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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's the debt stupid

The real economic problem is debt and there is no easy way out. Almost everything 'they' do now is designed to hide and mask things from the general public. The actual unemployment rate is near 20% while 'they' report it as 9.7% The GDP numbers aren't 'real', the inflation numbers aren't 'real'. I no longer even trust 'consumer confidence' numbers. 'They' are actively playing with all the numbers they can to paint the picture differently than it really is. You'll start to hear minor changes in what things are called. GDP will start being called 'normalized' GDP. Our CPI numbers have been messed up since Bill Clinton. 'They' took OUT food and energy! As if those things do not impact Americans in an inflationary way... There is no foreclosure mitigation they are expected to rise for 2 years. 'They' just stretched out the time horizon a little. The banks still want the money. Beware the 'data spinners'. 'They' will continue to spend and prop up the economic data. Many many people are way over indebted and not only people but also corporations and the government itself. The only way to ever end this is through a dramatic downsizing of American life and what it means to be an American. Deflation.

Our country has already changed forever. One of the main problems here is that there are so many BORING numbers and statistics involved in all this that it's impossible, by design, for a layman to know heads from tails...

'We the people' will LOVE deflation. Your dollars will be worth more for a change. The economy will 'adjust' to new realities, a new paradigm. There are loads of industries in this economy that NEED to downsize dramatically! They were built on the accumulation of debt! Now that Americans have tired of accumulating debt things must change fairly dramatically.

The government's response to all this seems to be to ignore the 10% to 15% of Americans who are really hurting badly and just 'pretend' that things are improving. While 'they' desperately pump liquidity into the sectors that need it most. 'They' are plugging leaks in the damn with their fingers and thumbs...

Think 1950's... I'm looking FORWARD to it ;)


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