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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Regression into chaos

My son and I were talking... again. I was saying that right now a person, almost anywhere, can walk into a convenience store in their 'pjs' and no one would so much as blink an eye. (Well, under certain circumstances depending on the 'style' of the 'pjs' and the 'personal attributes' of the person wearing them... But that's not what I'm talking about...)

I was thinking about the 1950's. As I often do. I love comparing the 'mores' of today to what I imagine they might have been in the 1950's. I was born in 1956 so I don't remember a whole lot about the 1950's personally. But of course I do read. Probably way to damned much...

Anyway, I'm just saying that if someone walked into a 'store' wearing their 'pjs' in the 1950's it might have been 'frowned upon' then, more than it is in 2009.

We seem, to me, to have reached a point in time in American history, in American society, in American culture, where the 'rule' has changed from 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you' more to something like 'do whatever the hell you want, no one cares'. But I wonder what the effects on a country's 'social conscience' might be, over time.

Is a society in which everyone can very freely 'do whatever they want' actually 'progressive'? Or could it be more a regression into chaos?

Our entire financial 'system' was allowed, mainly by our inept politicians but also by society as a whole, to 'do whatever 'they' wanted'. What 'they' wanted, our financial elite class, was the 'freedom to enslave' as many Americans as 'they' possibly could with onerous debt burdens. As fast as 'they' possibly could... 'They', it seems, have an insatiable desire for small 'green pieces of paper', and/or the digital representation of same (IOUs), go figure... I guess 'they' are collectors or hoarders...

One of the main 'problems' in America is our education 'system'. I feel that problems in and with our education 'system' helped the 'greed blinded' financial elites ensnare an even greater percentage of of the American populace.

Many of the most deeply 'ensnared' class, I dare GUESS, are high school drop outs.

But no one seems to care.

Not in 2009.

The under-educated high school drop outs just 'did whatever they wanted'. The 'shopper class'. They wanted to experience a lifetime's worth of material 'things' in under a decade. They wanted it all the moment they could get their hands on it. Many of them exchanged really cool cars once a year if not more. At a great financial loss each time. Digging deeper and deeper into the 'trap' that our financial elites had prepared for them.

As 'sad' as it might be I am convinced that we need strong financial laws and regulations to protect stupid people... If we are going to breed them, feed them, and use them as 'cattle' then we should be at least somewhat responsible for their care...

Now, with health care 'reform/bailout' being forced upon us and all the talk of taxes upon taxes upon taxes to pay for a myriad of programs that we cannot afford, it seems our government can 'do whatever 'they' want' as well... Watch for MANY more bailouts and taxes coming down the pike though they will be called many other names... 'Stimulus' and 'investment' two of the current favorites...

I just seem to sense that everyone 'just doing whatever the hell they want' doesn't 'seem' to be working all that well as a 'socially progressive' thing to do...

Don't be afraid little sheeple... 'They' can't hurt you.



  1. Nice Post - Nicely written. I think we need to get our kids away from Hollywood, Technology and more family time,home cooked meals, drives on weekends, actually have a conservation without getting mad about what is going on in their generation. Knowledge is power and with the knowledge you can help change their Liberal world into a world of values again - it won't be easy but can happen over time - You will be thanked many times over.

  2. Greg,

    I appreciate this blog, It appears that you are aware of the difficulties our society and world is facing right now.

    Yes, you go to the gas station and you see people wearing pj's. Sometimes they are falling off and are actually indecent, both male and female. It is like they were never taught any better.

    To say that we need laws is true but that will not solve anything because we still have the uneducated running around acting foolish. The problem is there is not proper teaching or relationships. They need mommy and daddy to say don't do that. However Mommy and Daddy are not doing that anymore. Mommy and Daddy are saying do what you want. Which is translated I don't care about you enough to teach you want is right and what is wrong.( or I have no idea either)

    Yes we have lost that as a society "mores" as you call them. If we don't get them back we will all go down together.

    I have noticed that in this blog many problems are highlighted which is good because you can't fix anything until you are aware that there is something wrong.

    However, I have seen the problems also, and now I want to fix them. Lets start looking for solutions. I am not talking about government solutions. I am talking about what you can do Greg, to make a difference. Or what I Casey can do to make a difference. I want to share something with you, change is not done at the top it is done at the bottom one person at a time.

    We can't wait for the government to step in and save us, that will never happen! It is time for me and you to make a difference in peoples lives.

    I suggest to find someone that is lost and help them. Next time you are in the store, and you see a youth with jammies on, falling half off their bottom say to them. Do you know that it is not appropriate to walk around the store like that.

    Do you know what they will say. I will tell what they will say. " Why"? Why will they say why? Because they don't know, no one ever taught them.

    Greg, I am working day in and day out with 2 men one 25 and one 28 these men have bounced from governement program to government program. They have been in and out of homeless shelters.

    I have to teach them everything! They are both children in mens bodies. I have to teach them everything just like children. These men are a product of american culture and society today. It is a difficult process and I pull out my hair everyday because of the frustration. However there is a purpose to my struggles. I have a vision and a plan. I know after a hard battle they will eventually be taught and then someday these men will be able to teach others. But it takes time and it happens one or two at a time.

  3. part 2

    I do not say all this to raise myself up and let you know how great I am. Actually the opposite is true. I had someone do it for me so now I am going to return the favor. Because I was lost and clueless at one point and some people took the time to teach me what is right and I am thankful for that.

    I am also not working alone I have other men that are helping me, men in the church I belong to. Together we are going to make a difference.

    Values start with God, He created us and sent His word and wrote His laws in the bible and on mans heart. Men know that lying is wrong and also that murder is wrong.

    To get the current society turned around we must start standing for right and wrong. For example it is wrong for homosexual unions to take place. Why because I don't like homos? NO! because God says so.

    It is time to stand up for babies being helplessly murdered inside their mothers womb. We need to say this is wrong and stop it now. Why because I am a nice guy. NO! because God says murder is wrong and God hates the hands that shed innocent blood. There is no-one more innocent than a baby.

    We need to stand up and say to our government, stop stealing money from the people through unlawful taxes! Why because I want to protect the wealthy? No! because God says that government has the right to certain taxes but not all taxes such as property tax.

    The government is not God and does not have the right to steal our money or our freedoms that God gave us.If we submit to a government that is violating Gods law and making themselves to be God in his place. Than we deserve the coming downfall that is taking place because we do not have the courage to stand up and do what is right.

    Greg, I do not know where you stand with God right now. But the truth is that one day every one dies. On the day you die you will stand before God and He will judge you for your actions on this earth.

    If you have broken His law you will be guilty. Even one law such as telling a lie. As a matter of fact God looks at the heart of a man and his actions and Jesus says that if you look at a woman with your eyes and lust after her than you have committed adultery. Also if you have hated your brother than you have committed murder in your heart.

    By those standards, which is God's standards and they are the only standards that matter. You are guilty and I am guilty as well.

    Actually all that are born are guilty of breaking God's law. God is a just judge. If someone goes to court for the crime of murder. What does a good judge do?

    A) let them go.
    b) sentence them to do the punishment for the crime so they can stop hurting people

    The correct answer is B. A good judge will enforce the law. A wicked judge will let the wicked run free.

    God is a good judge and enforces His law. The penalty of breaking God's Law(sin) is death and that means (Hell)

    Except one thing. Jesus who was God came to earth in the form of a man. Jesus lived a perfect and sinless life.

    Jesus than took your punishment of death by dying on the cross. Jesus went to Hell and than defeated death by being raised from the dead by the power of God.

    So the only way out of eternal punishment is to believe that Jesus is Lord. So if we believe we will also obey His word.

    So I wrote a comment that is as long as your post. It didn't start out that way. I just got going and kept on and on.

    So blessings and keep up the good work.

  4. Casey,

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful and obviously caring comment.

    It helped lead me to my next post.

