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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bend over America

Forced/mandated health care 'INSURANCE' will cause more foreclosures. The 'tax' will be based on income, not one's level of debt... Many people, many 'families', who are already struggling to pay their bills will be forced into the 'red' by a federal government mandated 'tax' that will go DIRECTLY to large insurance companies!

I'm sorry but to me this is an outrage from our government (Kleptocrats) like none I have ever seen, or even imagined, in my lifetime.

It is, in my opinion, outright 'theft', not to mention most certainly unconstitutional.

Many people, 'families', have been living on two incomes for many years. In far too many cases many people, 'families', have been living on MORE than 100% of their income... Through, much too easy, credit and encouragement, indeed enticement, to spend. In MILLIONS of cases now, that 'income' has shrunk by 40% to 60% through job loss. There is a crisis of debt for American 'families', though you will not hear much about it in the main stream media.

According to our kleptocatic leaders our immediate crisis's are pumping TRILLIONS of tax payer dollars into the very same financial system, that on a drunken binge of greed, has destroyed our economic base. Our current crisis is NOT 20 something million Americans who do not have health insurance coverage. Our current crisis is 1,300 insurance companies that are about to go the way of the banks. The insurance companies need massive liquidity injections just to keep them afloat. The problem has been and is, where will this money come from?

Bend over America...

A mandated 'payment/tax' directly to insurance companies will not be helpful to American people, 'families', who are barely getting by right now... If passed it will force more foreclosures, more bankruptcies, more anxiety, more revolt against a tyrannical government that is completely out of control.

It is nothing but an insurance company BAILOUT! Where is the American main stream media on ANY of this?! The American people have been forced to cover nearly all the costs associated with the survival of our financial industry. TRILLIONS of tax dollars have been, and continue to be, pumped into these greedy corrupt institutions who happen to conveniently be 'too big to fail'. My contention is that the insurance industry is 'too big to fail' as well. Our 'failing' government is in no position to politely 'ask' the American people for another 'bailout'. We the people have had enough with the bailouts. We the people have had enough of REWARDING FAILURE! We the people have had enough of making those who are 'too big to fail' even LARGER! And now this administration, this government, expects to pile on our backs the burden of financially supporting the insurance industry?!

Nearly all of the 'policies' of this administration/government are wrecking our economy. All their 'crimes' are destroying our country.

It is past time that many of these people should be in jail! The Federal Reserve and Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson, Christopher Dodd, Barney Frank, to name but a few. They trample our Constitution under foot as if it means nothing at all. Everything 'they' do sours the American people on government. 'They' can, and certainly DO, manipulate all the 'economic numbers', 'statistics' and 'polls' 'they' like but 'they' cannot hide the truth from the American people.

This IS a 'coup' by the financial and insurance industries. I suggest that our 'government' has already FALLEN! There has already been a coup. And they are coming for 'your' money now...

We CAN and indeed in my opinion MUST fight back... I openly advocate PEACEFUL resistance. To date I have two proposals... 1> STOP SPENDING completely. Alternatively, 2> Every American in the country, who can, spend 1,000% of their income through the use of easy credit with absolutely NO intention of EVER repaying a dime!

F them!


1 comment:

  1. You have a very interesting take on the economy and I enjoy your tweets. When can I start seeing your blog posts on FeedTheBull?
