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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday Mall Report

Well, we walked the mall today... And the economy is improving, at least based on the number of sheeple with bags in their hands...

I ate some ice cream and checked out the hot looking young chicks in the food court. That's usually my favorite part of the trip lol

But there were lots of happy smiling sheeple using plastic and fiat paper to purchase some sort of consumer goods...

I think maybe I see what's going on with the government and the economy. What's left of it anyway...

It appears to be the same game plan that was used after the dot com bust. What they call a jobless recovery... I think what that is in reality is a shrinkage of the middle class. A rather large scale shrinking in this particular case...

It looks, to me, like the idea is to stop the bleeding and bandage up what's left of the economy just after unceremoniously lopping off 16 million Americans. Some percentage of those Americans might have been living responsively but not all of them.

Just like after the dot com bust these millions of Americans are to be swept under the rug, ignored and marginalized. Crudely pushed from the middle class into poverty and perhaps homelessness...

And forgotten...

The economy is recovering we're told...

I think saying that is just providing cover for retailers to begin to raise prices, as the devaluing of our fiat currency continues. It's inflation on both ends.

The people, in too many cases sheeple, don't seem to realize that they are being set up once again. And that next time it could be they who fall.

The many millions of Americans who have lost their jobs, because of government and the banks, will be hit the hardest with ever increasing prices.

The government and the FED have been outright lying about inflation for many years. There are a myriad of ways to hide inflation from consumers. They have high powered educated people on staff to figure these things out... Often smaller packaging with lower pricing = a 20% price increase. It's just hidden through obfuscation...

Prices are rising and have been for years, rapidly. Many 'products' I buy now cost 3 or 4 TIMES what they did just a few years ago. And yet the inflation rate is ALWAYS reported as a low 2%... Bullshit... Food and energy and utilities are the worst kind of inflation, IMO. And they don't even count food and energy...

During the depression, sorry, recession, some retailers lowered prices. If retailers can turn a profit at lower prices then why are they rising again now? To make even LARGER profits, DUH. That's just the way it works...

The more consumers who are forced out of the economy the higher profit margins have to go to compensate...

Millions of Americans are surviving on extended unemployment benefits. I wish no hardship on these people. But I have to ask is extended unemployment a new entitlement? Good for a lifetime? Are working Americans now expected to pay the mortgages and car payments and buy the groceries for the unemployed from now on? Are food stamps an entitlement too now?

Can you imagine what would happen to the economy if all extended unemployment and food stamps were to suddenly stop? I saw something the other day that pointed out food stamps are the 2010 version of the soup lines of the great depression. How many more foreclosures and bad loans would there be if extended unemployment were to end?

This cannot go on forever...

The government and the FED and the corporations cannot continue to get away with ignoring and marginalizing millions of American citizens as if they do not exist...

While the sheeple happily shop the mall...


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