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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Occupy Washington

I have been calling for (as if THAT makes any difference!) usury laws for quite awhile now... To me one of the very FIRST things the, so called, congress, full of our, so called, representatives, should have done to help the American people who are not 'educated' enough to help themselves...

We have heard much recently about 'financial reform'. Is it real? No! Our 'representatives are currently passing new 'laws' to steal ever more money from American tax payers! Our 'government' is full to the brim with greed and corruption! Please read this article from the Rolling Stone Obama's Big Sellout to see how corrupted our kleptocratic elites really are! Openly! Our government is now under the COMPLETE control of the financial system! There has ALREADY been a coup!

And now... to add insult to injury please see this article, from the Huffington Post no less, to get an idea of how financial 'reform' is working out so far!

79.9 Percent Interest Credit Card From First Premier Banks Skirts New Regulations

Every single thing in Washington these days, and for DECADES before, is about THEM! Not us... 'They' have ALREADY destroyed life in America and are hard at work to produce enough Chinese 'consumers', a large enough Chinese 'shopper class' to stand in for the now decimated American 'shopper class'... 'They' will never stop... Unless we, the people, stop them.

'They', our elected 'representatives', are way BEYOND out of control...

I want to take this country back... I want to take it back 'peacefully' by STOPPING the flow of money. By allowing markets to correct naturally and normally to a level that can be sustained. I want the charlatans and money changers to go bankrupt as they should have more than a year ago.

This economy was built on nothing but DEBT! It CANNOT last. It is currently propped up only by tax payer dollars! The government is forcibly taking money away from every single working American, from every single American who is fortunate enough to still HAVE a job, and handing that money out to Americans who have none... It is wealth redistribution on a massive scale! YOUR tax dollars are being used to pay teachers, firemen, policemen all over the country. That may SOUND like a good thing to some... But in reality it is merely the government taking money away from those who have and using it to support collapsing unions! Cash for clunkers, first time home buyer credit, now cash for caulkers! It is ALL only wealth redistribution! That is NOT how the America *I* grew up in works! Laws mean NOTHING now! Look what 'they' did to bond holders at GM! Look how 'they' paid Goldman Sachs 100% on assets through AIG that were worth no more than 30 to 40 CENTS on the dollar! 'They' are STEALING from us! CONSTANTLY! It MUST stop!

It is not right! It is not fair! It is not just! It is not American!

I have been tweeting today that it is TIME to 'occupy' Washington. The tea party rallies have been in large part 'ignored' by the main stream media and politicians alike. Now is the time to be impossible to ignore! The next time we go to Washington to express our 'displeasure' with our kleptocratic 'leaders' lets plan on STAYING until we get something done, something 'fixed', the nation righted... Marching up there for a day only to be ignored is not enough!

Lets plan to STAY next time!

Happy Holidays...



  1. I don't know much about economics but, I read that inflation is the natural way to redistribute wealth. What has been happening over this past year is unsustainable. Next year we head into the unknown!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's called the central bank warfare model. The central bank prints money to pay the army, and the army then forces everyone else to accept that paper as money. The US military strong-arms oil producing states to sell oil in US dollars. Everyone else has to work and produce value for these worthless US dollars, while the US only needs to print the paper.
