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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Monday, July 6, 2009

The end of consumerism? Long live Capitalism.

Did everyone 'get it' at the same time? It appears so far that maybe they did. It seems even the spend thrifts get it this time around. So much for the 'recovery' and 'green shoots' huh? I firmly believe we will retest the March lows. I firmly believe we have a better than 50/50 chance we will take out the previous market lows. If spending does not pick up there will be no recovery at all. As job losses continue to mount and as many drop from the unemployment roles to fend for themselves, in the toughest jobs market we have seen in decades, a recovery cannot occur. Consumer sentiment has spiked a little higher recently as the markets have climbed off the March lows improving 401k's and moods alike. Time to exit and sit on cash? I think so. I hope many realize how lucky they are to have regained 40% or so of their losses from the low. Certainly in such a short period of time.

As I have made clear here recently it is my opinion that our economy cannot heal as long as the Gov, Treasury, FED refuse to accept a crippling market correction and the associated deflation. Many in this country still feel much pain from the other 'bubbles' that abound. Health insurance bubble, still a stock market bubble until a real correction is allowed, credit card/debt bubble, utility bubble. More... I feel like we are boiling rather than bubbling. What a predicament for our clueless leaders... They continue to spend to repair a debt problem?! They continue to attempt to prop markets up rather than experience true market healing pain. They continue to deny deny deny and lie lie lie.

So I'm short the market and waiting and watching. All should be patient over the next few months as we try to decifer at least some direction for the future. The future of our markets and our beloved Country.

To me there are serious underlying questions that, as yet, have not been addressed at all. So far it has been the status quo 'smoke and mirrors' from our clueless leaders. Barney Frank must go, Chris Dodd must go. But lets first truly examine all their financial dealings closely. With the GSEs and banks and insurance companies. Lets explore a little more the fact that BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars were 'laundered' through the shell of AIG to the likes of Goldman Sachs. Lets discuss how our Government has spent most of their time for months now figuring out how they can just take our money without having to ask us for it. Behind our backs, through back doors and loopholes. They NEVER level with us. They only want to figure out how to fool us today.

They say one thing for public consumption while actually doing the opposite in reality. I have written previously how they have done this with foreclosures. What they 'sold' to the public as sincere concern with the foreclosure issue has not been backed up by any sort of concrete action at all. In my opinion the opposite is true. Our Governments actions and statements were designed to convince us to 'believe' they were concerned and trying to do everything in their power to help alivate the situation. In truth they have actually helped practically no one. This after President Obama's promise to help 5 million families stay in their homes. What a scam. I think it was simple distraction and that the banks are now poised to 'flush' the system of many of these toxic assets. In some cases, many cases, these citizens being 'flushed' are are friends and family members.

Lets not allow them to continue to get away with treating so many loyal Americans like so many country bumpkins that are too ignorant to follow what is going on with the Treasury, the FED, the banks/financial system, the insurance industry. Lets let them know that we want to have their backs but that they cannot lie to us. This is America people, She belongs to us, not them. They are in Washington DC to represent the people of this Country. We should hold their feet to the fire and see that they do.

For those of you who might be interested, a half day of researching demographics in the US would shed much light on our current situation. Things ARE about to 'change' and we had better 'believe' in it. But, sadly, it may not be the type of change that any of us desire. Demographics are the main reason that our Government and fearless leaders will be able to do very little to stop what is to come. At the very least they can be honest with us about what is going on.

I am not a journalist. I'm prob not even much of a writer. I am a proud American. I value the freedom to say what I like here. I am also a country bumpkin (in Missouri no less ;). If I get it then there must be millions more who do as well.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent article as usual. If you have not seen Chris Martenson's Crash Course you are in for a treat: http://www.chrismartenson.com
