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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Maybe it's us

I have been thinking a lot lately about what America might be like, right now, if everyone simultaneously decided that "maybe they had things right in the 1950's". What would be different? What was different about American life in the 1950's?

I get the feeling that in the 1950's quality of life was decided more by the individual... Maybe quality of life depended largely more on one's own actions and efforts to take care of his own. His own family and extended family. To quickly and cheerfully lend a hand to a neighbor/friend in time of need. Seems to me there was far less judgment of one's "success" being tied to one's material possessions in life.

I have a bit of a theory on this... That once big business discovered that they could use many of the 7 deadly sins as a reliable way to get in our pockets they simply could not resist the temptation. The 'sins' that draw my attention the most here are greed, envy and pride. While I am not a religious blogger and not even, particularly, that much of a religious person, it is very hard to ignore some facts about sin and their consequences.

When some Americans use other Americans weaknesses against them for personal gain can we still call this capitalism? If the housing bubble and 17 cars (exaggeration ;) in every driveway are not examples of greed, envy and pride I'd like to know what would qualify. And it was our elected leaders in Washington who decided to take it upon themselves to 'level the playing field' by extending credit to those who did not deserve any such extension. It was they who decided by decree that every American had a right to own a home and have unlimited access to easy credit.

Please do not be distracted by their foolish games and shows for the public. They know that they can get away with virtually anything they desire because far too many Americans are concerned with only one single major interest, themselves. Far too many Americans worry about not much more than "Am I pleased at the moment." It's not only apathy but maybe more correctly it is selfishness or perhaps more fittingly for this post yet another of the 7 deadly sins, extravagance. We the people have only ourselves to blame. If we but turned our back on ONLY the 7 deadly sins we could eliminate also gluttony/obesity. The remaining two, as I count, are discouragement and wrath. Is it perhaps these two that we seek so extravagantly to avoid? Are these the two we would definitely experience if we were to give up the first 5? Are discouragement and wrath perhaps on their ways to our doorsteps regardless?

To me... what was 'different' about the 1950's was a families reliance upon itself. There was much personal responsibility. It was simply an accepted fact of life that personal responsibility was what was expected, even demanded, of all Americans. The 1950's were pre-nanny state.

There was also a time in this country when capitalism was a FAIR system. There were few corporations out there looking to legally 'steal' money from the populace. Looking to prey on the weak and hapless of society. We were all on the same team then. The American team.

When did this country become over run with greed and corruption? In my eyes it was when, for even a moment, we allowed our Government and corporations to 'do as they pleased'. We were more concerned with paying for day care, paying for health insurance, having a home that was twice too large with a mortgage to match, ditto for our 'transportation'. We were, as a collective group, too worried about ourselves and our own personal needs and wants to have time to be concerned about what our elected officials and corporations might be up to behind closed doors.

'They' allowed greed and corruption to run unchecked. We are now paying the price. 'They' are now figuring out every single possible way they can grab as much of our money as possible without being publicly hanged. Politicians and corporations MUST have our money! They CANNOT survive without it. I suggest that we the people have far less need for the currency than do they. It runs and rules every single thing they believe in. They are the beast. We could do much better without money than they could ever imagine. Why? How? Lets go back back to looking at the 1950's... Where many homes and families...

Heated their homes with wood from their own land.
Took care of and provided for their own children.
Watched their spending, were frugal and practiced thrift.
Were respectful of others.
Were prudent in public.
Made their own clothes at home.
Also drapes and quilts were made in the home, at little expense.
Many still made their own soap and other household cleaners and such.
Many grew as much of their own food as was possible.
Used fans, water and ice to cool themselves in the heat.
We, Americans, both manufactured and purchased our own goods. Providing jobs.
If they were sick, for the most part, they toughed it out and got better. Or they died.
I know many other examples fit here as well. Please leave some comments and fill them in ;)

These are some of the things that WE have allowed 'them' to take away from us. They prey upon our lustful need for self gratification. They prey on our laziness/sloth and need for convenience. They seek to strip us all of our self worth in favor of our dependence upon 'them' for our every need. We have allowed 'them' to bury us in a complex web of rules, laws and regulations. Our freedoms have been systematically striped for decades now. How many laws DO we have in America now? Is anyone counting? There are levels of government... city laws, county laws, State laws, and finally federal laws. Different cities, counties, and States may have similar -but different- laws, and they all fall under federal law. My guess? Hundreds of thousands? Everything we do is governed even though we're supposed to be the "land of the free". Do 'they', could 'they', use the very complexity of our society to keep us at bay? Is that a portion of the plan? Could it be divide and conquer? Have 'they' intentionally used greed, envy and pride against us? Is this the well from which 'easy credit' was drawn? Weapons of mass destruction?

Did they have it right in the 1950's?

That's about all I have to say I guess. For now. All I have to get off my chest. Personally I think when we get back to the values and morality of the 1950's we will once again be free. Before that can happen we must first abolish the FED, and free ourselves from corrupt Government and corrupt corporations.

I LOVE capitalism. I hate corruption and greed.


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