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Friday, February 7, 2014

A different story about the #Anunnaki

by Estelle Nora Harwit Amrani
with Enki’s Assistance
from Vibrani Website
January, 1999
up-dated August 3, 2000
recovered through BibliothecaAlexandrina Website



For those of you who are Sitchin fans, you may notice some similarities between his information and mine. I respect the exhaustive research he has done, and the great scholar that he is. He contributed to opening up our planet’s memory of the Anunnaki. Scholastic and intellectual viewpoints and written documents are of value and add one part to understanding who we are. However, I feel we must not rule out our holographic, multidimensional viewpoints as being of equal value.

This is what I present to you.

I don’t agree with all of Sitchin’s data, and I include a lot that he does not. There have been many viewpoints from many different writers about the Anunnaki. Most of my information comes from personal memories and channeled information. And, similarities will also exist between certain channels because deeper truth is consistent; those who can channel or tap into universal energies on their own will also receive many parallels to this story. [My personal memories and more about me and Enki can be found in my article Nakmemories.]

I have something I’d like to add here - the Anunnaki had bases around the world, but primarily in the Middle East - Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Iraq - and in India and South Africa. There are many artifacts that still exist in Iraq but are not allowed to be seen, and the West has not had much access at all to these artifacts of the Anunnaki. It is my understanding that Saddam Hussein has hoarded many of these and kept many in private vaults under the ground. It is my hope that governments will encourage the Iraqi people who have access to these artifacts to bring them out and share them with the world.

Much still lies beneath the sands and it would be fantastic for humanity to be able to uncover the past in this region. Ur, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, was the birthplace of humanity in modern times on Plan-ET Earth, the Garden of Eden, and everyone is entitled to have safe access to it. Therein lies many eophysical keys to remembering who we all are. (Please see the addendum to this article for a more complete explanation of how the war with Iraq is related to the Anunnaki, added April, 2003.)

Special update on May 1, 2003: The Tomb of Gilgamesh is thought to have been found in Iraq. The story can be read here and please note the comments on the canals, which Enki built.



Humans were not only created by G-d, but are also genetically, symbolically and literally, related to a few off-planet civilizations; one particularly known on Earth as the Anunnaki.
[If you believe humans evolved solely from apes, why, then, are there still apes?]
Our story, (a term which replaces "history", because "our story" belongs to all of us), of human life on Earth is often told as creation myths, the planets in the heavens.

But these myths were based on something - - - fact. This is why, around the world, we see the same tales of how one ’god’ was instrumental in assisting humanity during creation, the great flood, bringing knowledge to humanity. All cultures have their own creation stories of the ’gods and goddesses,’ beings on ships that came from the skies (often wearing masks or strange clothing and possessed some amazing abilities), giants (Anakim), war epochs between two sides of a family, and all over the Earth we also share very similar artwork, music and technology, largely based on extraterrestrial activity and intervention. From Lemuria to Atlantis to Sumeria to Egypt. These portray the story of our cosmos, the constellations, sun and moon, and put into human and "god" forms.

Personally, I feel that much of what we attribute to the Anunnaki was not their own doing. For instance, I think that the Anunnaki were limited in their abilities, yet were given credit for doing things that were done by other alien species. But, as human beings saw the Anunnaki as gods and goddesses, they naturally transferred credit to the Annunaki, because they were more tangible, something they could see, make an image of, and so forth. In this article you will see some comparisons between B’raisheet (Genesis) and the written history the Anunnaki.

Although this may not be for everybody (because some people simply aren’t interested or curious about any of this stuff), why could it be of value to examine our past in this particular way, with our connections to extraterrestrials, as well as with our past lifetimes? Because when we re-member more of who we are, why we continue to repeat patterns without understanding them, then we can be more of our whole selves in a way that is free from old baggage. We can have clear knowledge of ourselves, accept ourselves, heal what needs healing, and create what we want to have for our future.

Or, to quote from a popular TV show ("Kung Fu: The Legend Continues"):
"The seeds of destiny are nurtured by our roots in the past."
If you want to know what the Anunnaki looked like, one easy way is to see the crop circle from 2001 called the first Chilbolton Face in Hampshire.

Mention the name Anunnaki to some people and deep within them something stirs; a memory of Earth and Mars - and often there is anger, fear, pain, and confusion about the Anunnaki. People seem to like to blame them for all of Earth’s problems. Some people remember being part of their family, for better or worse.

And yet others don’t want to hear anything about them because it dredges up feelings they’d rather avoid or deny. I even hear stories from people who think that the Anunnaki are vicious reptilians who have been battling for control over the Earth for the last half a million years, and they call all of the shots while we sit here like helpless pawns. I feel that A LOT of what we’ve learned about the Anunnaki was via bad press due to incorrect translations and the need to have a scapegoat. Do I agree with everything the Anunnaki did, or they way in which they did things? No.

They had good sides and also some really awful sides. There were different Anunnaki factions, and there were aliens who gave the impression they were Anunnakis. This article presents some of each. What they did was their responsibility and I’m not about to excuse or even attempt the impossible, which would be to vindicate their actions.

The Anunnaki are archetypal, symbolic, and mythic, too. So, we may each feel a certain personal identification with one or more of them, which is a very interesting phenomenon to investigate. Because people feel a reaction to the Anunnaki, it is a HUGE key that our personal feelings and memories (emotional and cellular) about the Anunnaki still influence us today. In other words, these archetypes are within ourselves. Joseph Campbell stated that, "myths are clues to the spiritual potentialities of the human life." We seek the experience, the rapture of life, and myths help us as guides through life, show us what we are capable of, and mirroring what we feel. We can use the mythology of the Anunnaki as a way to understand and heal ourselves.

From Enki and Enlil, Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Moses and Ramses, Hatshepsut and Tuthmose, Akhenaten’s one god versus the many deities; Inanna (with her insatiable greed for power and adoration who still failed to realize that without her possessions she was nothing); Jehovah and Adoni; Sin (a.k.a. Nanna, Allah); the war over who controls Israel.

We have seen brother go against brother (the main theme), religions and governments against others, men against women and women against men up into current times. I feel it’s time to get over the past (not necessarily forget it), and heal a lot. It is my hope that through such understanding of who we are, we can resolve ancient battles between nations and heal bitterness and hurts that have held us back from fully enjoying our lives and being the creators that we are RIGHT NOW. It’s time to remember who the false gods were and who the real G-d is....the One that is in charge of it all, that is within us; the one that transcends definition.

The return of love/G-d (and the G-d as the common source within us all that is synchronicity, wisdom - love and light) is not only required for our survival, I feel it is eminent. Examining the deep, dark secrets within and healing them can help us accomplish this faster, I think. The most important event that took place when the Anunnakis ruled the Earth was that man rebelled against slavery and demanded sovereignty, and received it. The Anunnaki left. At the end of this article is more information along these lines about what this means for us as a civilization.

My thanks go to my higher self, and Enki for helping me, for all of his love and care he gives to me and to all of life.

In the beginning.....

Please continue reading at the source so you may enjoy the many wonderful links provided there

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