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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Monday, August 31, 2009

It's time to STAND UP and be Americans!

It dawned on me that if we can somehow make just 40% of the young people in this country aware of what is going on, and get them interested and involved in the process to fix it, then we have won the battle. If not the war. After all, it seems to me, that many if not most, of the people who are the maddest about a government and Federal Reserve and corporations who are out of control are likely the same people who protested the Vietnam war and corporate greed in the 1960's. The baby boom generation contains a lot of 'old hippies'. Many still feel just as distrustful of government and corporations as they did 'back in the day'. I might add, for good reason...

Things in this country have become progressively worse for decades now. As our morality declined our society as a whole has faced ever larger moral hazards. It's not just the banks/corporations and the government. It's pretty much everyone at every level. Everyone was/is over-extended, using way too much leverage, way too much credit. From the welfare mom with a credit card(s) to the traders/management at Goldman Sachs to every level of government. This is true of this country regardless of which 'party' controls the power. That is simply because they are ALL corrupt greedy lying untrustworthy buffoons. The FED and the Treasury want to convince us that the problem is that not enough credit is available... BULLSHIT! The problem is that way TOO much credit was available! The problem is DEBT!

The 'old hippies' were involved in politics, in policy matters, in the pursuit of 'fairness' for everyone. Not just the corporations and the elite/politicians among us. If we can involve today's young people in the same way we just might achieve a little change for real. Perhaps many of them will feel a kinship with the 'old hippies'. If only we could help them understand what is happening to their country.

So lets be smart and educate and enlist the youth of today to help us regain control of this country. Lets make sure they understand what is going on and why. Lets let them know that it's not 'normal' to pay 20% and 30% interest rates on anything! Lets let them know that even participating in such a scam brands them as idiots. Lets make them aware of the fact that they have been played for fools for years now. Their pockets stuffed with credit cards, student loans piled on their backs, the propaganda that if you don't have two new cars every other year then there must be something 'wrong' with you. That your first home should be a McMansion because you 'deserve no less'. That if you do not own the latest greatest phone with all the available features then you're just not very darned cool...

Education was/is an important part of what needs to occur in this country. But not the education pushed by our financial industry and government elites. Education, in this country, has simply become one more way to easily, systematically, remove cash from the pockets of Americans.

It was all a 'well planned scam' from the beginning. It became Wall Street 'chic' the be the biggest 'thief' in the room. Like just about everything else in this economy it was just the inflation of a bubble by the bubble blowers. Just another ponzi scheme dreamed up by the financial elites. But this time IS different. This time 'they' have done some real and tangible damage...

As a result, IMO, what we sorely need to fix not only this economy but also this government is some old fashioned economics. Like a serious 'bout of deflation. As painful as that might be it would also be 'cleansing'. If we have 40% more 'fast food joints' than we need then 40% of them need to go away. Ditto auto dealers, new and used, ditto insurance companies, banks, hospitals, bowling alleys, movie houses, whatever... Deflation is a wonderful 'mechanism' that 'adjusts' our economy to the proper levels. Deflation is not the horrible monster that so many portray it to be. Deflation is a normal/natural part of the economic system. It exists to correct excesses. It exists to bring cost into line with wages. It exists to help end greed and corruption. I openly and admittedly lust after a real deflationary spiral because I believe that is the only thing that can save us. The only thing that can rid us of the corrupt greedy thieves that prey on as many of us as possible. Throughout business and government.

The good old 'constructive destruction' argument. But, once again, this time IS different. This time the politicians cannot, will not, deal with the pain. Our system is so incredibly twisted and warped by politics now that our politicians REFUSE to allow our economy/markets to follow their natural course of correction. Not to save US but to save THEMSELVES. There is SO MUCH greed and corruption in our government and economy that this 'constructive destruction', this 'deflationary spiral' is the only thing powerful enough to correct it.

As I state fairly frequently here, WE can fix this situation ourselves. We can force deflation by refusing to be continually 'ripped off' by everyone. It's time to stop being stupid in America. It's time to stop paying 16.00 a pound for hamburger just because Hardy's cooks it for us. It's time to stop paying 30% on credit card 'loans' to finance our everyday existence. It's time to stop allowing the utility companies to steal from us by drastically inflating the cost of our own natural resources and tacking on as many 'fees' as the 'law' will allow. It's time to stop paying the drug companies 2 or 3 times what they charge other countries for the very same (dangerous) drugs. It's time to stop going to the doctor every time we have a runny nose. Stop paying it! If we all stop paying it it will deflate in value. In my opinion that's what we need.

It's time to STAND UP and be Americans!

From Wikipedia: Deflation is generally regarded negatively, as it causes a transfer of wealth from borrowers and holders of illiquid assets, to the benefit of savers and of holders of liquid assets and currency. (Sounds like a transfer from the irresponsible to the responsible to me. We can't have that now can we... Ben)

In economics, deflation is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services. Deflation occurs when the inflation rate falls below zero percent, resulting in an increase in the real value of money – a negative inflation rate. (Emphasis mine.)


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