obviously the lobbyists were lusting after this bill for the anticipated profits it can provide.
SureFire itself was awarded a 23 million dollar contract by the DoD..
Be sure to check this out..
Company Who Lobbied for the NDAA Indefinite Detention Bill Given 23 Million Dollar Contract for Night Raid Equipment
The government, the police, the military are preparing for the future..
Are you?
Good luck friends..
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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude
--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Thanks to the internet all of life's #secrets are at your fingertips
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Mankind was not solely responsible for his downfall. He had help. According to Zecharia Sitchin, after translating Sumerian tablets, he discovered that aliens came here from the 12th planet (Marduk or Nibiru) 3, about 450,000 years ago. They were the ancestors of Sumeria. Rather than pursuing Sitchin's theories on the importance of these aliens in mankinds history, it's more germaine to take Enoch's lead.
In the Book of Enoch, Enoch warned Atlantis of a group of fallen beings called "Watchers." Now here's the interesting thing. Sumerians literally translates as "Watchers." Enoch was warning the Atlanteans of the influences of these aliens. He was a Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood at the time. Many of his prophecies and dictations given on Atlantis have been lost forever. The only teachings we are left with are in The Book of Jasher and The Book of Enoch. This book was around long before Jesus Christ. Many Christians considered it scripture. Jesus himself considered it a handbook and often quoted from it. Some of the early literature of the Church Fathers refer to it. The "Epistle of Barnabus," Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origen and Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian all referred to Enoch's book. It was widely read and used for three centuries but became discredited along with many other books after the Council of Laodicea. It became an anathema because of its controversial teachings on fallen angels. After being wiped all most entriely from the awareness of mankind, It was rediscovered in 1773, three copies having been preserved by an Ethioptic Church. Here is a short introduction to the Book of Enoch from Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch by Elizabeth Clare Prophet pp. 9-14:
The Book of Enoch speaks from that obscure realm where history and mythology overlap. Privy to those unfathomable founts of ancient lore, its author draws for the reader a brimming cup of secret wisdom.
A primordial drama of good and evil, light and dark, unfolds. The book tracks Enoch's footsteps back to antiquity's timelessness—back to the first hint of corruption upon a pristine world: earth.
The trouble began, according to the Book of Enoch, when the heavenly angels and their leader named Samyaza developed an insatiable lust for the `daughters of men' upon earth and an irrepressible desire to beget children by these women. Samyaza feared to descend alone to the daughters of men, and so he convinced two hundred angels called Watchers to accompany him on his mission of pleasure.
Then the angels took oaths and bound themselves to the undertaking by "mutual execrations"—curses. Once such a pact was sealed, betrayal was punishable by unnamed horrors.
In their gang-inspired bravado, the angels descended and took wives from among the daughters of men. They taught the women sorcery, incantations, and divination—twisted versions of the secrets of heaven.
The plot thickens like a science-fiction thriller—easier to take as fantasy than as fact. The women conceive children from these angel— evil giants . The giants devour all the food that the men of earth can produce. Nothing satiates their hunger. They kill and eat birds, beasts, reptiles, and fish. To their gargantuan appetites, nothing is sacrosanct. Soon even Homo sapiens becomes a delicacy. (7:1-15)
As the story goes, one spiteful angel named Azazyel creates unnatural accouterments for their consorts—like eye makeup and fancy bracelets—to enhance their sex appeal. As for the men, Azazyel teaches them "every species of iniquity," including the means for making swords, knives, shields, breastplates—all the instruments of war. (8:1-9)
There, millennia ago, someone explained war not as a man-invented or God-sent plague, but as a vengeful act of a fallen angel barred from the planes of God's power. The implication is that man, through one form of manipulation or another, latched on to the war games of the fallen angels and allowed himself to commit genocide in defense of their archrivalries.
But there is more to Enoch's account of the Watchers. When the men of earth cry out against the atrocities heaped upon them, heaven hears their plea. The mighty archangels—Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Suryal, and Uriel—appeal on behalf of earth's people before the Most High, the King of kings. (9:1-14)
The Lord orders Raphael to bind Azazyel hand and foot. Gabriel is sent to destroy the "children of fornication," the offspring of the Watchers—by inciting them to their own self-destruction in mutual slaughter. Michael is then authorized to bind Samyaza and his wicked offspring "for seventy generations underneath the earth, even to the day of judgment."9 And God sends the Great Flood to wipe out the evil giants, the children of the Watchers.
But in the succeeding generations (after the sinking of the continent of Atlantis) the giants return once again to haunt mankind. Likewise it seems that the Watchers will hold power over man (in some curiously undefined way) until the final judgment of these angels comes, which, the author implies, is long overdue.
There is also a most significant passage near the end of the book which speaks of the latter days upon earth:
In those days will the angels return and hurl themselves upon the East, ... to stir up the kings and provoke in them a spirit of unrest. . . .
And they will march up to and tread under foot the land of His elect ones. . . .
They will begin to fight amongst themselves. . . till the number of corpses through their slaughter is beyond count, and their punishment be no idle one. ... (Book of Enoch, Charles translation)
This seems a chilling prophecy of our own time— with wars and rumors of wars in "the East" and the countless corpses in a holy land. There is no date stamped on the prediction, but a few word changes in the right places would make it duplicate today's headlines.
The main theme of the Book of Enoch is the final judgment of these fallen angels, the Watchers, and their progeny, the evil spirits. But several other scenarios are also noteworthy.
In chapter 12 of the book, the Lord says to Enoch, scribe of righteousness,
Go tell the Watchers of heaven, who have deserted the lofty sky, and their holy everlasting station, who have been polluted with women, And have done as the sons of men do, by taking to themselves wives, and who have been greatly corrupted on the earth;
That on the earth they shall never obtain peace and remission of sin. For they shall not rejoice in their offspring; they shall behold the slaughter of their beloved; shall lament for the destruction of their sons; and shall petition for ever; but shall not obtain mercy and peace. (12:5-7)
In chapter 13 Enoch declares the Lord's judgment to Azazyel:
Thou shalt not obtain peace. A great sentence is gone forth against thee. He shall bind thee;
Neither shall relief, mercy, and supplication be thine, on account of the oppression which thou hast taught;
And on account of every act of blasphemy, tyranny, and sin, which thou hast discovered to the children of men. (13:1-3)
Chapter 13 also describes how the Watchers became terrified and trembled and besought Enoch to write for them a prayer for forgiveness, that he might cause their prayer to ascend to God, since they themselves could not address him on account of their offense. Enoch then reports to the Watchers:
I have written your petition; and in my vision it has been shown me, that what you request will not be granted you as long as the world endures.
Judgment has been passed upon you: your request will not be granted you.
From this time forward, never shall you ascend into heaven; He has said, that on the earth He will bind you, as long as the world endures.
But before these things you shall behold the destruction of your beloved sons; you shall not possess them, but they shall fall before you by the sword.
Neither shall you entreat for them, nor for yourselves;
But you shall weep and supplicate in silence. (14:2-7)
In chapter 15, the Glorious and the Effulgent, the Lord God, speaks again to righteous Enoch.
Go, say to the Watchers of heaven, who have sent thee to pray for them, You ought to pray for men, and not men for you. . . . You being spiritual, holy, and possessing a life which is eternal, have polluted yourselves with women; have begotten in carnal blood; have lusted in the blood of men; and have done as those who are flesh and blood do. These however die and perish.
Therefore have I given to them wives, that they might cohabit with them; that sons might be born of them; and that this might be transacted upon earth.
But you from the beginning were made spiritual, possessing a life which is eternal, and not subject to death for ever.
Therefore I made not wives for you, because, being spiritual, your dwelling is in heaven. (15:1, 3-7)
The Lord further explains to Enoch the nature of the offspring of the Watchers and the evil that they wreak upon the earth:
Now the giants, who have been born of spirit and of flesh, shall be called upon earth evil spirits, and on earth shall be their habitation. Evil spirits shall proceed from their flesh, because they were created from above; from the holy Watchers was their beginning and primary foundation. Evil spirits shall they be upon earth, and the spirits of the wicked shall they be called. The habitation of the spirits of heaven shall be in heaven; but upon earth shall be the habitation of terrestrial spirits, who are born on earth.
The spirits of the giants shall be like clouds, which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise upon earth.
They shall cause lamentation. No food shall they eat; and they shall be thirsty; they shall be concealed, and shall not rise up against the sons of men, and against women; for they come forth during the days of slaughter and destruction.
And as to the death of the giants, wheresoever their spirits depart from their bodies, let their flesh, that which is perishable, be without judgment. Thus shall they perish, until the day of the great consummation of the great world. A destruction shall take place of the Watchers and the impious. (15:8-10; 16:1)
Because of so great a sin, the Lord tells the Watchers, "Never therefore shall you obtain peace." According to the text of the Book of Enoch, the Lord's judgement against the Watchers prevails—then and now. ...
Corrobative evidence for this fantastic tale is found in the Dead Sea scrolls:
The Enoch Scroll
The Enoch Scroll, from the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran
12. ...But you have changed your works,
13. [and have not done according to his command, and tran]sgressed against him; (and have spoken) haughty and harsh words, with your impure mouths,
14. [against his majesty, for your heart is hard]. You will have no peace. ...
13. [They (the leaders) and all ... of them took for themselves]
14. wives from all that they chose and [they began to cohabit with them and to defile themselves with them];
15. and to teach them sorcery and [spells and the cutting of roots; and to acquaint them with herbs.]
16. And they become pregnant by them and bo[re (great) giants three thousand cubits high ...]
Transcription by J. T. Milik, amended by J. C. Greenfield; translation by J. C. Greenfield found here: Library of Congress
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Click for full source material
Mankind was not solely responsible for his downfall. He had help. According to Zecharia Sitchin, after translating Sumerian tablets, he discovered that aliens came here from the 12th planet (Marduk or Nibiru) 3, about 450,000 years ago. They were the ancestors of Sumeria. Rather than pursuing Sitchin's theories on the importance of these aliens in mankinds history, it's more germaine to take Enoch's lead.
In the Book of Enoch, Enoch warned Atlantis of a group of fallen beings called "Watchers." Now here's the interesting thing. Sumerians literally translates as "Watchers." Enoch was warning the Atlanteans of the influences of these aliens. He was a Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood at the time. Many of his prophecies and dictations given on Atlantis have been lost forever. The only teachings we are left with are in The Book of Jasher and The Book of Enoch. This book was around long before Jesus Christ. Many Christians considered it scripture. Jesus himself considered it a handbook and often quoted from it. Some of the early literature of the Church Fathers refer to it. The "Epistle of Barnabus," Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origen and Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian all referred to Enoch's book. It was widely read and used for three centuries but became discredited along with many other books after the Council of Laodicea. It became an anathema because of its controversial teachings on fallen angels. After being wiped all most entriely from the awareness of mankind, It was rediscovered in 1773, three copies having been preserved by an Ethioptic Church. Here is a short introduction to the Book of Enoch from Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch by Elizabeth Clare Prophet pp. 9-14:
The Book of Enoch speaks from that obscure realm where history and mythology overlap. Privy to those unfathomable founts of ancient lore, its author draws for the reader a brimming cup of secret wisdom.
A primordial drama of good and evil, light and dark, unfolds. The book tracks Enoch's footsteps back to antiquity's timelessness—back to the first hint of corruption upon a pristine world: earth.
The trouble began, according to the Book of Enoch, when the heavenly angels and their leader named Samyaza developed an insatiable lust for the `daughters of men' upon earth and an irrepressible desire to beget children by these women. Samyaza feared to descend alone to the daughters of men, and so he convinced two hundred angels called Watchers to accompany him on his mission of pleasure.
Then the angels took oaths and bound themselves to the undertaking by "mutual execrations"—curses. Once such a pact was sealed, betrayal was punishable by unnamed horrors.
In their gang-inspired bravado, the angels descended and took wives from among the daughters of men. They taught the women sorcery, incantations, and divination—twisted versions of the secrets of heaven.
The plot thickens like a science-fiction thriller—easier to take as fantasy than as fact. The women conceive children from these angel— evil giants . The giants devour all the food that the men of earth can produce. Nothing satiates their hunger. They kill and eat birds, beasts, reptiles, and fish. To their gargantuan appetites, nothing is sacrosanct. Soon even Homo sapiens becomes a delicacy. (7:1-15)
As the story goes, one spiteful angel named Azazyel creates unnatural accouterments for their consorts—like eye makeup and fancy bracelets—to enhance their sex appeal. As for the men, Azazyel teaches them "every species of iniquity," including the means for making swords, knives, shields, breastplates—all the instruments of war. (8:1-9)
There, millennia ago, someone explained war not as a man-invented or God-sent plague, but as a vengeful act of a fallen angel barred from the planes of God's power. The implication is that man, through one form of manipulation or another, latched on to the war games of the fallen angels and allowed himself to commit genocide in defense of their archrivalries.
But there is more to Enoch's account of the Watchers. When the men of earth cry out against the atrocities heaped upon them, heaven hears their plea. The mighty archangels—Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Suryal, and Uriel—appeal on behalf of earth's people before the Most High, the King of kings. (9:1-14)
The Lord orders Raphael to bind Azazyel hand and foot. Gabriel is sent to destroy the "children of fornication," the offspring of the Watchers—by inciting them to their own self-destruction in mutual slaughter. Michael is then authorized to bind Samyaza and his wicked offspring "for seventy generations underneath the earth, even to the day of judgment."9 And God sends the Great Flood to wipe out the evil giants, the children of the Watchers.
But in the succeeding generations (after the sinking of the continent of Atlantis) the giants return once again to haunt mankind. Likewise it seems that the Watchers will hold power over man (in some curiously undefined way) until the final judgment of these angels comes, which, the author implies, is long overdue.
There is also a most significant passage near the end of the book which speaks of the latter days upon earth:
In those days will the angels return and hurl themselves upon the East, ... to stir up the kings and provoke in them a spirit of unrest. . . .
And they will march up to and tread under foot the land of His elect ones. . . .
They will begin to fight amongst themselves. . . till the number of corpses through their slaughter is beyond count, and their punishment be no idle one. ... (Book of Enoch, Charles translation)
This seems a chilling prophecy of our own time— with wars and rumors of wars in "the East" and the countless corpses in a holy land. There is no date stamped on the prediction, but a few word changes in the right places would make it duplicate today's headlines.
The main theme of the Book of Enoch is the final judgment of these fallen angels, the Watchers, and their progeny, the evil spirits. But several other scenarios are also noteworthy.
In chapter 12 of the book, the Lord says to Enoch, scribe of righteousness,
Go tell the Watchers of heaven, who have deserted the lofty sky, and their holy everlasting station, who have been polluted with women, And have done as the sons of men do, by taking to themselves wives, and who have been greatly corrupted on the earth;
That on the earth they shall never obtain peace and remission of sin. For they shall not rejoice in their offspring; they shall behold the slaughter of their beloved; shall lament for the destruction of their sons; and shall petition for ever; but shall not obtain mercy and peace. (12:5-7)
In chapter 13 Enoch declares the Lord's judgment to Azazyel:
Thou shalt not obtain peace. A great sentence is gone forth against thee. He shall bind thee;
Neither shall relief, mercy, and supplication be thine, on account of the oppression which thou hast taught;
And on account of every act of blasphemy, tyranny, and sin, which thou hast discovered to the children of men. (13:1-3)
Chapter 13 also describes how the Watchers became terrified and trembled and besought Enoch to write for them a prayer for forgiveness, that he might cause their prayer to ascend to God, since they themselves could not address him on account of their offense. Enoch then reports to the Watchers:
I have written your petition; and in my vision it has been shown me, that what you request will not be granted you as long as the world endures.
Judgment has been passed upon you: your request will not be granted you.
From this time forward, never shall you ascend into heaven; He has said, that on the earth He will bind you, as long as the world endures.
But before these things you shall behold the destruction of your beloved sons; you shall not possess them, but they shall fall before you by the sword.
Neither shall you entreat for them, nor for yourselves;
But you shall weep and supplicate in silence. (14:2-7)
In chapter 15, the Glorious and the Effulgent, the Lord God, speaks again to righteous Enoch.
Go, say to the Watchers of heaven, who have sent thee to pray for them, You ought to pray for men, and not men for you. . . . You being spiritual, holy, and possessing a life which is eternal, have polluted yourselves with women; have begotten in carnal blood; have lusted in the blood of men; and have done as those who are flesh and blood do. These however die and perish.
Therefore have I given to them wives, that they might cohabit with them; that sons might be born of them; and that this might be transacted upon earth.
But you from the beginning were made spiritual, possessing a life which is eternal, and not subject to death for ever.
Therefore I made not wives for you, because, being spiritual, your dwelling is in heaven. (15:1, 3-7)
The Lord further explains to Enoch the nature of the offspring of the Watchers and the evil that they wreak upon the earth:
Now the giants, who have been born of spirit and of flesh, shall be called upon earth evil spirits, and on earth shall be their habitation. Evil spirits shall proceed from their flesh, because they were created from above; from the holy Watchers was their beginning and primary foundation. Evil spirits shall they be upon earth, and the spirits of the wicked shall they be called. The habitation of the spirits of heaven shall be in heaven; but upon earth shall be the habitation of terrestrial spirits, who are born on earth.
The spirits of the giants shall be like clouds, which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise upon earth.
They shall cause lamentation. No food shall they eat; and they shall be thirsty; they shall be concealed, and shall not rise up against the sons of men, and against women; for they come forth during the days of slaughter and destruction.
And as to the death of the giants, wheresoever their spirits depart from their bodies, let their flesh, that which is perishable, be without judgment. Thus shall they perish, until the day of the great consummation of the great world. A destruction shall take place of the Watchers and the impious. (15:8-10; 16:1)
Because of so great a sin, the Lord tells the Watchers, "Never therefore shall you obtain peace." According to the text of the Book of Enoch, the Lord's judgement against the Watchers prevails—then and now. ...
Corrobative evidence for this fantastic tale is found in the Dead Sea scrolls:
The Enoch Scroll
The Enoch Scroll, from the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran
12. ...But you have changed your works,
13. [and have not done according to his command, and tran]sgressed against him; (and have spoken) haughty and harsh words, with your impure mouths,
14. [against his majesty, for your heart is hard]. You will have no peace. ...
13. [They (the leaders) and all ... of them took for themselves]
14. wives from all that they chose and [they began to cohabit with them and to defile themselves with them];
15. and to teach them sorcery and [spells and the cutting of roots; and to acquaint them with herbs.]
16. And they become pregnant by them and bo[re (great) giants three thousand cubits high ...]
Transcription by J. T. Milik, amended by J. C. Greenfield; translation by J. C. Greenfield found here: Library of Congress
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The fallen #angelic #aliens.. The "fields" in which the aliens / angels hide to this very day
Religion & alien life cannot be separated in reality.. We have recorded historical events..
Names of 1 Enoch Watchers
In the Book of Enoch, the watchers are angels dispatched to Earth to watch over the humans. They soon begin to lust for human women, and at the prodding of their leader Samyaza, they defect en masse to illicitly instruct and procreate among humanity. The offspring of these unions are the Nephilim, savage giants who pillage the earth and endanger humanity. Samyaza and associates further taught their human charges arts and technologies such as weaponry, cosmetics, mirrors, sorcery, and other techniques that would otherwise be discovered gradually over time by humans, not foisted upon them all at once.
Eventually God allows a Great Flood to rid the earth of the Nephilim, but first sends Uriel to warn Noah so as not to eradicate the human race. While Genesis says that the Nephilim remained "on the earth" even after the Great Flood, Jude says that the Watchers themselves are bound "in the valleys of the Earth" until Judgment Day. (See Genesis 6:4 and Jude 1:6, respectively)
There are 20 leaders in the Book of Enoch also called 1 Enoch the section that mentions them reads:
“ 7. And these are the names of their leaders: Sêmîazâz, their leader, Arâkîba, Râmêêl, Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl, Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl. 8. These are their chiefs of tens." - R. H. Charles translation, The Book of the Watchers, Chapter VI. ”
These are the leaders of 200 angels in 1 Enoch that are turned into fallen Angels because they took wives, mated with human women, and taught forbidden knowledge.
Araqiel (also Arakiel, Araqael, Araciel, Arqael, Sarquael, Arkiel, Arkas) [5] taught humans the signs of the earth. However, in the Sibylline Oracles, Araqiel is referred to not as a fallen angel, or Watcher, but as one of the 5 angels who lead the souls of men to judgement, the other 4 being Ramiel, Uriel, Samiel, and Azazel.
Armaros (also Amaros) in Enoch I taught men the resolving of enchantments.
Azazel[6] taught men to make knives, swords, shields, and how to devise ornaments and cosmetics.
Gadriel taught the art of cosmetics.
Baraqel (Baraqiel) taught men astrology[7]
Bezaliel mentioned in Enoch I, left out of most translations because of damaged manuscripts and problematic transmission of the text.
Chazaqiel (sometimes Ezeqeel) taught men the signs of the clouds (meteorology).[5]
Kokabiel (also Kakabel, Kochbiel, Kokbiel, Kabaiel, and Kochab),[8] is a high-ranking, holy angel but, in general apocryphal lore and also in Enoch I, he is a fallen Watcher, resident of nether realms, and commands 365,000 surrogate spirits to do his bidding. Among other duties, he instructs his fellows in astrology.
Penemue[9] "taught mankind the art of writing with ink and paper," and taught "the children of men the bitter and the sweet and the secrets of wisdom."
Sariel (also Suriel) taught mankind about the courses of the moon (at one time regarded as forbidden knowledge).[10]
Samyaza (also Shemyazaz, Shamazya, Semiaza, Shemhazi, Semyaza and Amezyarak) is one of the leaders of the fall from heaven.[11]
Shamsiel, once a guardian of Eden,[12] served as one of the 2 chief aides to the archangel Uriel (the other aide being Hasdiel) when Uriel bore his standard into battle, and is the head of 365 legions of angels and also crowns prayers, accompanying them to the 5th heaven. He is referred to[13] as one of the Watchers. He is a fallen angel who teaches the signs of the sun.[14]
Much more on the source
Religion & alien life cannot be separated in reality.. We have recorded historical events..
Names of 1 Enoch Watchers
In the Book of Enoch, the watchers are angels dispatched to Earth to watch over the humans. They soon begin to lust for human women, and at the prodding of their leader Samyaza, they defect en masse to illicitly instruct and procreate among humanity. The offspring of these unions are the Nephilim, savage giants who pillage the earth and endanger humanity. Samyaza and associates further taught their human charges arts and technologies such as weaponry, cosmetics, mirrors, sorcery, and other techniques that would otherwise be discovered gradually over time by humans, not foisted upon them all at once.
Eventually God allows a Great Flood to rid the earth of the Nephilim, but first sends Uriel to warn Noah so as not to eradicate the human race. While Genesis says that the Nephilim remained "on the earth" even after the Great Flood, Jude says that the Watchers themselves are bound "in the valleys of the Earth" until Judgment Day. (See Genesis 6:4 and Jude 1:6, respectively)
There are 20 leaders in the Book of Enoch also called 1 Enoch the section that mentions them reads:
“ 7. And these are the names of their leaders: Sêmîazâz, their leader, Arâkîba, Râmêêl, Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl, Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl. 8. These are their chiefs of tens." - R. H. Charles translation, The Book of the Watchers, Chapter VI. ”
These are the leaders of 200 angels in 1 Enoch that are turned into fallen Angels because they took wives, mated with human women, and taught forbidden knowledge.
Araqiel (also Arakiel, Araqael, Araciel, Arqael, Sarquael, Arkiel, Arkas) [5] taught humans the signs of the earth. However, in the Sibylline Oracles, Araqiel is referred to not as a fallen angel, or Watcher, but as one of the 5 angels who lead the souls of men to judgement, the other 4 being Ramiel, Uriel, Samiel, and Azazel.
Armaros (also Amaros) in Enoch I taught men the resolving of enchantments.
Azazel[6] taught men to make knives, swords, shields, and how to devise ornaments and cosmetics.
Gadriel taught the art of cosmetics.
Baraqel (Baraqiel) taught men astrology[7]
Bezaliel mentioned in Enoch I, left out of most translations because of damaged manuscripts and problematic transmission of the text.
Chazaqiel (sometimes Ezeqeel) taught men the signs of the clouds (meteorology).[5]
Kokabiel (also Kakabel, Kochbiel, Kokbiel, Kabaiel, and Kochab),[8] is a high-ranking, holy angel but, in general apocryphal lore and also in Enoch I, he is a fallen Watcher, resident of nether realms, and commands 365,000 surrogate spirits to do his bidding. Among other duties, he instructs his fellows in astrology.
Penemue[9] "taught mankind the art of writing with ink and paper," and taught "the children of men the bitter and the sweet and the secrets of wisdom."
Sariel (also Suriel) taught mankind about the courses of the moon (at one time regarded as forbidden knowledge).[10]
Samyaza (also Shemyazaz, Shamazya, Semiaza, Shemhazi, Semyaza and Amezyarak) is one of the leaders of the fall from heaven.[11]
Shamsiel, once a guardian of Eden,[12] served as one of the 2 chief aides to the archangel Uriel (the other aide being Hasdiel) when Uriel bore his standard into battle, and is the head of 365 legions of angels and also crowns prayers, accompanying them to the 5th heaven. He is referred to[13] as one of the Watchers. He is a fallen angel who teaches the signs of the sun.[14]
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Dear Jamie Dimon, | via @ReformedBroker
"So, no, we don't hate the rich. What we hate are the predators."
Joshua M Brown December 20th, 2011
Dear Jamie Dimon,
I hope this note finds you well.
I am writing to profess my utter disbelief at how little you seem to understand the current mood of the nation. In a story at Bloomberg today, you and a handful of fellow banker and billionaire "job creators" were quoted as believing that the horrific sentiment directed toward you from virtually all corners of America had something to do with how much money you had. I'd like to take a moment to disabuse you of this foolishness.
America is different than almost every other place on earth in that its citizenry reveres the wealthy and we are raised to believe that we can all one day join the ranks of the rich. The lack of a caste system or visible rungs of society's ladder is what separates our empire from so many fallen empires throughout history. In a nation bereft of royalty by virtue of its republican birth, the American people have done what any other resourceful people would do - we've created our own royalty and our royalty is the 1%. Not only do we not "hate the rich" as you and other em-bubbled plutocrats have postulated, in point of fact, we love them. We worship our rich to the point of obsession. The highest-rated television shows uniformly feature the unimaginably fabulous families of celebrities not to mention the housewives (real or otherwise) of the rich. We don't care what color they are or what religion they practice or where in the country they live or what channel their show is on - if they're rich, we are watching.
When Derek Jeter was toyed with by the New York Yankees when it came time for him to renew his next hundred million dollar contract, the people empathized with Derek Jeter. Sure, this disagreement essentially took place between one of the wealthiest organizations in the country and one of the wealthiest private citizens - but we rooted for Jeter to get his money. Nobody begrudged him a penny of it or wanted a piece of it or decried the fact that he was luckier than the rest of us. In the American psyche, Jeter was one of the good guys who was deservedly successful. He was one of us and an example of hard work paying off.
Likewise, when Steve Jobs died, he did so with more money than you or any of your "job alliance" buddies - ten times more than most of you, in fact. And upon his death the entire nation went into mourning. We set up makeshift shrines to his brilliance in front of Apple stores from coast to coast. His biography flew off the shelves and people bought Apple products and stock shares in his honor and in his memory. Does that strike you as the action of a populace that hates success?
No, Jamie, it is not that Americans hate successful people or the wealthy. In fact, it is just the opposite. We love the success stories in our midst and it is a distinctly American trait to believe that we can all follow in the footsteps of the elite, even though so few of us ever actually do.
So, no, we don't hate the rich. What we hate are the predators.
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"So, no, we don't hate the rich. What we hate are the predators."
Joshua M Brown December 20th, 2011
Dear Jamie Dimon,
I hope this note finds you well.
I am writing to profess my utter disbelief at how little you seem to understand the current mood of the nation. In a story at Bloomberg today, you and a handful of fellow banker and billionaire "job creators" were quoted as believing that the horrific sentiment directed toward you from virtually all corners of America had something to do with how much money you had. I'd like to take a moment to disabuse you of this foolishness.
America is different than almost every other place on earth in that its citizenry reveres the wealthy and we are raised to believe that we can all one day join the ranks of the rich. The lack of a caste system or visible rungs of society's ladder is what separates our empire from so many fallen empires throughout history. In a nation bereft of royalty by virtue of its republican birth, the American people have done what any other resourceful people would do - we've created our own royalty and our royalty is the 1%. Not only do we not "hate the rich" as you and other em-bubbled plutocrats have postulated, in point of fact, we love them. We worship our rich to the point of obsession. The highest-rated television shows uniformly feature the unimaginably fabulous families of celebrities not to mention the housewives (real or otherwise) of the rich. We don't care what color they are or what religion they practice or where in the country they live or what channel their show is on - if they're rich, we are watching.
When Derek Jeter was toyed with by the New York Yankees when it came time for him to renew his next hundred million dollar contract, the people empathized with Derek Jeter. Sure, this disagreement essentially took place between one of the wealthiest organizations in the country and one of the wealthiest private citizens - but we rooted for Jeter to get his money. Nobody begrudged him a penny of it or wanted a piece of it or decried the fact that he was luckier than the rest of us. In the American psyche, Jeter was one of the good guys who was deservedly successful. He was one of us and an example of hard work paying off.
Likewise, when Steve Jobs died, he did so with more money than you or any of your "job alliance" buddies - ten times more than most of you, in fact. And upon his death the entire nation went into mourning. We set up makeshift shrines to his brilliance in front of Apple stores from coast to coast. His biography flew off the shelves and people bought Apple products and stock shares in his honor and in his memory. Does that strike you as the action of a populace that hates success?
No, Jamie, it is not that Americans hate successful people or the wealthy. In fact, it is just the opposite. We love the success stories in our midst and it is a distinctly American trait to believe that we can all follow in the footsteps of the elite, even though so few of us ever actually do.
So, no, we don't hate the rich. What we hate are the predators.
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The Book of Enoch - The Reluctant Messenger
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Genesis 5:18-24 [18] Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years, and begot Enoch. [19] After he begot Enoch, Jared lived eight hundred years, and had sons and daughters. [20] So all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty-two years; and he died. [21] Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah. [22] After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters. [23] So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. [24] And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.
Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, "and was not found, because God had taken him"; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
Jude 1:14-15 [14] Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, "Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, [15] to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him."
We first learn of Enoch in Genesis 5 but it leaves us with questions. Hebrews 11 has the answers and Jude quotes Enoch! How did Jude come to know the words of Enoch? They are not in the Bible. The answer of course, is The Book of Enoch. A book which is actually quoted by Jude in the New Testament. What is the Book of Enoch and where did it come from?
Enoch was the great-grandfather of Noah. The Book of Enoch chapter 68:1 "And after that my great-grandfather Enoch gave me all the secrets in the book and in the parables which had been given to him, and he put them together for me in the words of the book of the parables."
The Book of Enoch was extant centuries before the birth of Christ and yet is considered by many to be more Christian in its theology than Jewish. It was considered scripture by many early Christians. The earliest literature of the so-called "Church Fathers" is filled with references to this mysterious book. The early second century "Epistle of Barnabus" makes much use of the Book of Enoch. Second and Third Century "Church Fathers" like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement of Alexandria all make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian (160-230 C.E) even called the Book of Enoch "Holy Scripture". The Ethiopic Church even added the Book of Enoch to its official canon. It was widely known and read the first three centuries after Christ. This and many other books became discredited after the Council of Laodicea. And being under ban of the authorities, afterwards it gradually passed out of circulation.
At about the time of the Protestant Reformation, there came to be a renewed interest in the Book of Enoch which had long since been lost to the modern world. By the late 1400's rumors began to spread that somewhere a copy of the long lost Book of Enoch might still exist. During this time many books arose claiming to be the long lost book and were later found to be forgeries.
The return of the long lost Book of Enoch to the modern western world is credited to the famous explorer James Bruce, who in 1773 returned from six years in Abyssinia with three Ethiopic copies of the lost book. In 1821 Richard Laurence published the first English translation. The famous R.H. Charles edition was published in 1912. In the following years several portions of the Greek text surfaced. Then with the discovery of cave 4 of the Dead Sea Scrolls, seven fragmentary copies of the Aramaic text were discovered.
There are scholars who believe the Book of Enoch was published before the Christian era by some great unknown of Semetic race, who believing himself to be inspired in a post-prophetic age, borrowed the name of an antediluvian patriarch to authenticate his own enthusiastic forcast of the coming Messiah. The Book of Enoch is divided into five basic parts, but it is the The Book of Parables (37-71) which gives scholars the most trouble for it is primarily concerned with a figure called "the messiah"; "the righteous one"; "the chosen one" and "the son of man."
The Book of Enoch Chapter 46:1-2 [1] There I beheld the Ancient of days whose head was like white wool, and with him another, whose countenance resembled that of a man. His countenance was full of grace, like that of one of the holy angels. Then I inquired of one of the angels, who went with me, and who showed me every secret thing, concerning this Son of man; who he was; whence he was; and why he accompanied the Ancient of days. [2] He answered and said to me, This is the Son of man, to whom righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has dwealt; and who will reveal all the treasures of that which is concealed: for the Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness."
(1) 1 Enoch
Discovery of the "Lost Text"
"The Greek word pseudepigrapha is a Greek word meaning 'falsely superscribed,' or what we moderns might call writing under a pen name. The classification, 'OT Pseudepigrapha,' is a label that scholars have given to these writings."
- Craig A. Evans, Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation, (1992) p. 22
"The Book of Enoch is a pseudepigraphical work (a work that claims to be by a biblical character). The Book of Enoch was not included in either the Hebrew or most Christian biblical canons, but could have been considered a sacred text by the sectarians."
- Milik, Jazef. T., ed. The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4
The Book of Enoch is "an ancient composition known from two sets of versions, an Ethiopic one that scholars identify as '1 Enoch', and a Slavonic version that is identified as '2 Enoch', and which is also known as The Book of the Secrets of Enoch. Both versions, of which copied manuscripts have been found mostly in Greek and Latin translations, are based on early sources that enlarged on the short biblical mention that Enoch, the seventh Patriarch after Adam, did not die because, at age 365, 'he walked with God' - taken heavenward to join the deity."
- Zecharia Sitchin, When Time Began
"I Enoch, also known as the Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch, is the oldest of the three pseudepigraphal books attributed to Enoch, the man who apparently did not die, but was taken up to heaven (Gen 5:24). The book was originally written in either Hebrew or Aramaic, perhaps both, but it survives in complete form only in Ethiopic (Ge'ez), and in fragmentary form in Aramaic, Greek (1:1-32:6; 6:1-10:14; 15:8-16:1; 89:42-49; 97:6-104), and Latin (106:1-18)."
"The materials in I Enoch range in date from 200 B.C.E. to 50 C.E. I Enoch contributes much to intertestamental views of angels, heaven, judgment, resurrection, and the Messiah. This book has left its stamp upon many of the NT writers, especially the author of Revelation."
- Craig A. Evans, Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation, (1992) p. 23
"Prior to the eighteenth century, scholars had believed the Book of Enoch to be irretrievably lost: composed long before the birth of Christ, and considered to be one of the most important pieces of Jewish mystical literature, it was only known from fragments and from references to it in other texts. James Bruce changed all this by procuring several copies of the missing work during his stay in Ethiopia. These were the first complete editions of the Book of Enoch ever to be seen in Europe."
- Graham Hancock, The Sign and the Seal
"The Book of Enoch remained in darkness until 1821, when the long years of dedicated work by a professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford were finally rewarded with the publication of the first ever English translation of the Book of Enoch. The Reverend Richard Laurence, Archbishop of Cashel, had labored for many hundreds of hours over the faded manuscript in the hands of the Bodleian Library, carefully substituting English words and expressions for the original Geez, while comparing the results with known extracts, such as the few brief chapters preserved in Greek by Syncellus during the ninth century."
- Andrew Collins, From the Ashes of Angels - The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race (1996) p. 21
"The original Aramaic version was lost until the Dead Sea fragments were discovered."
"The original language of most of this work was, in all likelihood, Aramaic (an early Semitic language). Although the original version was lost in antiquity, portions of a Greek translation were discovered in Egypt and quotations were known from the Church Fathers. The discovery of the texts from Qumran Cave 4 has finally provided parts of the Aramaic original. ...Humankind is called on to observe how unchanging nature follows God's will."
- Milik, Jazef. T., ed. The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4
"1 Enoch, preserved in a full, 108-chapter form in Ethiopic, consists of five parts and one appended chapter. It originated in Aramaic (perhaps Hebrew for chaps. 37-71), was translated into Greek, and from Greek into Ethiopic."
- James C. Vanderkam (Professor of Hebrew Scriptures at the University of Notre Dame)
"The Aramaic Book of Enoch...very considerably influenced the idiom of the New Testament and patristic literature, more so in fact than any other writing of the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha."
- Norman Golb, Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls?, (1995) p. 366
"As it now stands, I Enoch appears to consist of the following five major divisions:
(1) The Book of the Watchers (chaps. 1-36);
(2) The Book of the Similitudes (chaps. 37-7l)-,
(3) The Book of Astronomical Writings (chaps. 72-82);
(4) The Book of Dream Visions (chaps. 83-90); and
(5) The Book of the Epistle of Enoch (chaps. 91-107)."
- Craig A. Evans, Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation, (1992) p. 23
"Chaps. 1-36 The Book of the Watchers may date from the third century BCE. Parts of its text have been identified on several copies from Qumran cave 4; the earliest fragmentary manuscript (4QEnocha) dates, according to the editor J.T. Milk, to between 200 and 150 BCE. All Qumran copies are in the Aramaic language."
- James C. Vanderkam
"James Vanderkam divides the first part of 1 Enoch into five sections:
1-5 a theophany followed by an eschatological admonition
6-11 the angel story (stories)
12-16 Enoch and the failed petition of the angels who descended,
17-19 Enoch's first journey,
20-36 Enoch's second journey (chap. 20 is a list of angels who are connected with the journeys)."
- Tom Simms (CrossTalk)
"Chaps. 37-71 The Book of Parables (or the Similitudes of Enoch) may have been composed in the late first century BCE; a number of scholars prefer to place it in the first or even the second century CE. Milik assigns it to the late third century CE. No fragments of these chapters have been found at Qumran, and some think their original language was Hebrew, not Aramaic."
- James C. Vanderkam
"Chaps. 72-82 The Astronomical Book, like the Book of Watchers, may date from the third century BCE; the oldest copy of it seems to have been made not long after 200 BCE. Sizable portions of the text are preserved on four copies, written in Aramaic, from Qumran cave 4. The Aramaic original appears to have been much different and much longer than the Ethiopic text, adding far more astronomical details."
- James C. Vanderkam
"A world view so encyclopaediac that it embraced the geography of heaven and earth, astronomy, meteorology, medicine was no part of Jewish tradition - but was familiar to educated Greeks, but attempting to emulate and surpass Greek wisdom, by having an integrating divine plan for destiny, elaborated through an angelic host with which Enoch is in communication through his mystical travels."
- Chris King, "The Apocalyptic Tradition"
Although the Book of Enoch is considered as apocryphal, it was clearly known to early Christian writers as the following quote from 1 Enoch 1:9 indicates:
"In the seventh (generation) from Adam Enoch also prophesied these things, saying: 'Behold, the Lord came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners spoke against him'."
- Jude 14-15
2 Enoch
"2 Enoch, or the Slavonic Apocalypse of Enoch, was written late first century C.E. in Egypt by a Jew. It survives only in late Old Slavonic manuscripts. It may have been composed originally in Aramaic or Hebrew, later being translated into Greek, and later still being translated into Old Slavonic. It is an amplification of Gen 5:21-32 (from Enoch to the Flood). Major theological themes include:
(1) God created the world out of nothing (24:2);
(2) seven heavens (30:2-3) and angelic hosts;
(3) God created the souls of men before the foundation of the earth (23:5);
(4) abodes of heaven and hell are already prepared for righteous and sinners; and
(5) ethical teachings, which at times parallel those of the NT and Proverbs."
- Craig A. Evans, Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation, (1992) p. 23
Date: 07/22/2000 Author: David Chariot "beth_marcaboth@hotmail.com" posted in alt.religion.christian.pentecostal
About the Book of Enoch
(also known as "Ethiopian Enoch" or "1 Enoch")
The Book of Enoch (also known as 1 Enoch) was once cherished by Jews and Christians alike, this book later fell into disfavor with powerful theologians - precisely because of its controversial statements on the nature and deeds of the fallen angels.
The Enochian writings, in addition to many other writings that were excluded (or lost) from the Bible (i.e., the Book of Tobit, Esdras, etc.) were widely recognized by many of the early church fathers as "apocryphal" writings. The term "apocrypha" is derived from the Greek word meaning "hidden" or "secret". Originally, the import of the term may have been complimentary in that the term was applied to sacred books whose contents were too exalted to be made available to the general public.
In Dan. 12:9-10 we hear of words that are shut up until the end of time and, words that the wise shall understand and the wicked shall not. In addition, 4 Ezra 14:44ff. mentions 94 books, of which 24 (the OT) were to be published and 70 were to be delivered only to the wise among the people (= apocrypha). Gradually, the term "apocrypha" took on a pejorative connotation, for the orthodoxy of these hidden books was often questionable. Origen (Comm. in Matt. 10.18; p. 13.881)
distinguished between books that were to be read in public worship and apocryphal books. Because these secret books were often preserved for use within the esoteric circles of the divinely - knit believers, many of the critically - spirited or "unenlightened" Church Fathers found themselves outside the realm of understanding, and therefore came to apply the term "apocryphal" to, what they claimed to be, heretical works which were forbidden to be read.
In Protestant parlance, "the Apocrypha" designate 15 works, all but one of which are Jewish in origin and found in the Septuagint (parts of 2 Esdras are Christian and Latin in origin). Although some of them were composed in Palestine in Aramaic or Hebrew, they were not accepted into the Jewish canon formed late in the 2nd cent. AD (Canonicity, 67:31-35). The Reformers, influenced by the Jewish canon of the OT, did not consider these books on a par with the rest of the Scriptures; thus the custom arose of making the Apocrypha a separate section in the
Protestant Bible, or sometimes even of omitting them entirely
(Canonicity, 67:44-46). The Catholic view, expressed as a doctrine of faith at the Council of Trent, is that 12 of these 15 works (in a different enumeration, however) are canonical Scripture; they are called the Deuterocanonical Books (Canonicity, 67:21, 42-43).
The three books of the Protestant Apocrypha that are not accepted by Catholics are 1-2 Esdras and the Prayer of Manasseh. The theme of the Book of Enoch dealing with the nature and deeds of the fallen angels so infuriated the later Church fathers that one, Filastrius, actually condemned it openly as heresy (Filastrius, Liber de Haeresibus, no. 108). Nor did the rabbis deign to give credence to the book's teaching about angels. Rabbi Simeon ben Jochai in the second century A.D. pronounced a curse upon those who believed it (Delitzsch, p. 223). So the book was denounced, banned, cursed, no doubt burned and
shredded - and last but not least, lost (and conveniently forgotten) for a thousand years. But with an uncanny persistence, the Book of Enoch found its way back into circulation two centuries ago.
In 1773, rumors of a surviving copy of the book drew Scottish explorer James Bruce to distant Ethiopia. True to hearsay, the Book of Enoch had been preserved by the Ethiopic church, which put it right alongside the other books of the Bible. Bruce secured not one, but three Ethiopic copies of the book and brought them back to Europe and Britain. When in 1821 Dr. Richard Laurence, a Hebrew professor at Oxford, produced the first English translation of the work, the modern world gained its first glimpse of the forbidden mysteries of Enoch.
Most scholars say that the present form of the story in the Book of Enoch was penned sometime during the second century B.C. and was popular for at least five hundred years. The earliest Ethiopic text was apparently made from a Greek manuscript of the Book of Enoch, which itself was a copy of an earlier text. The original was apparently written in Semitic language, now thought to be Aramaic.
Though it was once believed to be post-Christian (the similarities to Christian terminology and teaching are striking), recent discoveries of copies of the book among the Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran prove that the book was in existence before the time of Jesus Christ. But the date of the original writing upon which the second century B.C. Qumran copies were based is shrouded in obscurity. It is, in a word, old. It has been largely the opinion of historians that the book does not really contain the authentic words of the ancient biblical patriarch Enoch, since he would have lived (based on the chronologies in the Book of Genesis) several thousand years earlier than the first known appearance of the book attributed to him.
Despite its unknown origins, Christians once accepted the words of this Book of Enoch as authentic scripture, especially the part about the fallen angels and their prophesied judgment. In fact, many of the key concepts used by Jesus Christ himself seem directly connected to terms and ideas in the Book of Enoch. Thus, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that Jesus had not only studied the book, but also respected it highly enough to adopt and elaborate on its specific descriptions of the coming kingdom and its theme of inevitable judgment descending upon "the wicked" - the term most often used in the Old Testament to describe the Watchers.
There is abundant proof that Christ approved of the Book of Enoch. Over a hundred phrases in the New Testament find precedents in the Book of Enoch. Another remarkable bit of evidence for the early Christians' acceptance of the Book of Enoch was for many years buried under the King James Bible's mistranslation of Luke 9:35, describing the
transfiguration of Christ: "And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, 'This is my beloved Son: hear him." Apparently the translator here wished to make this verse agree with a similar verse in Matthew and Mark. But Luke's verse in the original Greek reads: "This is my Son, the Elect One (from the Greek ho eklelegmenos, lit., "the elect one"): hear him." The "Elect One" is a most significant term (found fourteen times) in the Book of Enoch. If the book was indeed known to the apostles of Christ, with its abundant descriptions of the Elect One who should "sit upon the throne of glory" and the Elect One who should "dwell in the midst of them," then the great scriptural authenticity is accorded to the Book of Enoch when the "voice out of the cloud" tells the apostles, "This is my Son, the Elect One" - the one promised in the Book of Enoch.
The Book of Jude tells us in vs. 14 that "Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied..." Jude also, in vs. 15, makes a direct reference to the Book of Enoch (2:1), where he writes, "to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly..." The time difference between Enoch and Jude is approximately 3400 years. Therefore, Jude's reference to the Enochian prophesies strongly leans toward the conclusion that these written prophesies were available to him at that time.
Fragments of ten Enoch manuscripts were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The famous scrolls actually comprise only one part of the total findings at Qumran. Much of the rest was Enochian literature, copies of the Book of Enoch, and other apocryphal works in the Enochian tradition, like the Book of Jubilees. With so many copies around, the Essenes could well have used the Enochian writings as a community prayer book or teacher's manual and study text.
The Book of Enoch was also used by writers of the noncanonical (i.e. apocryphal or "hidden") texts. The author of the apocryphal Epistle of Barnabas quotes the Book of Enoch three times, twice calling it "the Scripture," a term specifically denoting the inspired Word of God (Epis. of Barnabas 4:3, 16:5,6). Other apocryphal works reflect knowledge of the Enoch story of the Watchers, notably the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs and the Book of Jubilees.
Many of the early church fathers also supported the Enochian writings. Justin Martyr ascribed all evil to demons whom he alleged to be the offspring of the angels who fell through lust for women (from the Ibid.)-directly referencing the Enochian writings. Athenagoras, writing in his work called Legatio in about 170 A.D., regards Enoch as a true prophet. He describes the angels which "violated both their own nature and their office." In his writings, he goes into detail about the nature of fallen angels and the cause of their fall, which comes directly from the Enochian writings.
Many other church fathers: Tatian (110-172); Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons (115-185); Clement of Alexandria (150-220); Tertullian (160-230); Origen (186-255); Lactantius (260-330); in addition to: Methodius of Philippi, Minucius Felix, Commodianus, and Ambrose of Milanalso-also approved of and supported the Enochian writings.
The twentieth-century discovery of several Aramaic Enochian texts among the Dead Sea Scrolls prompted Catholic scholar J.T. Milik to compile a complete history of the Enochian writings, including translations of the Aramaic manuscripts. Milik's 400-page book, published in 1976 by Oxford (J. T. Milik, ed. and trans., The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976) is a milestone in Enochian scholarship, and Milik himself is no doubt one of the finest experts on the subject. His opinions, based as they are on years of in-depth research, are highly respected.
One by one the arguments against the Book of Enoch fade away. The day may soon arrive when the final complaints about the Book of Enoch's lack of historicity and "late date" are also silenced by new evidence of the book's real antiquity.
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Genesis 5:18-24 [18] Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years, and begot Enoch. [19] After he begot Enoch, Jared lived eight hundred years, and had sons and daughters. [20] So all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty-two years; and he died. [21] Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah. [22] After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters. [23] So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. [24] And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.
Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, "and was not found, because God had taken him"; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
Jude 1:14-15 [14] Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, "Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, [15] to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him."
We first learn of Enoch in Genesis 5 but it leaves us with questions. Hebrews 11 has the answers and Jude quotes Enoch! How did Jude come to know the words of Enoch? They are not in the Bible. The answer of course, is The Book of Enoch. A book which is actually quoted by Jude in the New Testament. What is the Book of Enoch and where did it come from?
Enoch was the great-grandfather of Noah. The Book of Enoch chapter 68:1 "And after that my great-grandfather Enoch gave me all the secrets in the book and in the parables which had been given to him, and he put them together for me in the words of the book of the parables."
The Book of Enoch was extant centuries before the birth of Christ and yet is considered by many to be more Christian in its theology than Jewish. It was considered scripture by many early Christians. The earliest literature of the so-called "Church Fathers" is filled with references to this mysterious book. The early second century "Epistle of Barnabus" makes much use of the Book of Enoch. Second and Third Century "Church Fathers" like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement of Alexandria all make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian (160-230 C.E) even called the Book of Enoch "Holy Scripture". The Ethiopic Church even added the Book of Enoch to its official canon. It was widely known and read the first three centuries after Christ. This and many other books became discredited after the Council of Laodicea. And being under ban of the authorities, afterwards it gradually passed out of circulation.
At about the time of the Protestant Reformation, there came to be a renewed interest in the Book of Enoch which had long since been lost to the modern world. By the late 1400's rumors began to spread that somewhere a copy of the long lost Book of Enoch might still exist. During this time many books arose claiming to be the long lost book and were later found to be forgeries.
The return of the long lost Book of Enoch to the modern western world is credited to the famous explorer James Bruce, who in 1773 returned from six years in Abyssinia with three Ethiopic copies of the lost book. In 1821 Richard Laurence published the first English translation. The famous R.H. Charles edition was published in 1912. In the following years several portions of the Greek text surfaced. Then with the discovery of cave 4 of the Dead Sea Scrolls, seven fragmentary copies of the Aramaic text were discovered.
There are scholars who believe the Book of Enoch was published before the Christian era by some great unknown of Semetic race, who believing himself to be inspired in a post-prophetic age, borrowed the name of an antediluvian patriarch to authenticate his own enthusiastic forcast of the coming Messiah. The Book of Enoch is divided into five basic parts, but it is the The Book of Parables (37-71) which gives scholars the most trouble for it is primarily concerned with a figure called "the messiah"; "the righteous one"; "the chosen one" and "the son of man."
The Book of Enoch Chapter 46:1-2 [1] There I beheld the Ancient of days whose head was like white wool, and with him another, whose countenance resembled that of a man. His countenance was full of grace, like that of one of the holy angels. Then I inquired of one of the angels, who went with me, and who showed me every secret thing, concerning this Son of man; who he was; whence he was; and why he accompanied the Ancient of days. [2] He answered and said to me, This is the Son of man, to whom righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has dwealt; and who will reveal all the treasures of that which is concealed: for the Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness."
(1) 1 Enoch
Discovery of the "Lost Text"
"The Greek word pseudepigrapha is a Greek word meaning 'falsely superscribed,' or what we moderns might call writing under a pen name. The classification, 'OT Pseudepigrapha,' is a label that scholars have given to these writings."
- Craig A. Evans, Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation, (1992) p. 22
"The Book of Enoch is a pseudepigraphical work (a work that claims to be by a biblical character). The Book of Enoch was not included in either the Hebrew or most Christian biblical canons, but could have been considered a sacred text by the sectarians."
- Milik, Jazef. T., ed. The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4
The Book of Enoch is "an ancient composition known from two sets of versions, an Ethiopic one that scholars identify as '1 Enoch', and a Slavonic version that is identified as '2 Enoch', and which is also known as The Book of the Secrets of Enoch. Both versions, of which copied manuscripts have been found mostly in Greek and Latin translations, are based on early sources that enlarged on the short biblical mention that Enoch, the seventh Patriarch after Adam, did not die because, at age 365, 'he walked with God' - taken heavenward to join the deity."
- Zecharia Sitchin, When Time Began
"I Enoch, also known as the Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch, is the oldest of the three pseudepigraphal books attributed to Enoch, the man who apparently did not die, but was taken up to heaven (Gen 5:24). The book was originally written in either Hebrew or Aramaic, perhaps both, but it survives in complete form only in Ethiopic (Ge'ez), and in fragmentary form in Aramaic, Greek (1:1-32:6; 6:1-10:14; 15:8-16:1; 89:42-49; 97:6-104), and Latin (106:1-18)."
"The materials in I Enoch range in date from 200 B.C.E. to 50 C.E. I Enoch contributes much to intertestamental views of angels, heaven, judgment, resurrection, and the Messiah. This book has left its stamp upon many of the NT writers, especially the author of Revelation."
- Craig A. Evans, Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation, (1992) p. 23
"Prior to the eighteenth century, scholars had believed the Book of Enoch to be irretrievably lost: composed long before the birth of Christ, and considered to be one of the most important pieces of Jewish mystical literature, it was only known from fragments and from references to it in other texts. James Bruce changed all this by procuring several copies of the missing work during his stay in Ethiopia. These were the first complete editions of the Book of Enoch ever to be seen in Europe."
- Graham Hancock, The Sign and the Seal
"The Book of Enoch remained in darkness until 1821, when the long years of dedicated work by a professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford were finally rewarded with the publication of the first ever English translation of the Book of Enoch. The Reverend Richard Laurence, Archbishop of Cashel, had labored for many hundreds of hours over the faded manuscript in the hands of the Bodleian Library, carefully substituting English words and expressions for the original Geez, while comparing the results with known extracts, such as the few brief chapters preserved in Greek by Syncellus during the ninth century."
- Andrew Collins, From the Ashes of Angels - The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race (1996) p. 21
"The original Aramaic version was lost until the Dead Sea fragments were discovered."
"The original language of most of this work was, in all likelihood, Aramaic (an early Semitic language). Although the original version was lost in antiquity, portions of a Greek translation were discovered in Egypt and quotations were known from the Church Fathers. The discovery of the texts from Qumran Cave 4 has finally provided parts of the Aramaic original. ...Humankind is called on to observe how unchanging nature follows God's will."
- Milik, Jazef. T., ed. The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4
"1 Enoch, preserved in a full, 108-chapter form in Ethiopic, consists of five parts and one appended chapter. It originated in Aramaic (perhaps Hebrew for chaps. 37-71), was translated into Greek, and from Greek into Ethiopic."
- James C. Vanderkam (Professor of Hebrew Scriptures at the University of Notre Dame)
"The Aramaic Book of Enoch...very considerably influenced the idiom of the New Testament and patristic literature, more so in fact than any other writing of the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha."
- Norman Golb, Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls?, (1995) p. 366
"As it now stands, I Enoch appears to consist of the following five major divisions:
(1) The Book of the Watchers (chaps. 1-36);
(2) The Book of the Similitudes (chaps. 37-7l)-,
(3) The Book of Astronomical Writings (chaps. 72-82);
(4) The Book of Dream Visions (chaps. 83-90); and
(5) The Book of the Epistle of Enoch (chaps. 91-107)."
- Craig A. Evans, Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation, (1992) p. 23
"Chaps. 1-36 The Book of the Watchers may date from the third century BCE. Parts of its text have been identified on several copies from Qumran cave 4; the earliest fragmentary manuscript (4QEnocha) dates, according to the editor J.T. Milk, to between 200 and 150 BCE. All Qumran copies are in the Aramaic language."
- James C. Vanderkam
"James Vanderkam divides the first part of 1 Enoch into five sections:
1-5 a theophany followed by an eschatological admonition
6-11 the angel story (stories)
12-16 Enoch and the failed petition of the angels who descended,
17-19 Enoch's first journey,
20-36 Enoch's second journey (chap. 20 is a list of angels who are connected with the journeys)."
- Tom Simms (CrossTalk)
"Chaps. 37-71 The Book of Parables (or the Similitudes of Enoch) may have been composed in the late first century BCE; a number of scholars prefer to place it in the first or even the second century CE. Milik assigns it to the late third century CE. No fragments of these chapters have been found at Qumran, and some think their original language was Hebrew, not Aramaic."
- James C. Vanderkam
"Chaps. 72-82 The Astronomical Book, like the Book of Watchers, may date from the third century BCE; the oldest copy of it seems to have been made not long after 200 BCE. Sizable portions of the text are preserved on four copies, written in Aramaic, from Qumran cave 4. The Aramaic original appears to have been much different and much longer than the Ethiopic text, adding far more astronomical details."
- James C. Vanderkam
"A world view so encyclopaediac that it embraced the geography of heaven and earth, astronomy, meteorology, medicine was no part of Jewish tradition - but was familiar to educated Greeks, but attempting to emulate and surpass Greek wisdom, by having an integrating divine plan for destiny, elaborated through an angelic host with which Enoch is in communication through his mystical travels."
- Chris King, "The Apocalyptic Tradition"
Although the Book of Enoch is considered as apocryphal, it was clearly known to early Christian writers as the following quote from 1 Enoch 1:9 indicates:
"In the seventh (generation) from Adam Enoch also prophesied these things, saying: 'Behold, the Lord came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners spoke against him'."
- Jude 14-15
2 Enoch
"2 Enoch, or the Slavonic Apocalypse of Enoch, was written late first century C.E. in Egypt by a Jew. It survives only in late Old Slavonic manuscripts. It may have been composed originally in Aramaic or Hebrew, later being translated into Greek, and later still being translated into Old Slavonic. It is an amplification of Gen 5:21-32 (from Enoch to the Flood). Major theological themes include:
(1) God created the world out of nothing (24:2);
(2) seven heavens (30:2-3) and angelic hosts;
(3) God created the souls of men before the foundation of the earth (23:5);
(4) abodes of heaven and hell are already prepared for righteous and sinners; and
(5) ethical teachings, which at times parallel those of the NT and Proverbs."
- Craig A. Evans, Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation, (1992) p. 23
Date: 07/22/2000 Author: David Chariot "beth_marcaboth@hotmail.com" posted in alt.religion.christian.pentecostal
About the Book of Enoch
(also known as "Ethiopian Enoch" or "1 Enoch")
The Book of Enoch (also known as 1 Enoch) was once cherished by Jews and Christians alike, this book later fell into disfavor with powerful theologians - precisely because of its controversial statements on the nature and deeds of the fallen angels.
The Enochian writings, in addition to many other writings that were excluded (or lost) from the Bible (i.e., the Book of Tobit, Esdras, etc.) were widely recognized by many of the early church fathers as "apocryphal" writings. The term "apocrypha" is derived from the Greek word meaning "hidden" or "secret". Originally, the import of the term may have been complimentary in that the term was applied to sacred books whose contents were too exalted to be made available to the general public.
In Dan. 12:9-10 we hear of words that are shut up until the end of time and, words that the wise shall understand and the wicked shall not. In addition, 4 Ezra 14:44ff. mentions 94 books, of which 24 (the OT) were to be published and 70 were to be delivered only to the wise among the people (= apocrypha). Gradually, the term "apocrypha" took on a pejorative connotation, for the orthodoxy of these hidden books was often questionable. Origen (Comm. in Matt. 10.18; p. 13.881)
distinguished between books that were to be read in public worship and apocryphal books. Because these secret books were often preserved for use within the esoteric circles of the divinely - knit believers, many of the critically - spirited or "unenlightened" Church Fathers found themselves outside the realm of understanding, and therefore came to apply the term "apocryphal" to, what they claimed to be, heretical works which were forbidden to be read.
In Protestant parlance, "the Apocrypha" designate 15 works, all but one of which are Jewish in origin and found in the Septuagint (parts of 2 Esdras are Christian and Latin in origin). Although some of them were composed in Palestine in Aramaic or Hebrew, they were not accepted into the Jewish canon formed late in the 2nd cent. AD (Canonicity, 67:31-35). The Reformers, influenced by the Jewish canon of the OT, did not consider these books on a par with the rest of the Scriptures; thus the custom arose of making the Apocrypha a separate section in the
Protestant Bible, or sometimes even of omitting them entirely
(Canonicity, 67:44-46). The Catholic view, expressed as a doctrine of faith at the Council of Trent, is that 12 of these 15 works (in a different enumeration, however) are canonical Scripture; they are called the Deuterocanonical Books (Canonicity, 67:21, 42-43).
The three books of the Protestant Apocrypha that are not accepted by Catholics are 1-2 Esdras and the Prayer of Manasseh. The theme of the Book of Enoch dealing with the nature and deeds of the fallen angels so infuriated the later Church fathers that one, Filastrius, actually condemned it openly as heresy (Filastrius, Liber de Haeresibus, no. 108). Nor did the rabbis deign to give credence to the book's teaching about angels. Rabbi Simeon ben Jochai in the second century A.D. pronounced a curse upon those who believed it (Delitzsch, p. 223). So the book was denounced, banned, cursed, no doubt burned and
shredded - and last but not least, lost (and conveniently forgotten) for a thousand years. But with an uncanny persistence, the Book of Enoch found its way back into circulation two centuries ago.
In 1773, rumors of a surviving copy of the book drew Scottish explorer James Bruce to distant Ethiopia. True to hearsay, the Book of Enoch had been preserved by the Ethiopic church, which put it right alongside the other books of the Bible. Bruce secured not one, but three Ethiopic copies of the book and brought them back to Europe and Britain. When in 1821 Dr. Richard Laurence, a Hebrew professor at Oxford, produced the first English translation of the work, the modern world gained its first glimpse of the forbidden mysteries of Enoch.
Most scholars say that the present form of the story in the Book of Enoch was penned sometime during the second century B.C. and was popular for at least five hundred years. The earliest Ethiopic text was apparently made from a Greek manuscript of the Book of Enoch, which itself was a copy of an earlier text. The original was apparently written in Semitic language, now thought to be Aramaic.
Though it was once believed to be post-Christian (the similarities to Christian terminology and teaching are striking), recent discoveries of copies of the book among the Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran prove that the book was in existence before the time of Jesus Christ. But the date of the original writing upon which the second century B.C. Qumran copies were based is shrouded in obscurity. It is, in a word, old. It has been largely the opinion of historians that the book does not really contain the authentic words of the ancient biblical patriarch Enoch, since he would have lived (based on the chronologies in the Book of Genesis) several thousand years earlier than the first known appearance of the book attributed to him.
Despite its unknown origins, Christians once accepted the words of this Book of Enoch as authentic scripture, especially the part about the fallen angels and their prophesied judgment. In fact, many of the key concepts used by Jesus Christ himself seem directly connected to terms and ideas in the Book of Enoch. Thus, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that Jesus had not only studied the book, but also respected it highly enough to adopt and elaborate on its specific descriptions of the coming kingdom and its theme of inevitable judgment descending upon "the wicked" - the term most often used in the Old Testament to describe the Watchers.
There is abundant proof that Christ approved of the Book of Enoch. Over a hundred phrases in the New Testament find precedents in the Book of Enoch. Another remarkable bit of evidence for the early Christians' acceptance of the Book of Enoch was for many years buried under the King James Bible's mistranslation of Luke 9:35, describing the
transfiguration of Christ: "And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, 'This is my beloved Son: hear him." Apparently the translator here wished to make this verse agree with a similar verse in Matthew and Mark. But Luke's verse in the original Greek reads: "This is my Son, the Elect One (from the Greek ho eklelegmenos, lit., "the elect one"): hear him." The "Elect One" is a most significant term (found fourteen times) in the Book of Enoch. If the book was indeed known to the apostles of Christ, with its abundant descriptions of the Elect One who should "sit upon the throne of glory" and the Elect One who should "dwell in the midst of them," then the great scriptural authenticity is accorded to the Book of Enoch when the "voice out of the cloud" tells the apostles, "This is my Son, the Elect One" - the one promised in the Book of Enoch.
The Book of Jude tells us in vs. 14 that "Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied..." Jude also, in vs. 15, makes a direct reference to the Book of Enoch (2:1), where he writes, "to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly..." The time difference between Enoch and Jude is approximately 3400 years. Therefore, Jude's reference to the Enochian prophesies strongly leans toward the conclusion that these written prophesies were available to him at that time.
Fragments of ten Enoch manuscripts were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The famous scrolls actually comprise only one part of the total findings at Qumran. Much of the rest was Enochian literature, copies of the Book of Enoch, and other apocryphal works in the Enochian tradition, like the Book of Jubilees. With so many copies around, the Essenes could well have used the Enochian writings as a community prayer book or teacher's manual and study text.
The Book of Enoch was also used by writers of the noncanonical (i.e. apocryphal or "hidden") texts. The author of the apocryphal Epistle of Barnabas quotes the Book of Enoch three times, twice calling it "the Scripture," a term specifically denoting the inspired Word of God (Epis. of Barnabas 4:3, 16:5,6). Other apocryphal works reflect knowledge of the Enoch story of the Watchers, notably the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs and the Book of Jubilees.
Many of the early church fathers also supported the Enochian writings. Justin Martyr ascribed all evil to demons whom he alleged to be the offspring of the angels who fell through lust for women (from the Ibid.)-directly referencing the Enochian writings. Athenagoras, writing in his work called Legatio in about 170 A.D., regards Enoch as a true prophet. He describes the angels which "violated both their own nature and their office." In his writings, he goes into detail about the nature of fallen angels and the cause of their fall, which comes directly from the Enochian writings.
Many other church fathers: Tatian (110-172); Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons (115-185); Clement of Alexandria (150-220); Tertullian (160-230); Origen (186-255); Lactantius (260-330); in addition to: Methodius of Philippi, Minucius Felix, Commodianus, and Ambrose of Milanalso-also approved of and supported the Enochian writings.
The twentieth-century discovery of several Aramaic Enochian texts among the Dead Sea Scrolls prompted Catholic scholar J.T. Milik to compile a complete history of the Enochian writings, including translations of the Aramaic manuscripts. Milik's 400-page book, published in 1976 by Oxford (J. T. Milik, ed. and trans., The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976) is a milestone in Enochian scholarship, and Milik himself is no doubt one of the finest experts on the subject. His opinions, based as they are on years of in-depth research, are highly respected.
One by one the arguments against the Book of Enoch fade away. The day may soon arrive when the final complaints about the Book of Enoch's lack of historicity and "late date" are also silenced by new evidence of the book's real antiquity.
Please visit the source page for many great links on this subject
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Four former Mid-Missouri Bank officials banned from banking
This post was pilfered from The Joplin Globe website
Please note bracketed areas "[...]" are my highlights..
How does this [bullshit] pass for transparency?
December 19, 2011
Four former Mid-Missouri Bank officials banned from banking
By Wally Kennedy
JOPLIN, Mo. — Four former officials with Mid-Missouri Bank have been banned from further participation in the banking and financial industry by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Three of them also have been ordered to pay civil penalties.
Agreeing to the consent orders issued in October by the FDIC were Scott Rosenthal, former president and chief executive officer of Mid-Missouri Bank at 2230 E. 32nd St.; Frank B. McReynolds, a former senior vice president at that location; K. Chris Couch, a former executive vice president at that location; and Kayla Muskrat, a former loan officer at that location.
Rosenthal was ordered to pay civil penalties of $62,500; Couch, $50,000; and McReynolds, $13,500.
Rosenthal, formerly employed by the Hunte Corp., [could not be reached for comment] on Monday. Couch, who now works for a Joplin-based electrical supply company, [was unavailable for comment]. McReynolds, who also lives in the Joplin area, [could not be reached for comment] on Monday. Muskrat has an unlisted telephone number.
The bank employees were either fired or suspended in April 2007 when the bank announced it was launching an investigation in cooperation with the FDIC, the Missouri Division of Finance, the FBI and a bonding company.
At the time of the dismissals, Mid-Missouri Bank told its depositors and other customers that none of them were at risk.
A bank spokesman at the time said no credit had been extended to any customer beyond their ability to repay and that the incidents involving the employees had been going on for some time.
In agreeing to the consent orders, the four waived their right to a hearing of allegations that they violated the law, participated in unsafe and unsound banking practices and breached their fiduciary duties.
[Without admitting or denying any violations of the law or banking regulations], the four consented to the issuance of the orders by the FDIC.
LaJuan William-Young, spokeswoman for the FDIC, on Monday said the orders ban the former bank employees from working in the banking and financial industry. She said [she could not comment on or reveal the specific violations each respondent faced].
Travis Ford, spokesman for the Missouri Division of Finance, said the orders were issued by the FDIC. Because of that, [inquiries about the violations must be directed to the FDIC].
Ford said orders issued by the FDIC that relate to individuals “usually involve bad loans that put their bank at risk.’’
Eric McClure, president and chief executive officer of Springfield-based Mid-Missouri Bank, said, “We at Mid-Missouri Bank are absolutely dedicated to the Joplin community. [We are in good financial shape]. The actions by these individuals were more than four years ago. [We have moved on], and we’re thankful that justice does come around sometimes later than we wish.’’
McClure, who was named president of the bank in August 2010, said he is [not familiar with the incidents that were investigated]. As to their gravity, he said, “It has to be pretty serious for them to be banned from banking.’’
The FDIC, in its orders, said it had considered the matter and determined it [had reason to believe that the respondents had engaged or participated in violations of the law that would cause Mid-Missouri bank to suffer financial losses or other damage].
The FDIC said “such violations, practices and breaches of fiduciary duty involve personal dishonesty on the part of the respondent or demonstrate respondent’s [willful and continuing disregard for the safety or soundness of the bank].’’
The FDIC said its investigation showed the respondents’ “unfitness to serve’’ as a director or officer in the affairs of a bank.
Rosenthal, past president of the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce, was employed from 1979 to 2001 by Southwest Missouri Bank, where he started as a part-time college teller, records show. He managed two locations for the bank in the Joplin market. [He also managed the bank’s investment portfolio] and handled trust department activities.
From September 2001 to April 2007, he was president of Bank of Joplin/Webb City Bank, managing six locations and more than 50 employees. During his tenure, the bank [grew total assets from $66 million to $275 million], moving from tenth in the marketplace to third.
Mid-Missouri Bank
On Aug. 1, 2006, Mid-Missouri Bank became the new name of the three Bank of Joplin locations and two Webb City Bank locations. Mid-Missouri Bank had been the parent bank of those locations since 1977.
This post was pilfered from The Joplin Globe website
Please note bracketed areas "[...]" are my highlights..
How does this [bullshit] pass for transparency?
December 19, 2011
Four former Mid-Missouri Bank officials banned from banking
By Wally Kennedy
JOPLIN, Mo. — Four former officials with Mid-Missouri Bank have been banned from further participation in the banking and financial industry by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Three of them also have been ordered to pay civil penalties.
Agreeing to the consent orders issued in October by the FDIC were Scott Rosenthal, former president and chief executive officer of Mid-Missouri Bank at 2230 E. 32nd St.; Frank B. McReynolds, a former senior vice president at that location; K. Chris Couch, a former executive vice president at that location; and Kayla Muskrat, a former loan officer at that location.
Rosenthal was ordered to pay civil penalties of $62,500; Couch, $50,000; and McReynolds, $13,500.
Rosenthal, formerly employed by the Hunte Corp., [could not be reached for comment] on Monday. Couch, who now works for a Joplin-based electrical supply company, [was unavailable for comment]. McReynolds, who also lives in the Joplin area, [could not be reached for comment] on Monday. Muskrat has an unlisted telephone number.
The bank employees were either fired or suspended in April 2007 when the bank announced it was launching an investigation in cooperation with the FDIC, the Missouri Division of Finance, the FBI and a bonding company.
At the time of the dismissals, Mid-Missouri Bank told its depositors and other customers that none of them were at risk.
A bank spokesman at the time said no credit had been extended to any customer beyond their ability to repay and that the incidents involving the employees had been going on for some time.
In agreeing to the consent orders, the four waived their right to a hearing of allegations that they violated the law, participated in unsafe and unsound banking practices and breached their fiduciary duties.
[Without admitting or denying any violations of the law or banking regulations], the four consented to the issuance of the orders by the FDIC.
LaJuan William-Young, spokeswoman for the FDIC, on Monday said the orders ban the former bank employees from working in the banking and financial industry. She said [she could not comment on or reveal the specific violations each respondent faced].
Travis Ford, spokesman for the Missouri Division of Finance, said the orders were issued by the FDIC. Because of that, [inquiries about the violations must be directed to the FDIC].
Ford said orders issued by the FDIC that relate to individuals “usually involve bad loans that put their bank at risk.’’
Eric McClure, president and chief executive officer of Springfield-based Mid-Missouri Bank, said, “We at Mid-Missouri Bank are absolutely dedicated to the Joplin community. [We are in good financial shape]. The actions by these individuals were more than four years ago. [We have moved on], and we’re thankful that justice does come around sometimes later than we wish.’’
McClure, who was named president of the bank in August 2010, said he is [not familiar with the incidents that were investigated]. As to their gravity, he said, “It has to be pretty serious for them to be banned from banking.’’
The FDIC, in its orders, said it had considered the matter and determined it [had reason to believe that the respondents had engaged or participated in violations of the law that would cause Mid-Missouri bank to suffer financial losses or other damage].
The FDIC said “such violations, practices and breaches of fiduciary duty involve personal dishonesty on the part of the respondent or demonstrate respondent’s [willful and continuing disregard for the safety or soundness of the bank].’’
The FDIC said its investigation showed the respondents’ “unfitness to serve’’ as a director or officer in the affairs of a bank.
Rosenthal, past president of the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce, was employed from 1979 to 2001 by Southwest Missouri Bank, where he started as a part-time college teller, records show. He managed two locations for the bank in the Joplin market. [He also managed the bank’s investment portfolio] and handled trust department activities.
From September 2001 to April 2007, he was president of Bank of Joplin/Webb City Bank, managing six locations and more than 50 employees. During his tenure, the bank [grew total assets from $66 million to $275 million], moving from tenth in the marketplace to third.
Mid-Missouri Bank
On Aug. 1, 2006, Mid-Missouri Bank became the new name of the three Bank of Joplin locations and two Webb City Bank locations. Mid-Missouri Bank had been the parent bank of those locations since 1977.
Perhaps the most important thing you will ever read - Seriously
From oftwominds.com Charles Hugh Smith
2011: The Last (Debt-Consumerist) Christmas in America
December 20, 2011 (Mobile version)
The end of debt-based affluence: welcome to The Last Christmas in America (TLCIA).
Almost 35 years ago, as unemployment rose toward 10%, the January 1975 cover of Ramparts magazine blared: The End of Affluence: The Last Christmas in America. (TLCIA)
The article wasn't referring to the religious celebration; it was referring to the postwar concept of Christmas as the frenzied, exhausting year-end pinnacle of our one true secular faith, Consumption, a final orgy of buying and binging.
It is instructive to recall how the Federal government responded to unemployment, high inflation and rising budget deficits in the early 1970s: it began fudging numbers, manipulating data to mask the politically inconvenient realities of rising inflation, unemployment and deficits by playing switcheroo with Social Security Trust Funds, inflation data, etc.--games it continues to play in 2011 to cloak reality from the media-numbed public.
The market was not so easily fooled. The Bear market, reflecting the "real" recession, lasted 16 years, from 1967 to 1982. Now statistics are echoing that last great recession: rising prices for essentials, systemically high unemployment and stagnant wages while the corporate media and the organs of statistical manipulation (a.k.a. the sprawling, putrid public-private cesspool of the Ministry of Propaganda) trumpet "the return of growth" and skyrocketing corporate profits.
(Today's propaganda: housing starts blip up due to statistical noise, and though starts are less than half pre-recession levels, this is heralded as "evidence" that "strong growth is back.")
The difference between the postwar boom of 1946 and the boom that followed 1982 is the last boom was based on the explosive expansion of debt. People didn't save and invest in productive assets; they went into debt to consume more and to become a "bigger" persona via the miracle of credit.
I often use this chart to make this point: if credit had expanded along with GDP, then we'd be considerably less indebted. Instead, it required a vast expansion of debt--some $30 trillion more than the rise in GDP--to fuel the 1982-2000 boom.
From oftwominds.com Charles Hugh Smith
From oftwominds.com Charles Hugh Smith
2011: The Last (Debt-Consumerist) Christmas in America
December 20, 2011 (Mobile version)
The end of debt-based affluence: welcome to The Last Christmas in America (TLCIA).
Almost 35 years ago, as unemployment rose toward 10%, the January 1975 cover of Ramparts magazine blared: The End of Affluence: The Last Christmas in America. (TLCIA)
The article wasn't referring to the religious celebration; it was referring to the postwar concept of Christmas as the frenzied, exhausting year-end pinnacle of our one true secular faith, Consumption, a final orgy of buying and binging.
It is instructive to recall how the Federal government responded to unemployment, high inflation and rising budget deficits in the early 1970s: it began fudging numbers, manipulating data to mask the politically inconvenient realities of rising inflation, unemployment and deficits by playing switcheroo with Social Security Trust Funds, inflation data, etc.--games it continues to play in 2011 to cloak reality from the media-numbed public.
The market was not so easily fooled. The Bear market, reflecting the "real" recession, lasted 16 years, from 1967 to 1982. Now statistics are echoing that last great recession: rising prices for essentials, systemically high unemployment and stagnant wages while the corporate media and the organs of statistical manipulation (a.k.a. the sprawling, putrid public-private cesspool of the Ministry of Propaganda) trumpet "the return of growth" and skyrocketing corporate profits.
(Today's propaganda: housing starts blip up due to statistical noise, and though starts are less than half pre-recession levels, this is heralded as "evidence" that "strong growth is back.")
The difference between the postwar boom of 1946 and the boom that followed 1982 is the last boom was based on the explosive expansion of debt. People didn't save and invest in productive assets; they went into debt to consume more and to become a "bigger" persona via the miracle of credit.
I often use this chart to make this point: if credit had expanded along with GDP, then we'd be considerably less indebted. Instead, it required a vast expansion of debt--some $30 trillion more than the rise in GDP--to fuel the 1982-2000 boom.
From oftwominds.com Charles Hugh Smith
Priest Nearly Arrested at Council Meeting for Exercising First Amendment
Kurt Nimmo
December 19, 2011
In Florida, if you make an unflattering comparison about the abuse of government authority during an open forum at a city council meeting, you may face the possibly of being “out of order” and subject to removal by police.
Father Nathan Monk of Pensacola, Florida, faced just such a situation on Friday when members of the city council there ruled him out of order.
Monk had not raised his voice or threatened anybody. He merely stated in no uncertain terms that the government violated the civil liberties of several citizens who had spoken in opposition to proposed anti-homeless ordinances earlier in the week.
The council took umbrage and had the citizens removed after they made comparisons between the ordinances and Heinrich Himmler’s Final Solution.
“As Americans, we have the right to redress our government without fear of being arrested,” said Monk. “Whether or not they’re connecting dots from Hitler to George Wallace to Barney … you should be asking, ‘well what are we doing that’s allowing people to connect those dots?’ It was a sick and gross abuse of power.”
Council President Hall interrupted Monk. “Your time is up, sit down,” he said.
“No, I have a minute and 12 seconds left,” Monk said as he glanced at the timer on the speaker’s lectern.
“I’m ruling you out of order,” Hall said.
At that point the council had cops flank Monk.
The priest was not arrested and two council members stormed off in protest of the obvious dictatorial behavior of their fellow members.
The incident is more evidence that government – from the federal government all the way down to state and local government – is increasingly out of control and often flagrantly violates the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It treats citizens like subjects to be abused, culled for “revenue enhancement,” victimized by militarized police, and taxed relentlessly.
Kurt Nimmo
December 19, 2011
In Florida, if you make an unflattering comparison about the abuse of government authority during an open forum at a city council meeting, you may face the possibly of being “out of order” and subject to removal by police.
Father Nathan Monk of Pensacola, Florida, faced just such a situation on Friday when members of the city council there ruled him out of order.
Monk had not raised his voice or threatened anybody. He merely stated in no uncertain terms that the government violated the civil liberties of several citizens who had spoken in opposition to proposed anti-homeless ordinances earlier in the week.
The council took umbrage and had the citizens removed after they made comparisons between the ordinances and Heinrich Himmler’s Final Solution.
“As Americans, we have the right to redress our government without fear of being arrested,” said Monk. “Whether or not they’re connecting dots from Hitler to George Wallace to Barney … you should be asking, ‘well what are we doing that’s allowing people to connect those dots?’ It was a sick and gross abuse of power.”
Council President Hall interrupted Monk. “Your time is up, sit down,” he said.
“No, I have a minute and 12 seconds left,” Monk said as he glanced at the timer on the speaker’s lectern.
“I’m ruling you out of order,” Hall said.
At that point the council had cops flank Monk.
The priest was not arrested and two council members stormed off in protest of the obvious dictatorial behavior of their fellow members.
The incident is more evidence that government – from the federal government all the way down to state and local government – is increasingly out of control and often flagrantly violates the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It treats citizens like subjects to be abused, culled for “revenue enhancement,” victimized by militarized police, and taxed relentlessly.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Why I think $EURAUD & $GBPAUD are headed higher still #Trade analysis
Be sure to read my f'ing disclaimer ;)
This is all just for FUN! Right ;) LMAO
I'm in these EURAUD 1.3130 & 1.3036 & one remaining GBPAUD from 1.5548 after closing initial entry +58.6 pips.
Here are the charts & a brief analysis..
Click charts to enlarge
EURAUD daily


Thank you and please come back ;)
Be sure to read my f'ing disclaimer ;)
This is all just for FUN! Right ;) LMAO
I'm in these EURAUD 1.3130 & 1.3036 & one remaining GBPAUD from 1.5548 after closing initial entry +58.6 pips.
Here are the charts & a brief analysis..
Click charts to enlarge
EURAUD daily


Thank you and please come back ;)
Friday, December 16, 2011
The most beautiful chart I've ever drawn.. $GBPAUDm30 #FX #traders #newbies
I'll let the picture speak a thousand words for itself ;)
However, please be aware that this trade may or may not work out as I anticipate.. You MUST trade and properly manage your own account risk / leverage. I am not a licensed financial adviser so you're f'ing on your own with all this FX trading BS.. ;)
But hey.. IF you're struggling why not try this setup? It's beautiful enough just to sit around and stare at.. Which I do often myself LMAO
Click to enlarge
I'll let the picture speak a thousand words for itself ;)
However, please be aware that this trade may or may not work out as I anticipate.. You MUST trade and properly manage your own account risk / leverage. I am not a licensed financial adviser so you're f'ing on your own with all this FX trading BS.. ;)
But hey.. IF you're struggling why not try this setup? It's beautiful enough just to sit around and stare at.. Which I do often myself LMAO
Click to enlarge

Trying something very simple this morning.. $GBPAUD
Thursday, December 15, 2011
This is likely the first time they actually "spoke to me"
This is likely the first time they actually "spoke to me". I see that this album was released in March of 1976 which would have made me about 18 years old..
I was living on my own for the first time. It's a very strange story how my attachment to this particular song came about and how it has stayed with me through all these years.
But I'm not going to go into it here ;)
Actually I have had many strange experiences over the course of my 54 years on the planet.. Dreams, visions, encounters.. These seemingly strange occurrences have run like a thread through my entire life. Always there, somehow connected. Telling me something. But not quite what..
They stay in touch with me in a subtle way.. Just outside the realm of conscientiousness.
And compelling me.. compelling me to..
Enjoy ;)
I met the healer in the twilight of my life
He was the purity in my madness side
He take me far beyond the sunshine and the snow
My faith in him ignites a charismatic glow
Cure me, cure me, cure me
Cure me, cure me (Repeat 4 times)
He leads me through the twisted chasms of my mind
He saved me from the fated final sacrifice
He spoke to me with the palm of his hand
I hear you calling
I hear you calling
I hear you calling
I hear you calling
Deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me
Deliver me, deliver me
I am the healer in the twilight of your life
I am the purity in your madness side
Cure me, cure me, cure me,
Cure me, cure me (Repeat 4 times)
I speak to you with the palm of my hand
I am the healer
I am the healer
I am the healer
I am the healer
Deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me
Deliver me, deliver me
Healer (Repeat till fade)
This is likely the first time they actually "spoke to me". I see that this album was released in March of 1976 which would have made me about 18 years old..
I was living on my own for the first time. It's a very strange story how my attachment to this particular song came about and how it has stayed with me through all these years.
But I'm not going to go into it here ;)
Actually I have had many strange experiences over the course of my 54 years on the planet.. Dreams, visions, encounters.. These seemingly strange occurrences have run like a thread through my entire life. Always there, somehow connected. Telling me something. But not quite what..
They stay in touch with me in a subtle way.. Just outside the realm of conscientiousness.
And compelling me.. compelling me to..
Enjoy ;)
I met the healer in the twilight of my life
He was the purity in my madness side
He take me far beyond the sunshine and the snow
My faith in him ignites a charismatic glow
Cure me, cure me, cure me
Cure me, cure me (Repeat 4 times)
He leads me through the twisted chasms of my mind
He saved me from the fated final sacrifice
He spoke to me with the palm of his hand
I hear you calling
I hear you calling
I hear you calling
I hear you calling
Deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me
Deliver me, deliver me
I am the healer in the twilight of your life
I am the purity in your madness side
Cure me, cure me, cure me,
Cure me, cure me (Repeat 4 times)
I speak to you with the palm of my hand
I am the healer
I am the healer
I am the healer
I am the healer
Deliver me, deliver me, deliver me, deliver me
Deliver me, deliver me
Healer (Repeat till fade)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Short term gold targets
What the #government & #FED DON'T want you to realize - Wise up #ows
Many foreign dictators & hostile states are merely whores for American military aid.. For decades American government, American politicians, have been able to BUY whatever cooperation they seek in the world around us..
In short we create advanced weapons systems and LOAN money (fiat) to foreign tyrants, at interest, who agree to kill the right people with said United States financed weaponry.
U.S. Foreign Military Assistance <-- source
Program Descriptions Program Reports Budget Requests Other Documents USAID Greenbook
Program Descriptions
Listed below are several U.S. programs that provide foreign states with military and related assistance, directly and indirectly supporting U.S. arms transfers.
Foreign Military Financing: Foreign Military Financing refers to congressionally appropriated grants given to foreign governments to finance the purchase of American-made weapons, services and training. Since 1950, the US government has provided over $91 billion in FMF to militaries around the world. The vast majority of these funds goes to Israel and Egypt to reward them for making a cold peace in 1979.
Economic Support Fund: Congress established the economic support fund (ESF) to promote economic and political stability in strategically important regions where the United States has special security interests. The funds are provided on a grant basis and are available for a variety of economic purposes, like infrastructure and development projects. Although not intended for military expenditure, these grants allow the recipient government to free up its own money for military programs.
International Military Education and Training: International Military Education and Training (IMET) grants are given to foreign governments to pay for professional education in military management and technical training on US weapons systems. Over 2,000 courses are offered, including some on human rights and civil-military relations. This program is said by its proponents to promote positive military-to-military contacts, thereby familiarizing foreign officers with "US values and democratic processes," though critics argue there is too much emphasis on military skills and not enough on human rights. The Expanded IMET program offered to certain states only focuses on the latter.
Counter-Narcotics Assistance: Through International Narcotics Control programs, the US government provides funds for military equipment and training to overseas police and armed forces to combat the production and trafficking of illegal drugs. These funds are generally dedicated to the export of firearms and the refurbishment of surveillance aircraft, transport planes and helicopters.Additional counter-narcotics training and equipment is provided by the Department of Defense, the Drug Enforcement Agency and other agencies. In recent years, human rights abuses by military and police units receiving this aid - especially in Colombia - have intensified criticism of the program.
Non-Proliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining, and Related Programs: This category of funding provides resources in support of a variety of security-related foreign policy objectives. Funds go to nuclear non-proliferation programs, anti-terrorism aid, demining activities, and - a new item in FY 2001 - small arms destruction programs.
"Anti-Terrorism Program of the Department of State," State Department, 1985. Obtained by the National Security Archive.
Peacekeeping Operations: These funds provide voluntary support for international peacekeeping activities (as opposed to the U.S. share of UN-assessed peacekeeping operations, which is financed elsewhere). PKO funds promote increased involvement of regional organizations in conflict resolution and help leverage support for multinational efforts where no formal cost sharing mechanism is available.
Assistance for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union: The Freedom Support Act (FSA) was passed in Congress on October 24, 1992 with the goal of providing the states of the former Soviet Union funds that support free market and democratic reforms through demilitarization, humanitarian and technical assistance. The bill particularly endorses American investment and trade through enterprise funds, small business programs and access to credits for purchases of U.S. food exports. The FSA also provides funding for nuclear nonproliferation programs and activities, as well as the dismantlement and destruction of biological, chemical and conventional weapons, and humanitarian aid, including health and human services programs. While funds allocated through this program are not used to purchase weapons or military training per se, they are used to enhance law enforcement and border security capabilities. These funds also free up money that the recipient government can then spend in other ways, including on defense.
For more information on these programs, see Chapter 1 of the Arms Trade Revealed
This seems to be changing a bit. Especially as more and more countries begin to realize they have been duped into accepting worthless paper fiat from a dysfunctional and corrupt U.S. political & financial system interested only in the creation of debt slavery around the world.
Fractional Reserve Banking Is the trap for you..
97% of ALL money is now digital.. It does not EXIST outside of cyber space!
I often call what we have in the United Staes a debt based ponzi scheme economy.. It seems everything about America and her economy depends upon debt creation..
Most Americans are participants in this horrific ponzi scheme designed to keep the majority of people poor, working and turning over all of the fiat they "earn", plus a lot of fiat that they do not have, to government and corporations..
This seemingly voluntary participation is commonly called "wage slavery"
The first articulate description of wage slavery was perhaps made by Simon Linguet in 1763
The slave was precious to his master because of the money he had cost him… They were worth at least as much as they could be sold for in the market… It is the impossibility of living by any other means that compels our farm labourers to till the soil whose fruits they will not eat and our masons to construct buildings in which they will not live… It is want that compels them to go down on their knees to the rich man in order to get from him permission to enrich him… what effective gain [has] the suppression of slavery brought [him ?] He is free, you say. Ah! That is his misfortune… These men… [have] the most terrible, the most imperious of masters, that is, need. … They must therefore find someone to hire them, or die of hunger. Is that to be free?
[More here]
And here for a bit more personal look at wage slavery.
It seems clear that most of the wars created by the United States involve one of two things.. A battle over resources, oil, gold and the like, and or the protection of the money game.. The protection of the American dollar's world reserve currency status.
We seem to see again and again those countries who dare refuse to accept American fiat as payment for resources soon find themselves being bombed..
Petro dollar and Iran war
Wow That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established A New Central Bank Of Libya
Petrodollar Theories of the [Iraq] War
Read about The Five [American] “Bank Wars”
We are told that central banks were created to control inflation.. Then why has the United States dollar LOST 96% of it's value to inflation since the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913?
Everyone, around the world, seems to be waking up to the fact that everything economic seems to merely be a scam.. A scam to funnel fiat from the bottom to the top.. To the top 1% if you like..
Check out this list of the central banks of the world if you missed it..
Please see more on debt..
For the record, the actual rate of growth of the private US debt to GDP ratio was roughly 2.9% p.a. from 1945 till 2008. That means that the ratio doubled every 25 years, from 45% in 1945 to 90% in 1970, 180% in 1995, and if it had kept going, it would have been 360% in 2020.
Instead it fell over in 2008, and is now going backward at a rate of knots. Here’s an extrapolation of the trend that the WEF says is “nothing unsustainable about”, from the time period they should have started their analysis—not 2000 but 1945—and focusing on the key problem—private debt:

source --> Exponential Credit Petri Dish; Steve Keen Responds to "World Economic Forum Endorses Fraud" Post
Wal-Mart, disequilibria, Greenspan's Fraud and global economic dislocation
(Sept. 4, 2006)
Deleveraging and the Futility of 'Printing Money'
the money masters certainly seem to be firmly in control.. of everything..
Do we even have the ability to fight back at all???
Many foreign dictators & hostile states are merely whores for American military aid.. For decades American government, American politicians, have been able to BUY whatever cooperation they seek in the world around us..
In short we create advanced weapons systems and LOAN money (fiat) to foreign tyrants, at interest, who agree to kill the right people with said United States financed weaponry.
U.S. Foreign Military Assistance <-- source
Program Descriptions Program Reports Budget Requests Other Documents USAID Greenbook
Program Descriptions
Listed below are several U.S. programs that provide foreign states with military and related assistance, directly and indirectly supporting U.S. arms transfers.
Foreign Military Financing: Foreign Military Financing refers to congressionally appropriated grants given to foreign governments to finance the purchase of American-made weapons, services and training. Since 1950, the US government has provided over $91 billion in FMF to militaries around the world. The vast majority of these funds goes to Israel and Egypt to reward them for making a cold peace in 1979.
Economic Support Fund: Congress established the economic support fund (ESF) to promote economic and political stability in strategically important regions where the United States has special security interests. The funds are provided on a grant basis and are available for a variety of economic purposes, like infrastructure and development projects. Although not intended for military expenditure, these grants allow the recipient government to free up its own money for military programs.
International Military Education and Training: International Military Education and Training (IMET) grants are given to foreign governments to pay for professional education in military management and technical training on US weapons systems. Over 2,000 courses are offered, including some on human rights and civil-military relations. This program is said by its proponents to promote positive military-to-military contacts, thereby familiarizing foreign officers with "US values and democratic processes," though critics argue there is too much emphasis on military skills and not enough on human rights. The Expanded IMET program offered to certain states only focuses on the latter.
Counter-Narcotics Assistance: Through International Narcotics Control programs, the US government provides funds for military equipment and training to overseas police and armed forces to combat the production and trafficking of illegal drugs. These funds are generally dedicated to the export of firearms and the refurbishment of surveillance aircraft, transport planes and helicopters.Additional counter-narcotics training and equipment is provided by the Department of Defense, the Drug Enforcement Agency and other agencies. In recent years, human rights abuses by military and police units receiving this aid - especially in Colombia - have intensified criticism of the program.
Non-Proliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining, and Related Programs: This category of funding provides resources in support of a variety of security-related foreign policy objectives. Funds go to nuclear non-proliferation programs, anti-terrorism aid, demining activities, and - a new item in FY 2001 - small arms destruction programs.
"Anti-Terrorism Program of the Department of State," State Department, 1985. Obtained by the National Security Archive.
Peacekeeping Operations: These funds provide voluntary support for international peacekeeping activities (as opposed to the U.S. share of UN-assessed peacekeeping operations, which is financed elsewhere). PKO funds promote increased involvement of regional organizations in conflict resolution and help leverage support for multinational efforts where no formal cost sharing mechanism is available.
Assistance for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union: The Freedom Support Act (FSA) was passed in Congress on October 24, 1992 with the goal of providing the states of the former Soviet Union funds that support free market and democratic reforms through demilitarization, humanitarian and technical assistance. The bill particularly endorses American investment and trade through enterprise funds, small business programs and access to credits for purchases of U.S. food exports. The FSA also provides funding for nuclear nonproliferation programs and activities, as well as the dismantlement and destruction of biological, chemical and conventional weapons, and humanitarian aid, including health and human services programs. While funds allocated through this program are not used to purchase weapons or military training per se, they are used to enhance law enforcement and border security capabilities. These funds also free up money that the recipient government can then spend in other ways, including on defense.
For more information on these programs, see Chapter 1 of the Arms Trade Revealed
This seems to be changing a bit. Especially as more and more countries begin to realize they have been duped into accepting worthless paper fiat from a dysfunctional and corrupt U.S. political & financial system interested only in the creation of debt slavery around the world.
Fractional Reserve Banking Is the trap for you..
97% of ALL money is now digital.. It does not EXIST outside of cyber space!
I often call what we have in the United Staes a debt based ponzi scheme economy.. It seems everything about America and her economy depends upon debt creation..
Most Americans are participants in this horrific ponzi scheme designed to keep the majority of people poor, working and turning over all of the fiat they "earn", plus a lot of fiat that they do not have, to government and corporations..
This seemingly voluntary participation is commonly called "wage slavery"
The first articulate description of wage slavery was perhaps made by Simon Linguet in 1763
The slave was precious to his master because of the money he had cost him… They were worth at least as much as they could be sold for in the market… It is the impossibility of living by any other means that compels our farm labourers to till the soil whose fruits they will not eat and our masons to construct buildings in which they will not live… It is want that compels them to go down on their knees to the rich man in order to get from him permission to enrich him… what effective gain [has] the suppression of slavery brought [him ?] He is free, you say. Ah! That is his misfortune… These men… [have] the most terrible, the most imperious of masters, that is, need. … They must therefore find someone to hire them, or die of hunger. Is that to be free?
[More here]
And here for a bit more personal look at wage slavery.
It seems clear that most of the wars created by the United States involve one of two things.. A battle over resources, oil, gold and the like, and or the protection of the money game.. The protection of the American dollar's world reserve currency status.
We seem to see again and again those countries who dare refuse to accept American fiat as payment for resources soon find themselves being bombed..
Petro dollar and Iran war
Wow That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established A New Central Bank Of Libya
Petrodollar Theories of the [Iraq] War
Read about The Five [American] “Bank Wars”
We are told that central banks were created to control inflation.. Then why has the United States dollar LOST 96% of it's value to inflation since the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913?
Everyone, around the world, seems to be waking up to the fact that everything economic seems to merely be a scam.. A scam to funnel fiat from the bottom to the top.. To the top 1% if you like..
Check out this list of the central banks of the world if you missed it..
Please see more on debt..
For the record, the actual rate of growth of the private US debt to GDP ratio was roughly 2.9% p.a. from 1945 till 2008. That means that the ratio doubled every 25 years, from 45% in 1945 to 90% in 1970, 180% in 1995, and if it had kept going, it would have been 360% in 2020.
Instead it fell over in 2008, and is now going backward at a rate of knots. Here’s an extrapolation of the trend that the WEF says is “nothing unsustainable about”, from the time period they should have started their analysis—not 2000 but 1945—and focusing on the key problem—private debt:

source --> Exponential Credit Petri Dish; Steve Keen Responds to "World Economic Forum Endorses Fraud" Post
Wal-Mart, disequilibria, Greenspan's Fraud and global economic dislocation
(Sept. 4, 2006)
Deleveraging and the Futility of 'Printing Money'
the money masters certainly seem to be firmly in control.. of everything..
Do we even have the ability to fight back at all???
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Central Banks, BIS and Goldman Sachs Coercion $GS
September 5, 2011
Did you ever wonder why countries allow private central banks to issue their money? Somehow, missing in the self-governing status of governments is the courage to deny the seduction or the threats of the global banking cabal, over the control of a nation’s currency. How did this obvious usurpation of independence become an unquestioned acceptance by the very governments who proclaim to be sovereign nations? The answer reveals that the right of autonomous government is now dependent upon the approval of the banking cartel. The myth that a historic country can exert their populist will and financial self-determination, when it conflicts or opposes the interest and objectives of the moneychangers, is outright fantasy.
Continue reading Central Banks, BIS and Goldman Sachs Coercion on infowars
September 5, 2011
Did you ever wonder why countries allow private central banks to issue their money? Somehow, missing in the self-governing status of governments is the courage to deny the seduction or the threats of the global banking cabal, over the control of a nation’s currency. How did this obvious usurpation of independence become an unquestioned acceptance by the very governments who proclaim to be sovereign nations? The answer reveals that the right of autonomous government is now dependent upon the approval of the banking cartel. The myth that a historic country can exert their populist will and financial self-determination, when it conflicts or opposes the interest and objectives of the moneychangers, is outright fantasy.
Continue reading Central Banks, BIS and Goldman Sachs Coercion on infowars
Check out the #bank for Central Bankers #BIS
BIS is what they call the Bank for International Settlements. It is located in Basel, Switzerland. Into it pours the cream from the centralized world money whirlpool -- quadrillions of dollars skimmed from the people of the world by the world's Rothschild-owned central banks. Who owns the world? Evidently the Rothschilds do. Picture the nightly "international settlements" ... money coming in from all corners and piling as high as the sky. All those interest payments on all those economic-hit-men-made impossible poor-country loans, all those credit card penalties and skyrocketing late fees, all those foreclosure clean-ups, all those income taxes ... to say nothing of all of that general cleaning out of our piggybanks by non-stop inflating prices for every aspect of our existence. The Big Piggybank it all goes into at the end of the proverbial day is the BIS.
"Central" banks are actually privately owned banks foreign to the country they are in that have managed to strong-arm their way into most nations of the world over the past 300 or so years. Central banking was the brainchild of Mayer Amschel Bauer, born in Germany in 1744, who changed his name to "Rothschild" (red shield) to honor the occultic red hexagram above his father's money-lending enterprise. The first central bank in America was created by the Rothschild family and Alexander Hamilton (and we thought Aaron Burr was the bad guy!) in 1791, only to result in huge nationwide inflation and government debt. America's second central bank was born in 1816, again with disastrous effects on the people, who elected Andrew Jackson to put an end to it. Jackson achieved this in 1836, and two years later actually paid off the national debt. It would be many decades (the next century) before the Rothschild cartel succeeded at forcing in a third central bank, which is with us today -- the Federal Reserve (born in 1913).
The Federal Reserve is not owned by the people of America. American money, marked "Federal Reserve Note," is rife with occultic symbols and meanings unknown to most Americans. The Federal Reserve prints American currency, lends it to the American government and charges interest, which is paid for by Americans giving up large portions of their earnings in the form of "income tax." But Americans are not alone ...
Here's a list of the Rothschild-owned central banks of the world:
Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina"
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Cameroon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada - Banque du Canada
Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq
Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Israel: Bank of Israel
Italy: Bank of Italy
Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
Japan: Bank of Japan
Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
Korea: Bank of Korea
Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Latvia: Bank of Latvia
Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
Libya: Central Bank of Libya
Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao
Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar
Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi
Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Malta: Central Bank of Malta
Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philippines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Russia: Central Bank of Russia
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Uganda: Bank of Uganda
Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: The Dirty Nasty Stinky Fed, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
Want more? Click here for full article by William Garner ... book coming too
BIS is what they call the Bank for International Settlements. It is located in Basel, Switzerland. Into it pours the cream from the centralized world money whirlpool -- quadrillions of dollars skimmed from the people of the world by the world's Rothschild-owned central banks. Who owns the world? Evidently the Rothschilds do. Picture the nightly "international settlements" ... money coming in from all corners and piling as high as the sky. All those interest payments on all those economic-hit-men-made impossible poor-country loans, all those credit card penalties and skyrocketing late fees, all those foreclosure clean-ups, all those income taxes ... to say nothing of all of that general cleaning out of our piggybanks by non-stop inflating prices for every aspect of our existence. The Big Piggybank it all goes into at the end of the proverbial day is the BIS.
"Central" banks are actually privately owned banks foreign to the country they are in that have managed to strong-arm their way into most nations of the world over the past 300 or so years. Central banking was the brainchild of Mayer Amschel Bauer, born in Germany in 1744, who changed his name to "Rothschild" (red shield) to honor the occultic red hexagram above his father's money-lending enterprise. The first central bank in America was created by the Rothschild family and Alexander Hamilton (and we thought Aaron Burr was the bad guy!) in 1791, only to result in huge nationwide inflation and government debt. America's second central bank was born in 1816, again with disastrous effects on the people, who elected Andrew Jackson to put an end to it. Jackson achieved this in 1836, and two years later actually paid off the national debt. It would be many decades (the next century) before the Rothschild cartel succeeded at forcing in a third central bank, which is with us today -- the Federal Reserve (born in 1913).
The Federal Reserve is not owned by the people of America. American money, marked "Federal Reserve Note," is rife with occultic symbols and meanings unknown to most Americans. The Federal Reserve prints American currency, lends it to the American government and charges interest, which is paid for by Americans giving up large portions of their earnings in the form of "income tax." But Americans are not alone ...
Here's a list of the Rothschild-owned central banks of the world:
Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina"
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Cameroon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada - Banque du Canada
Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq
Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Israel: Bank of Israel
Italy: Bank of Italy
Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
Japan: Bank of Japan
Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
Korea: Bank of Korea
Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Latvia: Bank of Latvia
Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
Libya: Central Bank of Libya
Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao
Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar
Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi
Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Malta: Central Bank of Malta
Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philippines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Russia: Central Bank of Russia
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Uganda: Bank of Uganda
Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: The Dirty Nasty Stinky Fed, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
Want more? Click here for full article by William Garner ... book coming too
From #Liberty to Martial Law - It's easier than you think
I could string this "stuff", these "warnings" together all day everyday.. It seems obvious to me that our future is grim indeed..
The "time" for warnings is running short.. Listen to what, virtually, everyone is trying to tell you..
Senate Votes To Let Military Detain Americans Indefinitely, White House Threatens Veto
First Posted: 11/29/11 06:35 PM ET Updated: 11/30/11 12:05 AM ET | Huffington Post
WASHINGTON -- The Senate voted Tuesday to keep a controversial provision to let the military detain terrorism suspects on U.S. soil and hold them indefinitely without trial -- prompting White House officials to reissue a veto threat.
The measure, part of the massive National Defense Authorization Act, was also opposed by civil libertarians on the left and right. But 16 Democrats and an independent joined with Republicans to defeat an amendment by Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) that would have killed the provision, voting it down with 61 against, and 37 for it.
"I'm very, very, concerned about having U.S. citizens sent to Guantanamo Bay for indefinite detention," said Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), one of the Senate's most conservative members.
Paul's top complaint is that a terrorism suspect would get just one hearing where the military could assert that the person is a suspected terrorist -- and then they could be locked up for life, without ever formally being charged. The only safety valve is a waiver from the secretary of defense.
"It's not enough just to be alleged to be a terrorist," Paul said, echoing the views of the American Civil Liberties Union. "That's part of what due process is -- deciding, are you a terrorist? I think it's important that we not allow U.S. citizens to be taken."
Democrats who were also concerned about liberties compared the military policing of Americans to the detention of Americans in internment camps during World War II.
"Congress is essentially authorizing the indefinite imprisonment of American citizens, without charge," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who offered another amendment -- which has not yet gotten a vote -- that she said would correct the problem. "We are not a nation that locks up its citizens without charge."
Backers of military detention of Americans -- a measure crafted by Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) -- came out swinging against Udall's amendment on the Senate floor earlier Tuesday.
"The enemy is all over the world. Here at home. And when people take up arms against the United States and [are] captured within the United States, why should we not be able to use our military and intelligence community to question that person as to what they know about enemy activity?" Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said.
"They should not be read their Miranda Rights. They should not be given a lawyer," Graham said. "They should be held humanely in military custody and interrogated about why they joined al Qaeda and what they were going to do to all of us."
In criticizing the measure, White House officials said that it would cause confusion and interfere with a counterterrorism effort that has been remarkably successful since Sept. 11, 2001 -- across two administrations.
"It is likely that implementing such procedures would inject significant confusion into counterterrorism operations," the White House argued in a Nov. 17 statement.
Further, it contended:
This unnecessary, untested, and legally controversial restriction of the President's authority to defend the Nation from terrorist threats would tie the hands of our intelligence and law enforcement professionals. Moreover, applying this military custody requirement to individuals inside the United States, as some Members of Congress have suggested is their intention, would raise serious and unsettled legal questions and would be inconsistent with the fundamental American principle that our military does not patrol our streets. We have spent ten years since September 11, 2001, breaking down the walls between intelligence, military, and law enforcement professionals; Congress should not now rebuild those walls and unnecessarily make the job of preventing terrorist attacks more difficult.
A White House official said the administration stands by the veto threat. "We take this very, very seriously," the official said.
Both FBI Director Robert Mueller and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper backed up the White House with letters sent to congressional leaders. Clapper echoed the charge that the measure creates uncertainty and added that it could prevent intelligence operatives from getting critical information from suspects.
And although the measure allows the secretary of defense to waive it, both Mueller and Clapper said that could prove unworkable in the real world.
Mueller added that it could even stop the FBI from investigating individuals who fall under the definitions of suspected terrorist in the measure.
The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act would authorize defense spending on military personnel, weapons and war. The first draft of the bill won support from both parties in Congress in October, passing out of the Senate Armed Services Committee with just Udall dissenting. A similar House bill allocating $690 billion for the Pentagon passed in May, without the controversial measure. It could be changed when the differing versions are merged, if Congress desires.
The detention provision whipped up a furor in both parties, with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) having already text delayed the vote over it.
The final vote showed bizarre fractures among Democrats, erasing the usual barriers between conservatives and liberals. The 16 who voted for the harsh detainee rules were Sens. Bob Casey (Pa.), Kent Conrad (N.D.), Kay Hagan (N.C.), Daniel Inouye (Hawaii), Herb Kohl (Wis.), Mary Landrieu (La.), Carl Levin (Mich.), Joe Manchin (W. Va.), Clair McCaskill (Mo.), Robert Menendez (N.J.), Ben Nelson (Neb.), Mark Pryor (Ark.), Jack Reed (R.I.), Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.), Debbie Stabenow (Mich.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.). National defense hawk and independent Sen. Joe Lieberman (Conn.) also voted in favor of the tougher language.
"It's one of those things where ... it's bipartisan on both sides. Levin's not on the same page as the White House. We've got our own internal differences; Paul and Kirk don't agree with Graham," said a senior GOP aide just before the vote. "Everybody's trying to do the right thing. There's just a difference of opinion."
Even though Paul was joined only by Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) on his side of the aisle, the issue was contentious at the Republicans' weekly caucus lunch.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) emerged from the meeting -- where former Vice President Dick Cheney was in attendance -- saying his colleagues had "a spirited discussion" about Udall's amendment, and predicted nearly all Republicans would oppose the amendment, as they did.
Update 10:30 p.m.
Sen. Menendez later sought, and was granted, unanimous consent from the Senate to change his vote. He is now recorded as supporting the Udall amendment, with the final tally changed to 38 to 60.
Additional reporting by Hayley Miller.
Monday, July 25, 2011 Activist Post
Pentagon To Deploy 20,000 Troops In CONUS For Civil Unrest – Possible Threats To Populace
Intel Hub Note: Please get this information out to everyone. It is better to be safe than sorry. — Shepard
image source
Shepard Ambellas and Alex Thomas
The Intel Hub
In 2008 The Pentagon announced plans to deploy a 20,000 strong internal troop force inside the continental United States (CONUS) that was set to be trained by 2011, thus dovetailing into the current troop and equipment movements around the country reported by truckers, as well as many more troop sightings by everyday citizens.
Interestingly enough, this plan directly correlates with a 2009, Army funded, Rand Corporation study that called for an internal United States police force to combat civil unrest.
This study asks several questions. First, is a Stability Police Force (SPF) necessary? An SPF is a high-end police force that engages in a range of tasks such as crowd and riot control, special weapons and tactics (SWAT), and investigations of organized criminal groups. In its ability to operate in stability operations, it is similar to such European forces as the Italian Carabinieri and French Gendarmerie.
Its focus on high endtasks makes it fundamentally different from UN or other civilian police, who deal with more routine law and order functions. It is also different from most military forces, which are generally not trained and experienced to conduct policing tasks in a civilian environment.
Second, if an SPF is necessary, what should it look like? This includes considering such issues as: its objectives, tasks, and size; its speed of deployment; its institutional capabilities; where it should be headquartered in the U.S. government and how it should be staffed (standing force, reserve force, and hybrid force); and its cost.
It is openly admitted that the internal force will be used to quell civil unrest due to massive large-scale terror attacks and/or economic collapse.
Will the powers-that-be stage a repeat of the martial law threats to Congress that they presented back in 2008 to get the bailouts passed to get the debt ceiling raised now?
Rep. Brad Sherman laid out exactly took place during the bailouts in 2008:
Many people have voiced fears that this will turn our country into a total militarized police state, wondering what will happen in the future once the sheeple are conditioned to the military roaming the streets in America.
Others have speculated that this announcement directly coincides with all of the pre-positioning of troops, equipment, and (NOTAM) No-Fly Zones throughout The United States over the last few months.
Does any of this correlate with the debt ceiling (economy), earth changes, or nuclear threats from reactors in danger within the US?
Ron Paul
I know.. the pieces fit..
I could string this "stuff", these "warnings" together all day everyday.. It seems obvious to me that our future is grim indeed..
The "time" for warnings is running short.. Listen to what, virtually, everyone is trying to tell you..
Senate Votes To Let Military Detain Americans Indefinitely, White House Threatens Veto
First Posted: 11/29/11 06:35 PM ET Updated: 11/30/11 12:05 AM ET | Huffington Post
WASHINGTON -- The Senate voted Tuesday to keep a controversial provision to let the military detain terrorism suspects on U.S. soil and hold them indefinitely without trial -- prompting White House officials to reissue a veto threat.
The measure, part of the massive National Defense Authorization Act, was also opposed by civil libertarians on the left and right. But 16 Democrats and an independent joined with Republicans to defeat an amendment by Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) that would have killed the provision, voting it down with 61 against, and 37 for it.
"I'm very, very, concerned about having U.S. citizens sent to Guantanamo Bay for indefinite detention," said Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), one of the Senate's most conservative members.
Paul's top complaint is that a terrorism suspect would get just one hearing where the military could assert that the person is a suspected terrorist -- and then they could be locked up for life, without ever formally being charged. The only safety valve is a waiver from the secretary of defense.
"It's not enough just to be alleged to be a terrorist," Paul said, echoing the views of the American Civil Liberties Union. "That's part of what due process is -- deciding, are you a terrorist? I think it's important that we not allow U.S. citizens to be taken."
Democrats who were also concerned about liberties compared the military policing of Americans to the detention of Americans in internment camps during World War II.
"Congress is essentially authorizing the indefinite imprisonment of American citizens, without charge," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who offered another amendment -- which has not yet gotten a vote -- that she said would correct the problem. "We are not a nation that locks up its citizens without charge."
Backers of military detention of Americans -- a measure crafted by Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) -- came out swinging against Udall's amendment on the Senate floor earlier Tuesday.
"The enemy is all over the world. Here at home. And when people take up arms against the United States and [are] captured within the United States, why should we not be able to use our military and intelligence community to question that person as to what they know about enemy activity?" Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said.
"They should not be read their Miranda Rights. They should not be given a lawyer," Graham said. "They should be held humanely in military custody and interrogated about why they joined al Qaeda and what they were going to do to all of us."
In criticizing the measure, White House officials said that it would cause confusion and interfere with a counterterrorism effort that has been remarkably successful since Sept. 11, 2001 -- across two administrations.
"It is likely that implementing such procedures would inject significant confusion into counterterrorism operations," the White House argued in a Nov. 17 statement.
Further, it contended:
This unnecessary, untested, and legally controversial restriction of the President's authority to defend the Nation from terrorist threats would tie the hands of our intelligence and law enforcement professionals. Moreover, applying this military custody requirement to individuals inside the United States, as some Members of Congress have suggested is their intention, would raise serious and unsettled legal questions and would be inconsistent with the fundamental American principle that our military does not patrol our streets. We have spent ten years since September 11, 2001, breaking down the walls between intelligence, military, and law enforcement professionals; Congress should not now rebuild those walls and unnecessarily make the job of preventing terrorist attacks more difficult.
A White House official said the administration stands by the veto threat. "We take this very, very seriously," the official said.
Both FBI Director Robert Mueller and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper backed up the White House with letters sent to congressional leaders. Clapper echoed the charge that the measure creates uncertainty and added that it could prevent intelligence operatives from getting critical information from suspects.
And although the measure allows the secretary of defense to waive it, both Mueller and Clapper said that could prove unworkable in the real world.
Mueller added that it could even stop the FBI from investigating individuals who fall under the definitions of suspected terrorist in the measure.
The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act would authorize defense spending on military personnel, weapons and war. The first draft of the bill won support from both parties in Congress in October, passing out of the Senate Armed Services Committee with just Udall dissenting. A similar House bill allocating $690 billion for the Pentagon passed in May, without the controversial measure. It could be changed when the differing versions are merged, if Congress desires.
The detention provision whipped up a furor in both parties, with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) having already text delayed the vote over it.
The final vote showed bizarre fractures among Democrats, erasing the usual barriers between conservatives and liberals. The 16 who voted for the harsh detainee rules were Sens. Bob Casey (Pa.), Kent Conrad (N.D.), Kay Hagan (N.C.), Daniel Inouye (Hawaii), Herb Kohl (Wis.), Mary Landrieu (La.), Carl Levin (Mich.), Joe Manchin (W. Va.), Clair McCaskill (Mo.), Robert Menendez (N.J.), Ben Nelson (Neb.), Mark Pryor (Ark.), Jack Reed (R.I.), Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.), Debbie Stabenow (Mich.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.). National defense hawk and independent Sen. Joe Lieberman (Conn.) also voted in favor of the tougher language.
"It's one of those things where ... it's bipartisan on both sides. Levin's not on the same page as the White House. We've got our own internal differences; Paul and Kirk don't agree with Graham," said a senior GOP aide just before the vote. "Everybody's trying to do the right thing. There's just a difference of opinion."
Even though Paul was joined only by Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) on his side of the aisle, the issue was contentious at the Republicans' weekly caucus lunch.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) emerged from the meeting -- where former Vice President Dick Cheney was in attendance -- saying his colleagues had "a spirited discussion" about Udall's amendment, and predicted nearly all Republicans would oppose the amendment, as they did.
Update 10:30 p.m.
Sen. Menendez later sought, and was granted, unanimous consent from the Senate to change his vote. He is now recorded as supporting the Udall amendment, with the final tally changed to 38 to 60.
Additional reporting by Hayley Miller.
Monday, July 25, 2011 Activist Post
Pentagon To Deploy 20,000 Troops In CONUS For Civil Unrest – Possible Threats To Populace
Intel Hub Note: Please get this information out to everyone. It is better to be safe than sorry. — Shepard
image source
Shepard Ambellas and Alex Thomas
The Intel Hub
In 2008 The Pentagon announced plans to deploy a 20,000 strong internal troop force inside the continental United States (CONUS) that was set to be trained by 2011, thus dovetailing into the current troop and equipment movements around the country reported by truckers, as well as many more troop sightings by everyday citizens.
Interestingly enough, this plan directly correlates with a 2009, Army funded, Rand Corporation study that called for an internal United States police force to combat civil unrest.
This study asks several questions. First, is a Stability Police Force (SPF) necessary? An SPF is a high-end police force that engages in a range of tasks such as crowd and riot control, special weapons and tactics (SWAT), and investigations of organized criminal groups. In its ability to operate in stability operations, it is similar to such European forces as the Italian Carabinieri and French Gendarmerie.
Its focus on high endtasks makes it fundamentally different from UN or other civilian police, who deal with more routine law and order functions. It is also different from most military forces, which are generally not trained and experienced to conduct policing tasks in a civilian environment.
Second, if an SPF is necessary, what should it look like? This includes considering such issues as: its objectives, tasks, and size; its speed of deployment; its institutional capabilities; where it should be headquartered in the U.S. government and how it should be staffed (standing force, reserve force, and hybrid force); and its cost.
It is openly admitted that the internal force will be used to quell civil unrest due to massive large-scale terror attacks and/or economic collapse.
Will the powers-that-be stage a repeat of the martial law threats to Congress that they presented back in 2008 to get the bailouts passed to get the debt ceiling raised now?
Rep. Brad Sherman laid out exactly took place during the bailouts in 2008:
Many people have voiced fears that this will turn our country into a total militarized police state, wondering what will happen in the future once the sheeple are conditioned to the military roaming the streets in America.
Others have speculated that this announcement directly coincides with all of the pre-positioning of troops, equipment, and (NOTAM) No-Fly Zones throughout The United States over the last few months.
Does any of this correlate with the debt ceiling (economy), earth changes, or nuclear threats from reactors in danger within the US?
Ron Paul
I know.. the pieces fit..
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