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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Legislating lifestyles

So now 'they' want to run health care...

You know, it might be different if our kleptocratic government had proven, in the past, that 'they' could run ANYTHING right! Look around... The post office is bankrupt, medicare/medicaid is bankrupt, social security is bankrupt, the FHA and the FDIC are bankrupt, the entire financial system is 'insolvent' to use a polite term...

So now our entire medical industry, starting, only starting, with the SCANDALOUS insurance companies, is about to go 'belly up'...

Who among us us is 'foolish' enough to believe that 'health care reform' has ANYTHING to do with laudable goals like 'quality, affordable health care for all Americans'? Raise your hands... please... I want to know who you are lol

Health care 'reform' is OBVIOUSLY a MASSIVE bailout! Like none we have ever seen before...

What really set me off (this time...) is what I have been hearing about lately, over the past several days... That some of the health care 'bills', including the senate version, allows insurance companies to extract much larger premiums from Americans who are 'deemed' to lead an 'unhealthy' lifestyle. WHO will be determining WHAT is an unhealthy lifestyle?! The insurance companies themselves?! The government?! Come on!

What ELSE may constitute an 'unhealthy' lifestyle in the future?! Lack of membership in a gym maybe?! Are mandatory fitness regimes next?

It is 'OBVIOUSLY' unconstitutional, as if anyone still cares, for our kleptocratic 'leaders' to mandate the purchase of ANY 'product' from ANY 'private' company/industry/sector. It's unheard of. It's unimaginable... This should have been thrown out by some court somewhere before the words were ever spoken.

We have luxury taxes and we have sin taxes... Not saying we SHOULD have them but we do. The federal government already instituted a huge tax increase on the 20/25% of the population who smoke. Now 'they' nonchalantly discuss taxing soda pop... 'They' are looking at a multitude of ways to 'come after our money'...

So now 'they' are about to annoint 'themselves' with the power to TAX Americans based solely on their 'lifestyle'?! If I were gay, which I'm not, I would be ready to duck... I'm not a homophobe or any of that... I'm just saying that AIDS treatments are expensive... I have seen stats purporting that gays (men?) have quite a bit shorter lifespan than straights. Now I'm far from an expert in that field and, so, will leave it right there... But, do we really want to allow the government to give 'themselves!' the power to tax anything 'they', or insurance, companies determine to be an 'unhealthy lifestyle'???

Maybe it's just me... But I think not...

I do not understand why it is not perfectly clear to every individual in this country that our problem(s) are nothing more than greedy, corrupt politicians driven by special interest lobbies! It's that simple... The insurance industry is OBVIOUSLY one of the worse, along with, you guessed it, the financial industry, the pharmaceutical industry, even our military these days is eaten up with & by special interest groups... Many more remain unnamed here...

We have a financial implosion going on this very second. Though you would be hard pressed to hear anything about it from the government or the main stream media. No jobs, foreclosures... Please try to understand, please try to share with everyone you know, the 'fact' that what is being attempted, by the kleptocrats, is the theft of OUR money with the SOLE PURPOSE of handing it DIRECTLY to the insurance companies!

It is NOT for us! It is for them! It is the largest grand theft of human history in the making. Do you really think 'they' will stop there? The banks have 24 trillion, or so, of OUR dollars right now! Now 'they' are coming after TRILLIONS MORE for... insurance companies. Is that what you want? To have the government end up taking every dime you make to give it to a bank, an insurance company, a pharmaceutical company? Federal employees? State and county employees? The unemployed? The sick? The poor? The homeless? The needy? The stupid? Where can it ever end?

'They' WILL ram and cram something down our throats... that you can depend on. You can also depend on the fact that it WILL cost you money. Likely a lot of it.

This is all only just now beginning people... If we do NOT get a handle on it soon it may be too late to do it. Short of full blown revolution and civil war. No one wants that... Please help me rid ourselves of the kleptocrats in Washington and 'vampires' in corporate America that are too STUPID to have ever pondered what might happen if they DESTROYED their entire customer base!

Come on people and think about what's going on in this country... The entire medical system is nothing but a fraud. It's ALL about money! The drug companies are ONLY about getting as many people as possible on as many drugs as possible! The doctors and hospitals are ONLY about performing as many tests and as many procedures on as many people as possible! The insurance companies are ONLY about selling insurance to as many (healthy) people as possible! It's nothing new! It's ALL about money! Just like it ALWAYS IS!

For ONCE lets ALL stand up and say 'NOT this time!'

Do you not, can you not see how 'they' all work together in a massive effort to take YOUR money?!

Help me end it all in one of two ways... Either don't spend anything at all above and beyond what is absolutely necessary, (this is my choice) or, alternatively, go out and get every line of credit you can possibly get your hands on and BUY everything you ever DREAMED of owning and never make ONE DIME of payments toward ANY of the purchases.

Both can be 'fun' and both will work to eliminate the greedy corrupt FRAUDSTERS from our economy. Peaceful dissent is the way to go. Peaceful civil disobedience is the way to go.

Merely STOP playing 'their' game by 'their' rules!

It's up to us... You know... 'we the people'... We Americans. We know how to say ENOUGH! We know how to say 'SHUT UP!' We know how to say 'YOU'RE FIRED!'

I do, however, expect election/voter fraud in 2010 and beyond like we have NEVER seen before in this country. It's going on already, all around the world... It will happen here too. Will you be mice? Or will you be men?


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