Lets set aside, for a moment, the fact that the United States economy, markets and government are going to be collapsing sometime time soon. The fact that we face possible food shortages and energy/commodity shortages. The fact that our government, over the last year, has, quite openly, become a fascist, tyrannical regime bent on the destruction of the country. The fact that our financial system has ALREADY gone bankrupt, along with our insurance industry and automotive industry and mortgage industry. The fact that we may soon be run over by rampant inflation OR spiraling deflation. The fact that the United States very well may default on it's debt. The fact that our political leaders are so blinded by greed and corruption that 'they' have not a clue what is happening 'on the street' in the United States of America. The fact that when/if things DO get worse we are likely looking at a police state and civil unrest closely resembling that of/in Iran. The fact that we could 'possibly' have a civil war in the United States. The fact that our currency is worthless and will continue to become more so as time goes by and government spending escalates, seemingly, forever. The fact that the federal reserve seems to have completely lost it's mind. The fact that 2012 grows ever closer to being a reality.
The fact that God / Allah will soon return and that He is really pissed off...
Who can blame Him?!
Lets set that (and 'the rest' (there is MUCH more... unfortunately, which I haven't mentioned...) aside long enough for me to say
And wish the very best to all the wonderful people and news sources on twitter! And thank so many wonderful people for enriching all of our lives!
All of the information/knowledge in the world is RIGHT THERE at your fingertips... Learn to use it to your advantage. Learn to LEARN!
Year in review... Reading list...
The Prophesied End-Time Revealed
The year 2008 marked the last of God’s warnings to mankind and the beginning in a countdown of the final three and one-half years of man’s self-rule that will end by May 27, 2012.
While You Were Sleeping… The Economy Collapsed
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version
From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog
DAWN.COM | World | Obama refuses to rule out drone attacks in Quetta
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis
Jubilee Year -- Cancel Our Debt: Jubilee as Protection against Fractional Reserve Banking
Recession Will Be ‘Full-Blown Depression’: Strategist | The Total Collapse
YouTube - wepollock's Channel
Porter Stansberry - The bankruptcy of the United States is now certain
kzuur58 | Scribd
Red Alert: The Second Wave Of The Financial Tsunami By Matthias Chang
It's beginning to look a lot like a 'W' Irwin Kellner - MarketWatch
Below The Beltway » Blog Archive » Government Displays Stupidity Beyond Words
U.S. Federal Government ~ A TOTAL FRAUD? | Freedom From The Press - Media Corruption & Government Fraud - Exposed
Wakeup Project
The creeping power grab by the executive branch and Federal Reserve | Gulag Blog
2009 November « The Naked Soul
Janet Tavakoli On Why Meltdown Risk Now Is Greater Than It Was In 2007 | zero hedge
"The Federal Reserve Must Die" by James Quinn. FSO Editorial 08/25/2009
What the Fed Doesn’t Want You To Know About U.S. Debt :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
Shadow Government Statistics - Home Page
Ruinous Debt to Create Futureless Suburbia
Big Government
Twitter Follow Friday: Economists on Twitter | Econ International Blog
There will be no recovery! (At least none that you will like.) | The Economic Populist
oftwominds: The Final Demise of A Speculative Housing Bubble
Farewell Letter to the Public from Andrew Lahde of Lahde Capital Management
The Austrians vs. the Keynesians: The end of the Federal Reserve | Daily Loaf
News From The Old Republic: The Destructive Keynesian Continuum
Rick Wolff, "The Reality Behind Economic 'Recovery'"
Will It All Come Tumbling Down? - The Market Ticker
List - TweetCongress
Federal Reserve SECRETLY Buying Treasuries At Auctions « In Pursuit of Happiness
About the Mises Institute
BamaTrades: A strange thing happened in the market; major stock indexes declined in higher volume
Missouri Political News Service
General Discussion and Questions - Agorism as an option? | Forums at Chris Martenson
define:Dissidents - Google Search
Crony Capitalism « John Stossel
MSM: Obama Administration Preparing Iranian Sanctions Outside of UN Security Council, Just In Case
Military-industrial complex - Wikipedia
Pakistan in crisis as 'creeping coup' unfolds
Bill creates detention camps in U.S. for 'emergencies'Sweeping, undefined purpose raises worries about military police state
Iran Sanctions are Precursor to War
Shocked and Unnerved
79.9 Percent Interest Credit Card From First Premier Bank Skirts New Regulations
Obama Shields Fort Hood Jihadi, Major Muslim Hasan
Obama's Big Sellout : Rolling StoneFraud Nation - HUMAN EVENTS