Took place on October 23rd in Branson MO..
I tweeted about this surprise @Ancient_Warrior visit to a somewhat local TeaParty event on Friday..
I was warned, by one of my more 'progressive' Twitter followers, not to attend such a heinous event because it would, no doubt, be an extremely dangerous adventure due to the fact that all of the participants were, most likely, likely Nazi racists..
However, my friend likely does not understand that you NEVER challenge an Ancient Warrior to face down death itself in an effort to rid the world of evil..
So.. I cleverly prepared for my careful, undercover, infiltration.. while, at the same time, experiencing a great deal of trepidation and anxiety at the thought of also putting my family in such grave danger..
You see my family, Mrs Warrior and our son anyway, were a very important part of my 'cover'..
In order to further conceal and obfuscate my intentions I also included my sister and brother-in-law in the secret operation, at first without their knowledge..
My somewhat ambitious 'goal' was to identify, document and, if possible, eliminate as many Nazis, racists, or preferably Nazis who were ALSO racists (2 for 1 deal..) as humanly possible..
We arrived, the 5 of us, at about 10:20 AM Saturday morning.. And.. well.. parked our car..
Myself, Mrs Warrior and our son soon went undercover and mingled with a group of 'protesters' who lined the edge of highway 248, attempting to blend in by displaying signs we ourselves had crafted into the wee hours of the night..
Here, for your enlightenment, are just a few of the OUTRAGEOUS 'signs' we saw soon after arriving..
One read 'END DEBT SLAVERY' and I swear it WAS in all caps just like that!
*I* suspected, though would have a difficult time proving, that the use of the word 'slavery' on anything had to somehow be related to racism..
It turns out this whiner was, supposedly, referring to the fact that BIG banks, corporations, retailers and even government itself to some degree (think nationalization of student loans) are intentionally enslaving millions of Americans with usurious interest rates on borrowed money.. Interest rates as high as 30% in many cases.. One of their secret tactics seems to be to entice as many Americans as possible into a lifestyle of buying everything that you could possibly ever want in your entire lifetime at least three times on credit over the course of 3 to 5 years.. And that by employing such tactics they are able to effectively bury millions of American citizens under such a huge amount of debt that it swiftly becomes next to impossible for them to free themselves.. Hence the use of the term 'slavery'..
To me it still sounds suspiciously 'insensitive'..
Another read 'NATIONAL USURY LAW NOW".. Obviously related to the sign above, it shows somewhat of a lack of creativity, don't you think? At any rate it's OBVIOUSLY a bad idea.. Who would want to prevent banks, corporations and retailers from reaping ever higher profits and paying ever higher bonus' to their top executives?! That's simply NOT how 'consumerism' works.. DUH!
As long as there continues to be enough f'ing idiots out there willing to pay 1,000% interest we should be fine! Just leave well enough alone!
Another was the TIRED same old 'END THE FED'.. Hell.. the Federal Reserve Bank obviously does a fantastic job of managing, controlling, influencing and manipulating our economy. I mean.. we're still here aren't we?!
To reduce the value of the fiat currency of the United states from 100% to 5% in less than 100 years time is no easy feat! Those people at the Federal Reserve Bank obviously work VERY HARD and they get SO LITTLE credit for the difficult job of consistently inflating away Americas wealth..
Oh.. never mind I said that..
Just forget the damn 'signs' ok..
We were there to flush out and, if possible, eliminate extremist Nazi racists anyway..
So we carefully proceeded into the 'Convention Center' What respectable 'progressive' organization would ever hold a protest / rally in a convention center anyway?! How could you possibly have an effective protest with restrooms and a concession stand distracting people? Brother..
While I didn't really locate any Nazis or racists on the picket line (everyone I spoke to was actually very nice) I concluded that it was likely the Tea Partiers were keeping the Nazis and racists out of the limelight.. Likely, I figured, hiding them somewhere in this huge convention center..
So.. I went on high alert as we entered the facility, our cover still completely intact..
The first 'booth' we encountered was promoting something called The Well-Fed Neighbor Alliance And, to my amazement, there was my OWN sister manning the booth!!!
I pulled this information from the extremist website..
The Well-Fed Neighbor Alliance, LTD is an alliance of individuals dedicated to the re-localization of our food supply, our fuel supply and our economy. The Well-Fed Neighbor Alliance, LTD, represents an unavoidable vision, plan and timetable for local sustainability. The Alliance owes no allegiance to any political party, religion, or belief system. Rather, the Alliance is open to all as long as their vision, mission and actions are peaceful, non-violent and aligned with that of the Alliance.
Grow Local! Buy Local! Eat Local!
This is most likely a bigoted endeavor.. I mean why should people in some some region of Missouri be able able to survive, prosper and.. well.. eat.. while other people who made no such advanced plans.. well.. not do as well..
At any rate.. the search for Nazis, or at least racists.. continues..
I KNEW they were there SOMEWHERE! And I was there also, an Ancient Warrior with a blood lust in search of a battle.. Looking for the opportunity to gracefully separate any Nazi or racist's head from their body..
WOOHOO! That's what we Ancient Warrior's are about you know? LMAO
So my search continued.. In fact it intensified..
I carefully weaved my way through throngs of of (mostly polite elderly Branson citizens) in search of the 'evil' I knew lurked among them..
i was terrified.. knowing that they could be on me in an instant! My life hanging in the balance.. I worked my way past some other booths where they were selling some t-shirts and constitution posters and things (in fact I ended up buying a constitution poster myself.. I thought they were kinda cool..).. I worked my way into the crowded concession area, into the very heart of the thick crowd of.. well.. pretty much people I guess..
Then, unexpectedly, I was distracted by a couple of people who seemed to stand out in the crowd.. at least to me anyway..
One had a cool really large anti-FED sign the text of which was attributed to someone named Andrew Jackson commenting on the Federal Reserve Banking system of the day..
---Reads like an invitation to anarchy to me..
"You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning." --Andrew Jackson, 1828 (to a group of investment bankers trying to persuade him to renew their central bank charter)
So I exchange contact information with the guy so I can keep an eye on him in the future.. I did discover at least one shadowy source of information used by this character.. True World History
The other was some kid with an accomplice who were passing out, for FREE!, some anti-government Video on DVD called 'Fall of the Republic' Again with the anarchy! Boy were they lucky I wasn't searching for anarchists that day.. Anyway I got there info and gave them mine also.. So I could keep an eye on them as well.. They hide out at We Are Change Branson
I was so distracted by these, likely, plants that when I looked up from my conversations the crowd was gone! The distractions had worked perfectly!
But.. I'm not an Ancient Warrior for nothing..
I found them, they had all congregated in a large room.. Which I figured would make my search even easier..
I sat in the very back, alone, to observe the proceeding and keep a sharp eye out of Nazi racist child predators and whatnot.. It was pretty boring actually.. And not a SINGLE word about government, the Federal Reserve, banks, corporations or retailers stealing from the American people.. I was a bit disappointed..
I decided I could probably spot and behead the Nazi racist bastards as exited their evil meeting.. So, being much smarter than they, I exited a few minutes early to 'lie in wait'..
But.. alas.. when they came out it was STILL mainly a bunch of f'ing OLD people.. Maybe one or two of them MIGHT have been a racist but I could not be sure enough just by LOOKING at them to lop off their heads.. (I like to be really sure BEFORE I lop off someone's head.. For obvious reasons..)
Then.. the whole damn thing was kinda over..
I figure that maybe someone let the cat out of the bag that an Ancient Warrior could possibly be at the meeting.. So the Nazis and racists were likely hiding.. trembling.. In fear of losing their heads, their life, or perhaps even both..
In any event it was a great weekend adventure into the very teeth of danger and possible bodily injury or even death..
And I met a couple of really cool people..
And some of us got together after it was over and had dinner to help Branson's economy a little..
And, thank God, no one lost their head..
Don't worry, I've got your back. This Ancient Warrior will continue attending Tea Party events to protect you from the evil that lurks hiding somewhere just below the surface..
Greg aka @Ancient_Warrior
I would like to thank you, Ancient Warrior, as well as Mrs. Warrior, Mini Warrior, Sister Warrior and BIL Warrior for putting your lives on the line like that. I'm glad y'all made it out of there without being burned on a stake or something equally as horrible. Who knows what those Nazi racists who allegedly comprise the Tea Party are capable of doing! Coincidentally, I've been looking for Nazi racists at Tea Party events in Indiana and have yet to actually find one. I know they're there, though, because the good folks at MSNBC and CNN tell me they're there, right out in the open! Think maybe we need to buy some special glasses or something to see them?
ReplyDeleteHappy hunting......
Very Skeery
ReplyDeleteGotta love this Prosac Nation Government
ReplyDeletefor jus' trying to make the fog go 'round.
To theme music:
"Waddlin' thru Wally-Mart"
chorus: "makin' sustainability sustainable for ever and ever" and. "Food Stamps for Freedom!
Inspiration time!
(Note to a species in full swarm, directionless)
The measure of wealth:
How many people can you feed, and for how long?(we'd better think about this)
Life, we are told, is about three meals strong;
all the rest, don't you know, is just a consensus trance.
Our Facebook card castles, (gotta love the view!)didn't happen by chance.
Make me "sustainable" with supersize lies,
my light bulbs are squiggly, I got air in my tires
But harvest to harvest is what matters most and-
the patriot farmer is pushing 80, almost toast
(Hey! I'll eat on the Internet, and text till I drop).
For a Disconnect so big, we can't give it a name except
we reap what we sow and Surprise! - we're the crop.
(How's that state-sponsored education workin' out for you?)
Only days, maybe weeks, to get affairs in order,
So lost in our heads, we are stardust, we are golden,its not my problem
you know we'll be cryin':
Feed Me I'm special!
which way to the garden?
[Thank you Well-Fed Neighbor Alliance
volunteers! You fight day and night,
go up high on that mountain!
(with all the love human hearts can command) keep always on the high road, Countrymen!]
Thank you for some great comments folks!
ReplyDeleteI truly appreciate it ;)
I certainly hope everyone could actually SEE the sarcasm in this post.. Well-Fed Neighbor Alliance is a fantastic organization with great ideas for the future of the entire country