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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

As we approach the end game - My response to the FED

--- Excerpted from full article, link provided below

The Federal Reserve wants to know what you are saying about it. In fact, the Federal Reserve has announced plans to identify “key bloggers” and to monitor “billions of conversations” about the Fed on Facebook, Twitter, forums and blogs. This is yet another sign that the alternative media is having a dramatic impact. As first reported on Zero Hedge, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has issued a “Request for Proposal” to suppliers who may be interested in participating in the development of a “Sentiment Analysis And Social Media Monitoring Solution”. In other words, the Federal Reserve wants to develop a highly sophisticated system that will gather everything that you and I say about the Federal Reserve on the Internet and that will analyze what our feelings about the Fed are. Obviously, any “positive” feelings about the Fed would not be a problem. What they really want to do is to gather information on everyone that views the Federal Reserve negatively. It is unclear how they plan to use this information once they have it, but considering how many alternative media sources have been shut down lately, this is obviously a very troubling sign.


As I have always said.. When/if stating my own opinion on-line becomes a problem for the FED, government or corporations then at that point everyone is screwed anyway!

One of, if not the, most important things in the Constitution of the United States is our guarentee of "free speech"

The twitter account of the Chicago FED once told me how happy they were to have the opportunity, in this country, to disagree on monetary policy.

RT @ChicagoFed Jul 28, 5:18pm via Web
@Ancient_Warrior Thanks for reading & comments. It's always good to hear other ideas. We may not agree but it's good to be able to disagree!

One might wish to contrast that statement with the article excerpted above..

This being 2011 and what with this thing called the internet and all it has become all but impossible for government agencies, including the Federal Reserve, to "hide" the true intentions of their actions.

People have become much more educated about the manipulative policies of all governmental agencies as never before.

In my opinion, we are at a true "turning point" in terms of society and culture. "We" have access to alternative news sources as never before in the history of mankind. And we are using that ability, opportunity, to educate ourselves.

That fact is what is generating fear, bordering on terror, in the hearts and minds of governments and central banks the world over.

No longer can governments and central banks "claim" that the general populous is too "stupid" to understand the "complex maneuvers" of necessity undertaken by "experts" on our behalf.

That has been, and still is, the master plan of "societal control" used by governments, central banks, corporations [central planners] the world over.

However, now "we the people" have access to, dare I say "more" information than those who seek to control us.

In a very real sense the "tables have been turned".

This is but the very beginning..

No longer will the populations of the world be lied to by "experts" who claim only to have their "best interests" at heart.

These "experts" are, as they always have been, hell bent on convincing the general populations of the world that what they themselves do is so incredibly complex that common folks have NO ability to even begin to comprehend their policies, let alone contribute to them in any meaningful way.

I have NEWS for them!

We ARE the 99% ! More and more of us all the time UNDERSTAND what government and central bank policies are truly intended to do! To devalue our currencies in an attempt to cover up their own mismanaged, catastrophic, manipulations of the past! The constant creation of boom / bust cycles in an effort to keep alive a FAILED economic system based solely on DEBT and predatory lending!

The governments and central banks of the world have run the ponzi scheme world economy into the ground and we can SEE by their actions that the ONLY "solution" being offered, as in Europe right now, is the accumulation of STILL MORE DEBT!

This "form of" economics, call it what you will, has proven itself to be an abject FAILURE as it has many times in the past.

THEY (governments central banks and corporations) KNOW that it has now effectively "come to an end"!

So what people are focused on NOW, as they should be, is exactly ?WHAT it is that will follow?!

More control, as we have already seen. A serious "crack-down" on "dissent" as demonstrated so many times over these last few years. From the Department of Homeland security declaring our veterans to be a "domestic terror threat" to the TSA to this very article pointing out the accumulation of "dissenting speech" on the internet.

Things are changing..

However, more and more of the 99% are realizing that and understanding the implications of it everyday.

The 99% are FAR AHEAD of our worthless government representatives when it comes to education for we are all FORCED through "the school of hard knocks"!

Beware because we are onto your inflationary games!

Here is the link to the full article excerpted above The Federal Reserve Plans To Identify “Key Bloggers” And Monitor Billions Of Conversations please be sure and read the full article to educate yourselves..


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