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The Science of Getting Rich: CHAPTER VII [excerpt] by Wallace D. Wattles #Gratitude

--- Gratitude THE ILLUSTRATIONS GIVEN IN THE LAST CHAPTER will have conveyed to the reader the fact that the first step toward getting ...

Friday, July 16, 2010

REAL #HOPE & #CHANGE Yes we can!

There are many things we can do to fight back against government interference with and manipulation of our lives... And the cool thing, to me anyway, is that none of them are illegal or violent.

If enough of us, Americans, truly want to change once and for all the way things operate in the United States we can do so... Yes we can!

I'll lay out a few ideas on how this can be done in a moment...

However, as *I* see it anyway, even though we have the internet, which is great, we still are not communicating very well... We're too fragmented. I may get 10 people to read this post, maybe 15 or 20, 35 on a really good day lol It's not that I want to be a world famous blogger...

It's that I KNOW if we could somehow figure out a way for MILLIONS of Americans to take action at the same time we could correct our government, our politicians, our markets and our economy... When you look over these 'ideas' try to imagine what would happen if the entire Tea Party tried to effect just a few of them... Millions of people, 20 to 30% of the population...

That takes better communication and coordination, actual planning and execution of goals. There truly is power in numbers...

My only 'desire' is to fix things the way they are supposed to be... The United States should stand for freedom, justice, liberty and 'fair' representation in Washington. REAL people, not life long political idiots... Not governmental and financial elites... As I'm fond of saying, even anarchy (The term anarchism derives from the Greek ἄναρχος, anarchos, meaning "without rulers") may be better than that... Better than tyranny and oppression by a tiny group of elites.

Anyway... on to a few of *my* legal, nonviolent ideas that, in my opinion, would change the face of this nation for the better, flush out the corruption and manipulation and put the power back into the hands of the people, which is where it should have been all along...

I think #1 on my list would be to end governmental and federal reserve interference and manipulation of our economy and markets. End the blatant FRAUD.

STOP borrowing! The main cause of our current economic problems is debt / credit! The only solution the government and ?FED have for the problem is to once AGAIN ramp up lending and borrowing! It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard... Stay on track. Reduce your debt, don't add to it...

IF you ALREADY borrowed TOO MUCH! Then file for, chapter 7 ONLY, bankruptcy! You can TAKE BACK all of your money from the banks and whoever else you OWE it to! Your CREDIT will suck but at this point who cares?! Obviously you probably shouldn't have had CREDIT in the first place... Lord...

If 'they' try to tell you that you only QUALIFY for chapter 11 BANKRUPTCY then... CHARGE SOME MORE! Go get yourself a NEW CAR, you can KEEP it after the BANKRUPTCY. Buy a new 60" plasma 3D HD TV! Put a freaking POOL in the backyard! Wait 12 months and talk to your LAWYER again...

Chapter 7 ONLY! Screw the banks I say...

Nobody is in the market anymore anyway, except the 'manipulators', so we can scratch that one... Thanks, in part, to the May 6 'flash crash' whatever TF that means...

IF you are finding it difficult to FEED your family then STOP paying some bills! Preferably 30% INTEREST rate credit card bills... Walk away from your mortgage if you have to... Your FAMILY is worth it. Take care of yourself and your family FIRST!

Please see information about effects on your CREDIT SCORE in the BANKRUPTCY section.

Stop spending as much as possible... Purchases, for now, should be needs based, not wants based...

Limit your purchases with plastic and OF plastic! The electronics industry operates in the reverse of supply and demand laws/rules! The electronics industry is the OPPOSITE of supply and demand! And *I*, king of conspiracy, have figured out why that is... (It has bothered me for a long time lol). The more people who WANT (ie; envy, lust after) an electronic product, LCD HD TV, iPhone 4 (lol), the CHEAPER it becomes. Try that with GOLD lol

It's because the 'supply' side is limitless... They are only selling you chunks of plastic in various 'shapes' with various electronic circuitry attached... Americans spend BILLIONS of dollars a year on PLASTIC that can simply be melted and 'shaped' into anything you want. The electronics industry is an economic bastard, it has no father... it's all merely a trick to sell you TONS of cheap plastic and cheap electronics...

Become a 'shopper' NOT a 'consumer'... We, each and every one of us, control the prices of the products and services we buy. When/if we REFUSE to pay INFLATED prices the prices WILL come down. It's called 'deflation', maybe you have heard of it... It does NOT deserve the bad reputation it has, in my opinion...

This economic 'environment' is becoming ever more 'competitive' right now because they ALL want more of YOUR MONEY. Make them work for it like you have to... Shop for quality and price, it's not that hard to do... Never forget 'they' want 'your' money... Force them to work for it with quality products & services at great prices with great customer service. That's how 'they' are SUPPOSED to be/act. If someone refuses to play then screw them, you don't need them, they need you... Call businesses on bullsh*t, let them know you are watching what they do and are not going to put up with price manipulations or any of their dirty tricks (there are MANY that they employ, rebates that never pay, complexity to separate them from you, etc...).

Get educated! The internet may be the single most amazing thing that mankind has EVER created! It's NOT only a 'porn' portal or 'game' portal... Work on your 'mind', be active, do your very best to be an educated, freedom loving American... And VOTE! Throw the 'bums' out, as they used to say... Bring some integrity and honesty back to Washington. Don't be 'distracted' by 'issues'. Be they abortion or race, libertarianism or religious dogma, health care or immigration... They are all nothing more than government engineered 'wedge issues' designed to divide the population of our great nation along ideological lines. Our government WANTS us to be 'distracted' and 'divided' while they pursue their backroom 'deals' with bribery and threats...

Learn to take care of yourself... Don't be 'dependent' on government for anything... government may not always be able to provide for you... Have the supplies you need on hand, take up gardening as a fun, healthy hobby. I like cooking too...

If millions of people, individuals, did just some of these things, as they apply to their own life situation, the way America operates would change in a big hurry... The entire oligarchy would collapse...

But how do you possibly get millions of people on the same page to take the same actions?

That, I don't know...


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