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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Debt, greed & corruption

To me what we have are debt issues, throughout the economy. If anyone is to be 'bailed out' it should be the consumer as they represent 70% of our economy. Our entire economy was built on credit. There was no real underlying economy to begin with. That is why it has disappeared like a puff of smoke.

Greed and corruption are the true causes of this crisis.

The politicians count on the corporations for cash and the corporations count on the American people for cash. That in and of itself might be ok. But the corruption and greed took over our entire economy, yea, I say, our entire culture/society.

In my opinion there is a potential flaw with capitalism when it becomes the goal of all corporations to grow share value above ALL ELSE. To suck and suck and suck as much 'fiat currency' as possible as fast as possible from the source (ie; the American people). But then we find out that not only the American people have huge debt issues but so does our government, at all levels and so do our corporations themselves...

We have place too much importance on the accumulation of wealth and material things... (Think Rome... lol)

IMO, we should 'allow/force' the bankruptcies of about 40% of our corporations, the ones that should prob already be gone. And we should 'allow/force' the bankruptcy of all Americans who have gotten themselves in way over their head. All the debt must be wiped out to repair this economy.

It CANNOT be fixed by the current strategy of merely piling on more and more debt!

No one has yet addressed any of the true problems that got us where we are now. We need usury laws for one thing. We need to stop either corporations from being stupid enough to CHARGE 20% and 30% interest rates (ie; loans to people who should NOT have loans) OR we need to stop people who are stupid enough to PAY 20% or 30% interest rates. This is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Greed drove the dot com bubble/crash. Greed and corruption have driven the housing bubble/crash.

We have all stood by and watched greedy corporations 'legally steal' from the mental midgets in our economy with the blessings of our corrupt government. THAT is the problem! That is what we need to fix.

There is currently much 'fear' in this country. That too needs to be addressed. 'Fear' unchecked may easily lead to anger. Anger unchecked is something we would rather not have to deal with at all. At the moment most of the angst is pointing in the direction of Washington and corporate America.

Is it any wonder?


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