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Friday, October 25, 2013

Free post secondary education AND free healthcare

Found this on the net.. I don't want to spend the time needed to check it all out but I'm pretty certain it's true..


Elementary and secondary education is mostly obligatory and free in developed countries. At the same time, remarkable number of countries have both universal health care and free post-secondary education. Universal health care is actually part of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, which US did not ratify in full. So much for country fighting worldwide for human rights.

Now, to leave all my rant aside, countries that have both free universal health care and free post-secondary education are:

- Argentina
- Brazil
- China
- Denmark
- Finland
- Greece
- Norway
- Sweden
- Sri Lanka
- Cuba
- Libya (prior to the revolution)

If under free education you mean only secondary education (no free college) than the list gets too big to write here since most of the countries in the world offer free health care in one form or another. You can find the full list here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_health_care

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