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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Productivity report

My ass...



The amount of output per unit of input (labor, equipment, and capital). There are many different ways of measuring productivity. For example, in a factory productivity might be measured based on the number of hours it takes to produce a good, while in the service sector productivity might be measured based on the revenue generated by an employee divided by his/her salary.

What we hear is that improved productivity is good for our economy... It's good for profits. It's good for earnings. It's good for the bottom line.

That's all fine and good I suppose...

But doesn't it also kinda mean putting the squeeze on those employees you still have who already consider themselves lucky to still have a job? Isn't it really nothing more than saying to those employees You must bust your ass MORE THAN the 110% you busted your ass last week/last month/last quarter. And if you're lucky and produce more work and more profits we'll be 'nice' and not cut your pay... We'll consider being nice and not eliminate your job... Can improved productivity not also be accomplished through drastic cost cutting? Including payroll reductions? Less spending on R&D? Less advertising? Don't all these things 'improve the bottom line'?

Isn't increased productivity merely another way of saying to your employees 'I have you spread over a barrel and am free to rape you as I please'?

Don't get me wrong. Under 'different' circumstances, in a 'different' economic environment I can see where increased productivity would be a good thing. As factories, business' increase capital spending to upgrade equipment and software. As those same companies 'share the wealth' that would be the benefit of cost savings and productivity gains with the employees who help make it happen. You know... like in a healthy, growing, expanding economy...

That is not 'this' economy...

'This' economy seems to me to have become one in which the 'goal' is to screw the American worker/people as much as you can possibly get away with. Most of it done as a way to make the economy 'appear' to be different than it really is...

Anyone else notice how WONDERFUL earnings have been? Anyone else notice/understand how GDP was blatantly manipulated with government spending to make it 'appear' much stronger than it really is? Anyone else notice any of the media 'propaganda' designed to convince us everything is getting 'better' when the opposite is true?

Let's be serious for a moment here... The United States is faced with demographics problems for which there is virtually no known plan... Baby boomer retirement is a HUGE problem... For Social Security for medicare for any/all 'entitlements' 'they' have created. For retailers in ALL sectors (guess I have to exclude medical services and devices though). For tax revenues way into the foreseeable future. For the housing market as they downsize. Demographics is enough in and of itself to completely alter the way of life in America. All by itself. Over 'time'.

But actually demographics may be the least of our problems... That stuff takes time... It's happening, but it happens rather slowly.

We're involved in an economic collapse right now.

I see/sense weird stuff around me... I pay more 'attention' to the economy these days than I used to I guess. But it 'seems' really strange. *I* see both deflation and inflation at the same time. What the hell would that be called?

We have a 'consumer' who now refuses to be defined as such. The 'consumer' in the United States is not only tapped out and over indebted... The 'consumer' in America is in large part very pissed off! Why/how could they NOT be?! Americans are constantly bombarded with advertising from every direction. SOMEONE has their hand out to 'take your money' no matter WHERE you turn! Many people are sick of it... The undisguised brutal efforts to seperate Americans from their paychecks...

It is *my* hope that Americans will ALL see the light. Money IS the problem in large part. Or the 'love' thereof to be more precise... Greed, the love OF money and the resulting corruption it creates CANNOT be corrected by the government forever spending MORE and the FED running the printing presses day and night. That is RIDICULOUS! Our problems CANNOT be addressed by begging the American consumer to buy houses and cars! THAT is what got us where we are!

We have a possible (likely even?) currency crisis staring us in the face...

We have NO jobs!

We have foreclosure like we have NEVER had before. With many more still looming on the horizon...

Tax revenues continue to collapse everywhere... We need tax revenues.... as *I* understand them... For things like expensive wars in the middle east... 'entitlements', social safety nets... 'Junk like that'... So I guess our kleptocratic 'leaders' are planning a nice bunch of tax increases to deal with that little problem. 'They' KNOW how to take our money from us... 'They' are VERY good at that part of the game...

Utilities are going nuts with rate hikes... Seems to me anyway... In the midst of the worst economic decline in many DECADES my own electric company is seeking a 25% rate increase in the state of Kansas. I guess we're 'lucky' in that Missouri faces only a 10% hike... This is the sort of 'help' jobless Americans need?!?!?! Gouge gouge gouge...

Commodities are bubblishious... Don't you think? I'll tell ya what *I* think... I think commodities are the bubble vehicle being used by the government and the banks to 'recapitalize'. Once again on the backs of the American people. 'They', both government and the financial elites, are using OUR money to take on some of the most outrageous 'gambles' anyone has EVER seen! 'They' are 'all in' on the 'audacious hope' 'they' can prop up the economy long enough for the 'consumer' to return...

The 'consumer' is NOT returning. Things have 'changed' and you had BETTER believe in it...

It is NOT capitalism that has failed... It is what 'they' have done to our constitution and economy and society that has failed... It is the 'progressives' who have been proven wrong. The wealth re-distributors who have been proven wrong. It is greed and corruption throughout our government and financial system that threatens to destroy us. People, American people and people around the world, are understanding this more at a gut level now than ever before. That is *my* belief. The 'game' is rigged. The deck is stacked. Taking money from citizens has evolved into a 'science' that is capable of destroying the world in which we all live...

It is *my* belief that it must STOP.

In *my* opinion our economy continues to 'flounder around'... Looking for a tiny narrow ledge on which it might be able to attach it's finger nails...

What might that 'ledge' be?

Be very afraid when you hear talk out of Washington about forcing the 'rich' to pay more of 'their share'. The 'rich' don't pay taxes... The American people pay taxes. All of them. Every single tax increase 'they' implement will be paid, in the end, by the American middle class and lower... The financial elite ALWAYS pass tax increases on the the American people. I would think EVERYONE understands how this works by now... What would you expect?! The greedy bastards are actually going to pay their fair share and do what they can to 'help' the economy? LOL If you believe THAT then you have fallen into the rabbit hole already...

'They' have done their best to DESTROY their own customer base! That is their IGNORANCE on display for all to see!

Health care 'reform' is going to save us all??? Hear this at least this one time... NO ONE will see ANY difference in Health care for AT LEAST THREE YEARS! The government, as bills are now written, will politely 'collect' all the money it can for THREE YEARS before a damn thing changes... Which happens to be about 2012... which is another story all together lol As I have said MANY times before... To *me* all the health care 'hogwash' is about NOTHING MORE than funneling BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS of dollars directly into the insurance companies!

I'm just 'rambling' today... I guess my only 'point' being (if there is one) that everything 'they' do only makes things worse... not better. 'They' attempt ONLY to 'whitewash' the rotted fence which is our economy. 'They' KNOW everything *I* know... plus a lot more I'm sure. I'm no economist by any means... I'm just an American guy...

But I'm telling you... 'They' know and discuss much more than 'we' are EVER privy to hearing. 'They' HAVE plans that 'we' know absolutely NOTHING about. 'They' see the collapse just as well as *I* and even better... 'They' have more 'resources' than do I... But 'they' are not about to take the loss of their power lying down... THAT I would bet 'fiat currency' on...

Keep 'telling' the 17.5% of UNEMPLOYED Americans that things are getting BETTER! Keep telling the millions who have lost their homes to foreclosure and the millions more who face the same fate that things are getting BETTER! Keep telling Americans who have seen their retirement accounts vanish before their very eyes that things are getting BETTER!

'Black Friday' approaches now... One of the favorite 'holidays' of our wonderful retailers. The very DAY the OFFICIAL Christmas shopping season BEGINS in America! WOOHOO! I NEVER say, and never intend to say, let the streets run red with blood. *I* am all about PEACEFUL dissent! I want to make 'Black Friday' run red with ink! *I* want to 'hit 'em where it hurts'... Right in the balance sheet... WE can stop ALL this OURSELVES! I plead with EVERYONE to STOP PLAYING the game! Stop spending every dime that you do not absolutely HAVE to spend! Lets ALL have a 1950's Christmas this year! Let's HELP those business' that have grown too LARGE to either downsize or disappear. Lets HELP capitalism SUCCEED! Lets HELP our markets, government and society collapse so that they can be rebuilt as they were/are meant to be. For the betterment of Amricans. For the betterment of mankind. Not the bastardized, ruinous version of capitalism that we have been lead to believe is acceptable.

If you have a ridiculous amount of debt because you or someone else in your family have been taken advantage of by unscrupulous financial elites then STOP paying it! Tell them that 'they' belong in hell and should head that way immediately! 'They' have not yet brought back 'debtors prisons'. Maybe 'they' will at some point, who knows... So make haste now while you can. If you have lost your job and cannot pay your bills make it someone elses' problem too! Don't allow them to force continual pain on you and your family. Help me force that pain onto them, where it belongs. 'They' have all destroyed themselves through egotistical ignorance.

Sorry, not feeling very 'optimistic' today...

Happy holidays...


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